Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Time Of The Butterflies - 1079 Words
Thomas C. Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor allows people to take books that they normally wouldn’t think to analyze in a certain way and opens a whole new spectrum on literature. In the TIme of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez connects with the idea and principles of Foster’s book if you take a deep look in the book you are reading. Like Foster says in chapter seven or the bible, In the Time of the Butterflies is a literary work able to connect with this chapter, having a bible reference to extend or emphasize the story thematically. In the book Alvarez informs us that this takes place during Trujillo s reign over the Dominican Republic in the 1930’s to the 1960’s. Throughout history dictators have risen and fallen all across the world. Many have been seen as evil, and sometimes good to others, but no matter what a persons view tend to be there are some who even consider them god. Due to a dictators extensive powers and complete con trol over every aspect of a persons life this is what comes to be. Trujillo is just the same, at first his true motives were questioned and it wasn’t apparent to all what he really was. As the Mirabel sisters grow up it becomes clear that Trujillo is in control of more of their lives than it may seemed. Trujillo leads a complete authoritarian rule over the Dominican Republic with spies everywhere, this can suggest that he trying to assume the role of a terrible god, who is always watching and ready to punish. While allShow MoreRelatedIn the Time of Butterflies988 Words  | 4 PagesAmanda Jeffries In The Time Of The Butterflies From 1930 until 1961, General Leonidas Trujillo held absolute control of the Dominican Republic. His alliance and support from the army, church, and wealthy families and also the press were the foundation of his dictatorship. His formula to remain in power was simple: murder anyone who opposed him. Therefore anyone who wanted a fair government was declared an enemy of the state. General Trujillo wanted everyone to reproduce based on color. MoreRead MoreThe Time Of The Butterflies884 Words  | 4 PagesIsabella Czech FSP Dr. Ortiz- Villarelle November 5, 2015 Rafael Trujillo, a Dominican dictator, developed a harsh reputation as being one of the most violent and domineering leaders of South America in his thirty-one years of power. In The Time of the Butterflies, Julia Alvarez provides insight into the effects of Trujillo’s infamy by sharing the stories of three Dominican sisters and their struggles to gain independence and speak their truth. The Dominican-American author dramatizes the lives of theRead MoreIn The Time Of The Butterflies Analysis931 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"In the Time of the Butterflies†takes place in the Dominican Republic in the 1960s. The author, Julia Alvarez is a native of the country, but moved to the US at a young age. She first heard about the sisters roughly around 1986 and instantly felt the need to share their story with the world. In the book, Alvarez tells the story of the Mirabal sisters and their fight for freedom against the Dominican dictator Trujillo. Rafael Trujillo reigned for about 30 years until his assassination in May of 1961Read MoreAnalysis Of In The Time Of The Butterflies1050 Words  | 5 Pages In the Time of the Butterflies during the 1940s, in the Dominican Republic, the ruler or dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo punished people if they didn’t do as he told them and plenty of other cruel things. He ruled for about 30 years, so the people were tortured for quite a long time. He became the dictator by eliminating everyone who had power above him. He even married his wives just to use them to get the the top and control everyone. It was just an unfair way to handle things and an unfairRead MoreIn the Time of the Butterflies Essay1255 Words  | 6 PagesThe â€Å"Revered†Dictator â€Å"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.†(Andre Gide) In the novel, In the Time of the Butterflies, written by Julia Alvarez, four sisters are led through a risk infested journey in which they must overcome hindrances with hollow consequences. This historical fiction novel takes us through a rollercoaster of events, incorporating everything from the partialities towards women, to life below the oppressive administration of theRead MoreSummary Of The Time Of The Butterflies 969 Words  | 4 PagesThreefoot Butterflies In-class Essay Question: How do the Mirabal sisters use courage in the novel? The Courage of the Butterflies If the average person wanted to stand up to adversity, would they have the courage to do it? In the historical-fiction novel, In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez, the four Mirabal sisters (Dedà ©, Minerva, Marà a, and Patria) stand up to adversity and join a revolution against the tyrannical Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic. In their own time, all ofRead MoreIn The Time Of The Butterflies Essay1503 Words  | 7 Pagesharsh dictator. In the book In the time of the Butterflies, the four Mirabal sisters perspectives are impacted by the underground movement against Trujillo because of each of their involvement with the revolution. In the novel In the Time of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez, Minerva had the biggest involvement in the underground revolution against Trujillo which greatly affected her perspective. When Minerva was little she clearly stated that â€Å"it’s about time that women took over the government†Read MoreEssay