Thursday, October 31, 2019

Professional Management Skills Assesment. cASE ANALYSIS Essay

Professional Management Skills Assesment. cASE ANALYSIS - Essay Example With David Neeleman started out his career in the airline industry, he had learned and had become accustomed to the ins and outs of operating an airline. While spending time with airlines such as Southwest after his first entrepreneurial venture, Neeleman saw the immense opportunity in the industry in the form of the growing dissatisfaction in the market due to poor service and high fares. Coupled with the information that was publicly available regarding the operations related to the industry, he came to justify the dissatisfaction as an opportunity by looking at its market potential. Neeleman then saw that there was sufficient demand to back up this opportunity. The vision of an airline with high quality service and low fares was not entirely what Jet Blue was about when Neeleman conceived the idea in his mind. It was built on the Southwest model, only that with the use of technology it would aim to differentiate itself, as well as its way of doing things as a player in the airline industry. According to the founder, this new airline would â€Å"leverage technology for safety and efficiency and with a commitment to people. (Gittell & O’Reilly, 2001, p.3)† The overall market for the airlines most especially in New York City as stated in the case, experienced dissatisfaction given the current level of services at the price level in which they are offered. Due to this, an enormous opportunity for an airline that could offer lower costs for air travel with high quality service awaited as a promise and reward. This one Neeleman had observed and taken advantage of using of information technology as one of the differentiating factors. Jet Blue’s marketing was strategic in a way that it aimed to support the goal of the company to become a different sort of player in the airline industry. For one, in line with Neeleman’s vision which was to provide high quality service at affordable fares while improving the experience of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How far does family law allow individuals to engage in private Essay

How far does family law allow individuals to engage in private ordering, and how far should it Discuss with relation to at leas - Essay Example However, this list is not exhaustive and may vary from one jurisdiction to another since family law covers a wide range of social and economic cases in existing and broken households2. The main contentious issue in most domestic cases heard in domestic courts is often of financial nature since, as families and marriages break, there is always the need to settle financial arrangements made while the family was still intact3. In fact, until recently in many countries, there was little, if any enforcement of the private arrangements and rules that surrounded and sought to change the personal or family status of people4. Nonetheless, there existed some kind of private ordering in which people could decide whether to marry or not and whom to marry. What is more, once an individual got married, he or she had to adhere to the enforceable rules of marriage and exit routes such as annulment, separation or divorce. Importantly, there were rules to guide couples in meeting their financial oblig ations on annulment or divorce5. It is also worth noting that even in historical times, the state had the power and mandate to set and enforce family laws6. Thus, by these laws, the state had the power to limit an individuals’ free will and powers to distribute their property upon divorce or a spouse’s death. For instance, in most countries, family law states a spouse’s statutory share of family property upon marriage divorce or annulment7. Similar to the case of marriage, once an individual had a child, the state would have a say in the child’s rights as far as the financial obligations of the parents were concerned. That is, the state set the terms and determined the limited circumstances under which one’s parental rights to a child could be surrendered. However, recent times have reported quite drastic changes with different countries permitting various types of private ordering in different family law situations and cases8. Examples of the area s in which private ordering is allowed in many a country in modern times include marital agreements, separation agreements, open adoption agreements, co-parenting agreements, premarital agreements, agreements9. In other words, currently, a lot of agreements are entered to help arbitrate in disputes if the above events occur. In modern society, people cohabiting or legally married often wish and decide to venture into financial agreements before or during their domestic lives. In general, such agreements are referred to as cohabitation agreements or domestic relationship agreements10. Similarly, upon terminating their domestic relationships for whatever reasons, people may resort to negotiate financial agreements, often called separation or termination agreements11. Private ordering thus refers to the attempts and activities by which parties to a domestic relationship who had entered a financial agreement order their financial affairs without seeking court interventions or solutions. This paper explores the changes and the limits to private ordering in family law, in the process discussing the nature and extent of the changes and their positive developments in a financial perspective. In this regard, the paper explores the role of private ordering in family law in an economic perspective. Historical Background The

