Saturday, May 23, 2020
Digital Communication, By Sherry Turkle Essay - 1491 Words
Digital Communication From the beginning when humans developed the written word, novel forms of technology in all of its forms, have been hailed as potential saviors of our society or as the harbinger of its downfall. Modern communication methods such as texting, tweeting, IM’ing, and other forms of digital interaction have been credited as a new wave in learning techniques or as the end of verbal exchange and intelligence in today’s youth. Various authors have offered their opinions either for or against nonverbal digital dialog backed by differing amounts of personal and structured research. In the essay â€Å"No Need to Call†, originally published in the book Alone Together author Sherry Turkle, program director at MIT, Turkle discusses how new forms of digital communication may be robbing society of the ability and art of vocal communication in person and on the telephone. Turkle offers in her essay, examples of how individuals avoid the use of telephone tech nology and the reasoning behind their choices. Michaela Cullington graduated with a Master’s Degree in speech and language pathology offers in her essay, â€Å"Does Texting Affect Writing†that the abbreviated way we write in our texts has had little effect on our ability to create a formal piece of intelligent writing despite public fears that it will be the downfall of the written word. Digital communication methods can harbor many other pitfalls that must be navigated by today’s society. Our society’s love/hateShow MoreRelatedDoes Technology Affect Us As Human Beings?930 Words  | 4 PagesMIT University named Sherry Turkle seems to claim that all this digital communication we have access to now is not such a good thing. Turkle has a sample of an essay of hers in the book, They Say, I Say. The name of the essay is â€Å"No Need to Call,†and Sherry Turkle s claims could be implied by this quote from her essay, â€Å"subscribing to a new etiq uette, claiming the need for efficiency in a realm where efficiency is costly.†Turkle believes that us using digital communication has costly repercussionsRead MorePhones Down, Faces Up Sherry Turkle s Stop Googling Essay1482 Words  | 6 PagesPhones Down, Faces Up Sherry Turkle’s â€Å"Stop Googling. Let’s Talk†article was published on September 26, 2015 in The New York Times. The author explains that college students spend more time on their phones than talking face-to-face. Turkle mentions that parents have realized this at the dinner table with their kids or just trying to have a conversation with them. Teenagers and young adults claim that they can multitask and understand what the person is saying while being preoccupied. 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For the room for debate section, the New York Times holds a discussion on â€Å"DoesRead MoreAnalysis Of Sherry Turrkle The Flight From Conversation958 Words  | 4 PagesProfessor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sherry Turkle, in her New York Times article â€Å"The Flight from Conversation†, identifies society’s declining ability to connect with each other on a person-to-person basis. Turkle’s purpose is to highlight the importance of human interaction with the absence of technology. She supports her argument concerning technologyâ₠¬â„¢s negative implications on people’s interactions amongst each other by the following:Read MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Society956 Words  | 4 Pagestechnology has had a lasting effect on the people of this generation. Tasks are done faster; life is more efficient. But the same efficiency that has made our quality of life better, has a hand in decreasing the quality of relationships around us. Sherry Turkle and Zeynep Tufekci both believe social media has done well to our society, but disagree on whether or not it is making human relationships grow apart. Social media is a double-edged sword; it brings people together that are physically apart byRead MoreDoes Technology Make Us More Alone And Anti Social?845 Words  | 4 Pagesside of the world together, but pushing the ones near you away from each other. Sherry Turkle in her book, â€Å"Alone Together†, explains how our relationship with the computer has changed over time. She adds in the decade, comput ers have introduced us to a new sense of place, empowered people to live parallel lives in the virtual world, and we are more focused on the technical world than our close friends and contacts (Turkle, 7). We are leaning toward the technology and rather find ourselves happier inRead MoreDigital Communication And Its Effects On Our Society1599 Words  | 7 PagesDigital communication through today’s technology is empowering our society and strengthening human relationships through connecting us in ways that are impossible through organic human to human interaction. This exceptionally innovative technology was once only imaginable in science fiction literature, and is now a reality for most of humanity. We use this form of communication on a daily basis throughout the planet. We rarely stop to think about how wondrous and seemingly magical this advanced technologyRead MoreEssay on New technologies dismiss social relationships1565 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"technologiza tion†has grown exponentially since the nineties and the beginning of the Internet, which has significantly decreased boundaries of communication. Some expert agreed that new technologies would make communication and exchange easier, and thus give an incentive to communicate with other people. However, those change have caused communication to change and people have totally change their way to communicate. Ever since people have become increasingly dependent on those technologies because