on In the Time of the Butterflies Patria1516 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Her Everlasting Faith Death is a word associated with loss, grief and sadness, but in the novel In the Time of the Butterflies we see death in a whole new perspective; martyrdom. Strong, independent, caring, honest, and having firm beliefs are all characteristics we see in a martyr especially in Patria. In the novel we explore the wonders of Julia Alvarez’s writing and get to witness Patria as a martyr and an individual who fought for the right of women against a dictator: Trujillo. As an individualRead MoreThe Time Of The Butterflies By Julia Alvarez1201 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Dominican Republic and the United States and for meticulous investigations of cultural stereotypes. In the Time of the Butterflies is a historical novel by Julia Alvarez. It follows the lives of the four Mirabal sisters in the Dominican Republic during the time of the Trujillo dictatorship. These four sisters: Dedà ©, Patria, Minerva, Maria Teresa, were Las Mariposas, â€Å"The Butterflies†and were symbols of defiant hope in a country shadowed by dictatorship and despair. They sacrificed their safeRead MoreThe Time Of The Butterflies By Julia Alvarez903 Words  | 4 PagesThe struggle for equality has existed for thousands of years. The first decree of human rights was drafted by King Cyrus in 539 BCE and is still an evolving issue today (Finkel). The book In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez is a historical fiction novel written to tell the tale of the Mirabal sisters and their struggle against a dictator in the Dominican Republic. As women, the sisters were objects of discrimination by the dictator’s regime. Their struggle against obstacles forced consequences
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Most Incredibly Overlooked Solution for Research Question Essay about Education Samples
The Most Incredibly Overlooked Solution for Research Question Essay about Education Samples Include the conclusions that you arrived at as a consequence of your discussions in the preceding sections. Then list all the questions which you'd like answered yourself. All the reference items begin with the title of the information supply. You're also anticipated to use the four headings of the four sections detailed below. Vital Pieces of Research Question Essay about Education Samples Needless to say, the outcome has to be lasting and positive. An extremely motivated work force tends to attain great outcomes. You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the proper style. In the event the sample is a representation of what you want to see on your paper, they may just be the remedy to your issue. A young child cannot survive unaided for at least the initial four to five decades. Infant feeding practices refer generally to fit the nutritional and imm unological needs of the infant. In reality, education is the procedure for information exchange between men and women in the exact generations in addition to between different time periods. Choosing Research Question Essay about Education Samples Is Simple Contribution will be contingent on voluntary facets. Education serves to make room for technological advancements in the sphere of medicine and agriculture. Once you've produced a question, think about just what the path you feel the response will take. You would like to investigate a problem and produce your own ideas about it, not merely report on somebody else's findings. It is possible to say a lot of things about this issue, but everything you say will be at an extremely basic or survey level. Nothing was too much challenge for me. What You Should Do to Find Out About Research Question Essay about Education Samples Before You're Left Behind Write an Informative College life Essay You are going to have a great deal o f great suggestions and college life highlights to have in your essay. So let's dig somewhat deeper and focus on a great question that can cause great research and a strong thesis which you will have the ability to argue and support throughout your paper! You might also compose a narrative essay to talk about your story about traditional or internet learning. The finest persuasive short essays often concentrate on controversial problems. If you don't understand how to start writing the essay the task might prove to be daunting at first, you can wonder what things to do with the examples you've found online. Others will provide you with general guidelines only. New Step by Step Roadmap for Research Question Essay about Education Samples Every legit writing company should have samples out there for their customers and prospective clients to have a look at. Or you might perhaps concentrate on a single component (for instance, classroom management) and discuss how each school handles the circumstance. Otherwise, students are sure to create plagiarized papers. Human rights are extremely emphasized in Canada. Through employment, one is ready to pay for a good living. Educational process is a fundamental portion of our living. It reduces poverty in a number of ways. Research questionnaires are usually printed to a huge number of respondents in a specific location. They often intend to ask for a respondent's opi nion on a certain topic or issue. They are essential tools used in the collection of data for the research. If a research questionnaire has close-ended questions, respondents are expected to opt for an answer from a specific number of choices given for each question. Characteristics of Research Question Essay about Education Samples Furthermore, school assignments aren't much everyday, but they are extremely important and useful to finish. Apparently, it's not sufficient to focus all of your waking hours on school. High school students study the exact same courses together regardless of what they intend to take in the universities, and thus it is difficult for them to understand what they're interested in. When you've completed all that, you are going to be prepared to begin contemplating making your research question. The ideal essay topics on culture are the ones which you have chosen for yourself. Dependent on the factors of fiction or true events, there are two forms of college life essays you'll be able to write. The most significant thing is to find out the way the culture essay example will guide you.