Saturday, May 23, 2020

Digital Communication, By Sherry Turkle Essay - 1491 Words

Digital Communication From the beginning when humans developed the written word, novel forms of technology in all of its forms, have been hailed as potential saviors of our society or as the harbinger of its downfall. Modern communication methods such as texting, tweeting, IM’ing, and other forms of digital interaction have been credited as a new wave in learning techniques or as the end of verbal exchange and intelligence in today’s youth. Various authors have offered their opinions either for or against nonverbal digital dialog backed by differing amounts of personal and structured research. In the essay â€Å"No Need to Call†, originally published in the book Alone Together author Sherry Turkle, program director at MIT, Turkle discusses how new forms of digital communication may be robbing society of the ability and art of vocal communication in person and on the telephone. Turkle offers in her essay, examples of how individuals avoid the use of telephone tech nology and the reasoning behind their choices. Michaela Cullington graduated with a Master’s Degree in speech and language pathology offers in her essay, â€Å"Does Texting Affect Writing† that the abbreviated way we write in our texts has had little effect on our ability to create a formal piece of intelligent writing despite public fears that it will be the downfall of the written word. Digital communication methods can harbor many other pitfalls that must be navigated by today’s society. Our society’s love/hateShow MoreRelatedDoes Technology Affect Us As Human Beings?930 Words   |  4 PagesMIT University named Sherry Turkle seems to claim that all this digital communication we have access to now is not such a good thing. Turkle has a sample of an essay of hers in the book, They Say, I Say. 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