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Story of Mary Magdalene

Story of Mary Magdalene A continued interest and associations with Mary Magdalene provided for further examination. The relevance of her time as a example of inspiration to all who still find their paths of sincerity and goodwill marked by scandal and controversy. The following personal journal entry may serve to clarify this interest. One of the most interesting and inspirational women of the bible, is Mary Magdalene. Her apparent dedication to Jesus despite ridicule, jealously and un-acceptance amongst his friends can be related to by many women throughout history. The importance of whether she was a prostitute, Jesus wife or both becomes less relevant than the conflicts she faced in her times and her steadfast dedication to Him, regardless of definition of relationship between and degree of intimacy expressed. Many women throughout history and today find themselves judged in societal situations in which they have to determine their dedication and faith within their relationship and would find Mary Magdalenes decisions and actions inspirational and reassuring to see that they are not alone in their situation. Mary Magdalenes influence and role in the bible seem to be one of the best influences in humanize Jesus. Showing us some the personal and emotional challenges that Jesus faced as a person and therefore having his life experience expressed in a way everyone, at some point in their lives can relate to. While the recount says that all of the disciples fled, out of fear, when Jesus was crucified, it is only Mary Magdalene that is recounted in all 4 versions of the Gospel to be near or by Jesus side during this horrific experience. Guess you know who your friends are when the chips are down. This brief recap of a previous journal entry was used to outline what is recognized as the most personally relevant stories of the bible and the observations regarding them. The following stories of Mary Magdalene from the bible are as powerful and relevant to the lives of many and in addition work to help me appreciate, understand and complete my initial observations. The following is taken from Mary Magdalenes story is contained in four different events: Mary Magdalene as a disciple of Jesus (Luke 8:1-3) Mary is mentioned as the woman whom Jesus cured of an unspecified illness. She was expelled of seven different demons. The number seven may have been used to emphasize the severity of the illness. She led a group of women who provided for Jesus and his followers from their own financial resources. The following is quoted from She was committed. MAR 8:34, 35 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. she had followed Him from Galilee, her home (Mat 27:55; MAR 15:41; LUK 23:49). LUK 23:49 But all those who knew him, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things. MAT 27:55, 56 Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedees sons. she cared for Jesus needs (MAT 27:55; MAR 15:41). MAT 27:55 Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedees sons. MAR 15:41 In Galilee these women had followed him and cared for his needs. Many other women who had come up with him to Jerusalem were also there. *she gave whatever she could to further Gods cause- This is a demonstration of Jesus acceptance of the independent woman. This was revolutionary in and of itself given the perceptions of woman of the times. Mary at the crucifixion (Mark 15:40-41, Luke 23:49, Matthew 27:55-56, John 19:25) In each of the four gospels of the crucifixion Mary was present, either standing at a distance with other women, or standing near the cross. Mary prepared Jesus body for burial (Luke 23:55-56, Matthew 27:61) Mary watched as Jesus body was sealed inside the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. She could confirm that he was really dead. She and the other women prepared the spices needed for proper burial of a body. Jewish tombs: Jews followed the custom of burial in natural and artificial caves. Generally only the rich used tombs, with the poor using pits, cisterns, caves, and earthen graves outside their cities. Tombs were located in gardens attached to homes, within city walls, on elevated sites, on hillsides, and in caves (natural and hand hewn). this information is from The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, vol. 5, pg.772. Prophets and kings were buried within the city limits; everyone else was buried outside the city limits. Wealthy tombs were often cut into rock, some containing several chambers. The entrance was closed by rolling around rolling-stone down an inclined plane in front of the mouth of the sepulcher. this information is from Manners and Customs of Bible Lands, by Fred H. Wright, Moody Press, co. 1953, pgs. 144,145. 4 Mary witnesses the resurrection (Mark 16:1-11, Luke 24:1-11, Matthew 28:1-10, John 20:1-18). Mary found that Jesus body was no longer in the tomb. She received a message from an angel and was the first person to see the risen Jesus. She was thus the first witness of the resurrection. The ethical cultural and political environment surrounding the people of this time played a strong influence on the interpretation of Mary Magdalenes life. Even with the stark contrast of todays environment of Middle America the relevance of interpretation of the power and influence of this women offers as an example for todays woman. The people of Jesus time lived in a state occupied by Roman rule, law and allegiance to Cesar, King of the Roman Empire. The Jewish state in this region was allowed certain amount of religious tolerance provided that legal and economic sanctions were upheld by the Jews with regard to Roman rule. The following quote is taken from Greek philosophy was greatly admired at the time of Jesus, and it had a profound impact on the way that people saw their world. One of the greatest philosophers, Plato, proposed the theory of dualism, suggesting that everything in the cosmos had an equal and opposite other. This theory had a profound impact on the way that women were viewed, and it was not to womens advantage. Woman was placed in a category containing elements that were viewed as negative: Civilization was the ideal; Nature was mistrusted and potentially dangerous. Logic and reason were admired, and emotion was to be subordinated. Goodness was always preferable to evil. Light, especially in the pre-industrial world, was preferred to darkness These are examples only, but they show that Platonic dualism placed women in a negative category. They were seen as closer to the natural/animal world than men. By nature they were irrational and untrustworthy, and therefore unfit to make their own decisions and govern their own lives. They had to be looked after and controlled, never treated as equals. This differed from the traditional Jewish way of looking at the world, which saw all things in creation as integrated and complementary, rather than as opposites of each other. An example of this is the creation story of Eve, which relates that the first woman was created from a rib taken by God from Adams side, thereby suggesting that a man could never be fully complete unless he was in partnership with a woman. Jewish and Jewish/Christian women resisted the ideas of Platonic dualism, which patronized them and diminished their status. While Christianity remained a Jewish sect, the status ofwomen within the Christian communities was high. But as the ideas of Christianity moved out into the Gentile, Hellenised world, the first Christians found they had to use the Greek philosophical framework to explain their beliefs and be accepted.So Jesus original ideal of mutual respect between the sexes was watered down and changed. Women found they were given roles that were acceptable in the outside, Hellenistic culture. In doing so, the Christian church stepped back from the radical ideals of the first Jewish/Christians. The following excerpt was taken from Jesus sees women as they were created equal reflectors of Gods image. God created us in his image we mirror a family resemblance of Him. 2 Cor.3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lords glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. This doesnt mean our physical nature but our spiritual and moral nature. We are able to communicate. We are creative, and that gives us joy and satisfaction. We experience emotions and feelings. We know the difference between right and wrong. We are responsible for our actions. Even though the original relationship between God and man was cut by the fall, God has pursued his children through the ages, sending his son Jesus so that we might be reconciled to God and become his sons and daughters. His image is reflected in us. Because of Jesus the image is brought back into focus so that his glory shines from the reflection. Jesus is in each one of us, you and me, and His glory shines out. This examination of Mary Magdalenes life and times has offered clarity in relating to those hardships and challenges and has served as an inspiration to women of all times. WORK CITED Biblical References have been noted as used throughout this document. Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, vol. 5, pg.772. Manners and Customs of Bible Lands, by Fred H. Wright, Moody Press, co. 1953, pgs. 144,145.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Tempting Fate: Essay on The Monkeys Paw -- essays research papers