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Randalls Department Stores free essay sample
Department stores encountered a quandary surrounding their pricing strategies: Should they continue to pursue Every Day Low Pricing strategies coupled with frequent promotions or determine a narrow focus on one or the other? If this is preferable, then which one will reap the biggest benefits for the department store? Competitors were aggressively promoted their established brand promotions with more fervor than ever, and Randall’s was slipping in market dominance. A decision had to be made regarding their pricing policy henceforth. Sales data shows that Every Day Low Pricing was not a preferable strategy. Armed with this knowledge, Randall’s must execute a strategy of changing prices so that there is no confusion with the consumer as to what they can provide: Quality products at consistently low prices. With the elimination of erratic and deeply discounted promotions, Randall’s can begin a new era of consistent sales cycles and profitable returns in a marketing environment which is receptive to this development. We will write a custom essay sample on Randalls Department Stores or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page #1 – There are several distinct advantages to having a more stable and single-level pricing structure. A commitment to this would mean a significant decline in store promotions, but it can be argued that the benefits outweigh the detriments. First, the money that could be saved on largely eliminating sales events accumulates to become a substantial savings pot for the company per year. Secondly, staff members would not be so taxed. Process adjustments borne by the need to honor their guarantee of matching a competitor’s price or paying back the difference if they were to reduce their own requires extra staff that is unnecessary under a stable pricing structure. Another benefit of this strategy is a better inventory turnover ratio. Daily sales can be better predicted and more consistent when the prices to not fluctuate constantly. The cost of residual merchandise to be sold in clearance events at the end of the season is too great when Randall’s is forced to mark these down at even deeper price discounts. This strategic advantage also spawns another: a lesser chance of stockouts. These occurred when a popular item was discounted unnecessarily. The item sold so fast that there were no more left to sell, and those products would have sold regardless without a significant discount. Stockouts can be recognized as revenue forgone when a stable pricing strategy is not implemented. This strategy enables the merchants to be able to dedicate more time and effort to planning their calculated assortment coupled with enhanced service measures. With this comes the success experienced when loyalty to the Randall’s brand is fostered through excellent customer care and superior product presentation established. A store-wide adoption of stable pricing could allow Randall’s to establish a reputation for good value, even in the sea of competitors who continued their fierce promotions. #2 – The introduction of a more leveled pricing was largely unsuccessful in many categories, but successful in certain others. The children’s clothing department enjoyed a relative price inelastic demand structure. This department enjoyed great success derived from implementing Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP) because the children’s merchandise sold carried a lower initial mark-up than formerly and was scarcely promoted at discount prices, if even once a season. The reason EDLP fell flat in many other areas, including jewelry and men’s suits, is because the quality perception of jewelry and suits can be compromised when prices are low from the outset with peripheral promotions going on, consumers anticipate similar discounts on these premier items when they are already at low prices. #3 – In the future, Randall’s should try to stabilize prices going forward. This recommendation comes in light of the fact that the only department which thrived under was Children’s. But there has already been too much damage done in the perceptual minds of the Randall’s consumers – their image has been compromised. The confusion as to whether Randall’s is a more like a Marshall’s or like a JC Penny’s. With a consistent commitment to lower-level initial mark-ups with few discount promotions, the short surges in revenue seen by sales events will not be as great as the steady revenue brought by the sales of a consumer confident in the quality and competitive price of the Randall’s item. Randall’s can’t follow in the footsteps of high-profile competitor Prescott’s and run aggressive sales events if they are not committed to promoting as hard, if not harder than this competitor. The sales will fall short every time and leave Emily Caroline Randall back where they started – riding the promotion wave, with the breaker close on the horizon. Please see Appendix A for a detailing of the specific plan of execution for Randall’s executives to changes prices and stabilize them store-wide. With this plan of action, Randall’s can be armed for an era of consistent pricing and steady sales cycles – at no expense to their quality perception.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Irving Independent School District V. Amber Tatro Essay Example