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1320 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Tags: Henrietta Lacks Essay Did you like this example? The story of Henrietta Lacks has several settings but the most important of them is her hometown. Located in Clover, Virginia, Henrietta inhabits a small town characterized by farming and agriculture. In fact, the log cabin she lived in for quite some time was the slave quarters of a tobacco plantation where she spent her younger years helping her grandfather. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" essay for you Create order Since this occurred prior to any of the civil rights movements of the later 20th century, her ethnicity and race were undermined greatly, one of the biggest health disparities she faced. Furthermore, she lived with her cousin who she eventually birthed several children to out of incestual marriage. These social determinants of health arguably set the tone for her lifes story and the unfortunate events that would come. More importantly, this story serves as evidence of how ones background and environment can impact their health and well-being. Given her race, ethnicity, ancestral background, and low level of education, it is clear that social expectations of her are extremely low, if not nonexistent. Whereas the incestual relationship with her first cousin was not socially acceptable, I believe that Henrietta in part, needed it for survival.        The other half of the story takes place in Baltimore, Maryland where Henrietta and her husband move to after talking with another cousin. This evidence shows the importance of family in Henriettas life. In a world where negros are viewed as less than equal and still discriminated upon regularly, living in the right setting is critical to their lives. Baltimore was also the location of Johns Hopkins Hospital, which would inevitably play a crucial role in her life. It is worth noting that at this time in the mid 20th century, healthcare and medical research was in the developmental stage. The concept of informed consent was rarely practiced and standardized laws regarding patient records and privacy were not valued.        Henrietta Lacks is the main character of the story. She is a black woman who is diagnosed with cervical cancer. Although she eventually dies, the cells found in her tumor would be the backbone of medical vaccines and treatments in later years. Henrietta is married to David Lacks, her first cousin who impregnates her at the early age of 14. Together, they have 5 children, one of which suffers a developmental disability. Other main characters include her children. Deborah Lacks, the daughter of Henrietta, was highly responsible for the information Rebecca Skloot details in the novel. Joe Lacks, the youngest son of Henrietta, suffers great setbacks from his mothers passing and in time winds up in jail which show the negative impacts on the lives of her family. Lucille Pleasant (Henriettas maiden name), is the daughter of Henrietta who is disabled. According to the book and some external research, it is believed that her condition is the result of syphilis she contacted from her father while in utero. This could thus serve as another example of how her determinants of health were the result her environment. The final main character of the story is Dr. George Gey, the scientist who was able to successfully turn the HeLa cells into an immortal cell line. He takes the role of the antagonist who used her cells without permission and is believed to have made an exorbitant amount of profit from it.        The story of Henriettas life as told by Rebecca Skloot details a sad story full of victimization and predation. Henrietta Lacks gets diagnosed with cervical cancer in the early 1950s. She undergoes various treatments including radiation and biopsies. When they remove samples of her cervix without her knowing, they discover that her cells are different from most human cells of the like. Instead of dying quick ly, her cells have a much longer duration of life. When Dr. George Gey receives them, he manipulates and tests them extensively. Ultimately, he develops a line of cells that are immortal. Eventually, they would be used to create the Polio vaccine which would lead the medical world to erupt in curiosity and research. The cells were then cloned and used by researchers from all around to study, test, and develop new breakthroughs about many of the diseases which plague society. Henriettas cells were taken without her consent which raises several questions about ethics and procedures. On top of that, she did not receive compensation for the profit made over her cells. The story thus details the journey her and her family went on to carry after her death in 1951 to reclaim the rights to Henriettas cells.        