-Ildar- Tempting Fate The â€Å"Monkey’s Paw† reveals an intriguing story of destiny and death. The Theme challenges the classical ideas of destiny and fate. From the beginning of the story Mr. White denies the seriousness of the paw. When he says, â€Å"Well, why don’t you have three sir†, he is in a way mocking Morris and the criticalness of the paw. The effects of disturbing fate do not even occur to him at this point and his intrigue and human greed override his judgment. â€Å"If you don’t want it, Morris, give it to me†, Mr. White had said after Morris threw the paw in the fire. This is where Mr. White made his first mistake. Mrs. White on the other hand manages to keep a cool head in the beginning and is apprehensive of the paw. She originally senses the danger that the paw poses but doesn’t make much of it and actually encourages Mr. White to use the paw. Mr. White’s first wish was a simple one as he thought. â€Å"I wish for two hundred pounds,† he had uttered so easily thinking that this was as straightforward of a wish as there could be. Little did he know that tempting fate in such a way had serious consequences. At this point in the story the writer foreshadows the grim events that follow when Herbert says, â€Å"Well, I don’t see the money, and I bet I never shall†. Ironically Herbert is correct. The twist of the story revealed itself when Mrs. White opened the door to receive her money. The visitor from Maw and Meggins delivered the bad new of their sons untimely death, â€Å"He was ca...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Constructivist Theory as the Framework for Student Strategies