Irving Independent School District V. Amber Tatro Paper Running Head: Irving Independent School District v. Amber Tatro Irving Independent School District v. Amber Tatro Warner University A child with disabilities is a major focus in today’s education. Achieving my Bachelors in Special Education, I need to be aware of the need to ensure appropriate education for all children with disabilities. â€Å"The education of children with disabilities is a top national priority. Our nation’s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), sets high standards for their achievement and guides how special help and services are made available in schools to address their individual needs (National Dissemination)†. This is my biggest challenge. I feel with the right tools and help with administration; my job will guarantee a bright future for my students with disabilities. I came across a case, Irving Independent School District v. Amber Tatro. The findings of this case gave me some insight on the statues and limitations that I as an educator have to abide by. But it also gave me hope that we the educators have the right to make such access meaningful to handicapped children. Amber Tatro was born with spina bifida. â€Å"As a result, she suffers from orthopedic and speech impairments and a neurogenic bladder, which prevents her from emptying her bladder voluntarily. We will write a custom essay sample on Irving Independent School District V. Amber Tatro specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Irving Independent School District V. Amber Tatro specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Irving Independent School District V. Amber Tatro specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Consequently, she must be catheterized (CIC), a procedure involving the insertion of a catheter into the urethra to drain the bladder, has been prescribed. The procedure is a simple one that may be performed in a few minutes by a layperson with less than an hour’s training (Irving)†. If CIC is not performed every three to four hours, it could cause injury of the kidneys. In 1979, Amber Tatro was provided special education with an individualized education program under the requirements of the Education of the Handicapped Act. This provided Amber with special services while attending early childhood development classes. Amber’s individualized education program however, did not provide administrative remedies to secure CIC. â€Å"In October 1979 respondents brought the present action in District Court against petitioner, the State Board of Education, and others. They sought an injunction ordering petitioner to provide Amber with CIC and sought damages and attorney’s fees (Eric)†. The court’s found CIC to be a â€Å"related service†allowing Amber to have a special education. The Court of Appeals affirmed and accepted the District Court’s conclusion that state law permitted be required schools to hire trained personnel to help with the needs of handicapped children. This entitles an education for those children with special medical needs. â€Å"A service that enables a handicapped child to remain at school during the day is an important means of providing the child with the meaningful access to education that Congress envisioned (Eric). †â€Å"The Petitioner’s view: First, to be entitled to related services, a child must be handicapped so as to require special education. In the absence of a handicap that requires special education, the need for what otherwise might qualify as a related service does not create an obligation under the Act. Second, only those services necessary to aid a handicapped child to benefit from special education must be provided, regardless how easily a school nurse or layperson could furnish them. Third, the regulations state that school nursing services must be provided only if they can be performed by a nurse of other qualified person, not if they must be performed by a physician (Eric). The resulting decision on this case was that yes, school’s are required to provide special medical needs for children with disabilities. What does this mean for education? It gives education and faculty the obligation to provide services that relate to both the health and educational needs of handicapped students (Eric). †It allows them to correct undesirable behaviors by giving them support for a search when one is appropriate . It shows to the students and parents what could happen if you violate the rules of the school. It also encourages the students to leave certain nuisances that are not going to encourage their education at home. As for me as a professional, this case has given me some enlightment on what the rights of the students are. Irving Independent School District v Amber Tatro has opened up my eyes to the freedom children with disabilities have. No child will be left without an appropriate education. Works Cited ERIC Education Resources Information Center. ERIC – World’s Largest Digital Library of Education Literature. Web. 19 May 2011.
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