The book showcases many themes, all with significant applications to the real world. First and foremost, ethics. HeLa cells were harvested without the consent of Henrietta or her family. This was an invasion of privacy which then turned a profit at their expense. Another theme involves the religion of the family who viewed her death as the result of harm from doctors. They see the HeLa cells not as immortal, but as the soul of her body reincarnated. The science-made immortality contradicts with their beliefs which also violates the ethics of the research. Lastly, the book shows the bias of institutionalized racism that came with the development of HeLa cells. White doctors who undermined the privacy and consent of Henrietta are proof of social injustices committed by providers.        One of the biggest problems Henrietta faces mirror her social determinants of health. As a black woman in the early 20th century, she was subjected to racism and was exploited by doctors with no regard for her privacy or ethics. Her poor economic status and low education put her at the mercy of the doctors as well as led her to make poor, life impacting decisions. With no access to healthcare, she was unable to get pre-natal care or learn that her husband may have had a sexually transmitted disease, thus causing her children to have medical issues.        Lack of literacy was also responsible for much of the problems the family faced after her death. The Lacks family was characterized by little education and even less health literacy. They are unable to understand much of what the doctors tell them, leaving them in the dark. The stark difference between the education and terms used by the doctors and lack of education of the Lacks leads to a gap in comprehension. Poor communication between the two leave them ignorant to what is being done with their mothers cells. Furthermore, language barriers between the family and doctors impedes communication even more. This combined with little patience or empathy leaves the Lacks with nothing but hatred and mistrust.        Another major problem faced in this situation is the lack of cultural competence on the doctors behalves. They were unable to provide effective health care to the Lacks due to their absence of awareness. Doctors were not only affected by implicit biases when they removed the cells without her consent, but also failed to consider its impact on the family. Therefore, they overstepped religious boundaries as set by the familys supernatural beliefs. Furthermore, their attitude regarding the Lacks understanding of what was happening contributed to the mistrust of health care providers. Consequently, no knowledge of the Lacks or their cultural values were ever taken into consideration. The combined effects of Henriettas social determinants of health, low literacy, and the lack of cultural competence by the doctors contributed to the health disparities the Lacks family endured. As a result, we can learn from this story as future healthcare providers. It shows how as a provider, we must cons ider the background of the patient including their environment and social settings to understand them better. We must also be cognizant of how we communicate with them as it is important that they understand the situation fully. Lastly, we must be aware of the cultural difference between the provider and the patient and take those into consideration because of the impact they may have on them or their family.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Of Mice and Men Commentary Free Essays
â€Å"Of Mice and Men†is a novel written by the 1962 Nobel Prize winner, John Steinbeck. It is an emotional tale of the extraordinary friendship between George and Lennie, who are traveling workers in the harsh depression years of the 1930s. George is a caring person whose love to Lennie is just like a father-son relationship, where Lennie, a mentally challenged man whose strength lies in body rather than brain, appears to be very dependent on George. We will write a custom essay sample on Of Mice and Men Commentary or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Of Mice and Men†teaches a universal theme about the nature of human beings that a person whose power exists over another turns corrupt. Steinbeck exploits the theme of power and control in his novel through the extensive use of sexism, racial discrimination, and the power of the strong over the weak. Sexism is the belief that one sex is superior over the other. In â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, Steinbeck undoubtedly shows that the power is centered on the majority sex, which is the males, against the minority, the females, where in this novel is â€Å"Curley’s wife†. By simply keeping the character nameless and using the expression â€Å"Curley’s wife†to identify her is a clear example of referring to her as an object without any respect rather than a person. Curley’s wife†shows how women during the early 1900s were inferior under the men. She is merely the spouse of Curley as far as all the men in the ranch are concerned. â€Å"They are only forced to relate to her through Curley; if they fear him or want no trouble, the men will stay away from her. George, for example, ha s set goals in his mind that he is committed to, thus he will stay away from her in order not to get into any trouble. On the other hand, if they do not fear anyone, they can enjoy their time with the intention of forming a physical relationship with her. Lennie, whose childish mind cannot comprehend why he should stay away from Curley’s wife, falls into the trap and gets severe consequences for doing so. â€Å"She is simply a person living in the ranch with the purpose of only to obey Curley with no voice to complain to. All the men including Curley may go to the â€Å"cathouse†and enjoy their time; Curley’s wife on the other hand, may not dare to do the same, along with Crooks. During the 1900s, racial discrimination was widely used throughout America, a land that is filled with various ethnic groups. Steinbeck portrays the cruel racist manner that is used throughout on the stable buck, Crooks. He lives a separate, isolated life under everyone in the ranch, and is incapable to protest, merely because he is black. He is terribly labeled with the epithet of a â€Å"nigger†from everyone else. Steinbeck portrays him as an unfortunate man for being born black with no power at all and may not do anything about it. He is not allowed to enter any white man’s room, and to slightly raise his own degraded dignity, does the same, not allowing any white man to his room; although he only says so, it is not necessarily true as we later on see that George and candy enter. Crooks is a person where all the sorrows and miseries of another can be thrown on him because he is powerless to object. As soon as Curley’s wife feels insulted from him and Candy, she threatens him verbally, using her superior social status as a white woman, â€Å"Well you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung out in a tree so easy it ain’t even funny†. Although most people in the ranch appear to want friendship, they all live with hidden fear of each other. The years of the great depression left everyone trying to look stronger and better than the other, or otherwise the strong will get rid of them; the killing of Candy’s dog is a great symbol for that which makes it clear. Candy’s dog is ought to get shot and killed, even though it has spent its lifetime with Candy, because it is now old and useless. The stronger, in this case man (Carlson), mercilessly shoots Candy’s dog, who knew nothing of his grief fate. Candy then sees his reflection upon the killing of his dog, that he will soon get too old and therefore useless, which will then have him left alone. This pushes him into desperately asking George to permit him to join with him and Lennie for the pursuit of their own dream ranch, â€Å"Tha’s three hundred an’ fifty bucks I’d put in, I ain’t much good, but I could cook and tend the chickens and hoe the garden some†. On the contrary, Curley is a man who takes advantage of his authority and power to oppress and mock others to make himself seem stronger and even more powerful. He uses his power and gender to boss around with workers of his ranch and his wife, respectively. However, when he chose to do so towards Lennie, Lennie reacts angrily and smashes his hand. Through the intense use of sexism, racial discrimination, and the power of the strong over the weak, Steinbeck successfully exploits the theme of power and control. Whether it is mentally, physically, or money wise, power seems to be moving from one person to another depending on the situation. Perhaps it really is the roots of evil; that occurs as a result of someone realizing his power over others, and then uses it for his own personal desires, while taking advantage of others. In other words, as the Arabic proverb professes, a person’s power and freedom is corrupt when it limits the power and freedom of another. How to cite Of Mice and Men Commentary, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Crime rate free essay sample
Nowadays, it is clear that the crime rate is increasing in our country. More and more crimes have happened for a long time. People are feeling unsecured with the crime situation and the fear of being a victim to keep increasing. The government has been taken some action to overcome these problems. However, it is not enough to reduce all incidences of crime. There are several steps or measures which can be taken to reduce the crime rate in Malaysia. First of all, it has to enact laws which impose stiffer penalties on criminals. It means that the government should reorganize, rearrange and investigate it properly. For example, the case of kidnappings and assaults should be extending the penalty of criminals. Apart from that, residents should set up neighborhood watch schemes around their housing area. Each house needs to have one person to guarded at night. They have a responsibility to go around the housing area. We will write a custom essay sample on Crime rate or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It can be two people are guarded for a night which a scheme can cover a single street, an apartment complex, a part or the whole of a housing estate. Last but not least, policemen should patrol the residential areas frequently. Policemen should set their booth around the residential areas. For instance, it has a few policemen guard at their booth and some of them should walk around there. In a nutshell, it is difficult to solve these problems in a short duration. The cooperation of all people is necessary in order to prevent personal safety. In my view, all of the above steps or measures will be effectively. Therefore, we will have safe and comfortable life.
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