This chapter provides a reappraisal of the literature used to inform the little research undertaking described in this study. To roll up literature for my thesis, I accessed the web sites for Zunia, ERIC, UNICEF, MoEYS, UNESCO, and the e-journal aggregation at James Cook University. There were troubles in deriving entree to some beginnings because many were password protected. Besides a challenge was turn uping articles written for the Kampuchean context, which has limited the range of the literature reappraisal for the local Cambodian context. Furthermore, many of the articles I searched were secondary informations beginnings, so it was sometimes hard to mention or cite because some secondary beginnings did non supply elaborate information. At times it was a description of a survey written by person other than the individual who conducted it. I besides had problem in finding which articles were related straight to my subject to be included ( Gay, Mills, & A ; Airasian, 2009 ) . Besi des utilizing assorted databases, I besides read books about the student-centered theory and old surveies conducted by UNICEF ( United Nation Children ‘s Fund ) every bit good the Cambodian-based undertaking rating written by VVOB. The cardinal words used to turn up literature were: student-centered, learner-centered, constructivism, societal constructivism, the zone of proximal development, scaffolding, student-centered instruction, and student-centered schoolroom. The mention subdivisions of relevant articles were besides used for placing other surveies that would be relevant to this reappraisal. The chapter has been structured following several subjects that emerged as literature was reviewed. It will depict the relevant literature focused on the issues environing the research aim. This chapter has been classified into several sub subdivisions based on the subjects that emerged during reading.2. 1 Constructivist Theory as the Framework for Student-Centered SchemesWithin the past two decennaries, the construct of â€Å" constructivism † A has been pulling attending from pedagogues ( Airasian & A ; Walsh, 1997 ) . Since constructivist theory is an epistemology and doctrine and non a theory of acquisition, constructivist teaching method has been developed by pedagogues influenced by the thoughts of cognition building found within constructivist theory ( Yilmaz, 2008 ) . â€Å" Constructivist teaching method is informed by the thoughts of John Dewey and William James ; the latter work of Jean Piaget ; and the sociohistorical work of Lew Vygotsky, Jerome Bruner, and Ernst von Glasersfeld † ( p. 165 ) . Harmonizing to Dewey, the relationship of the person to his or her environment and the edifice of experience through action are really of import. This importance has besides been recognized by constructivism, particularly societal constructivism ( Brush & A ; Saye, 2000 ) . Piaget ‘s work dealt with the phases of development which people go through and the importance of find in acquisition ( Alexander, 2006 ) . Vygotsky ‘s work focused on societal interaction as an agent of acquisition every bit good as the importance of a pupil ‘s bing experience and cognition ( Alexander, 2006 ; Yilmaz, 2008 ) . Among constructivism ‘s three foundational bookmans, Dewey, Piaget, and Vygotsky, Vygotsky ‘s work has had a clear influence on the construct of societal constructivism and played an of import function in modern constructivist idea because two of his four key rules are ; collaborative acquisition and student-centeredness ( Yilmaz, 2008 ) . His first cardinal co nstruct focuses on the societal nature of larning hence the term ‘social constructivism ‘ and the 2nd is that kids learn best the constructs that are within their zone of proximal development ( ZPD ) . The ZPD is a construct used to depict how a kid ‘s acquisition and kid ‘s cognitive development degrees develop together in societal state of affairss ( Vygotsky, 1978 ) . The ZPD is considered among the most utile both theoretically and practically ; of all the constructs that are created by Vygotsky ( Chenyne & A ; Tarulli, 1999 ) . The construct of ZPD, which focuses on the relation between human larning and development, is the 2nd foundation for scaffolding schoolroom direction ( Stuyf, 2002 ) . The ZPD is defined as â€Å" the distance between the existent developmental degree as determined by independent job resolution and the degree of possible development as determined through job work outing under grownup counsel or in coaction with more capable equals † ( Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86 ) . Alexander ( 2006 ) , Shear ( 2007 ) , and Stuyf ( 2002 ) depict the ZPD as the country between what a scholar can carry through mentally and make independently by themselves, an d what the scholar can carry through with the aid or the support of a more knowing other grownup or equal. The peer portions knowledge with the scholar to construct the spread between what is known and what is non known ( Shear, 2007 ) . The construct of ZPD is now widely applied in instruction and larning in many subject-matter countries ( Willis, 1996 ) . The thought of the ZPD informs teacher staging of larning to make effectual learning environments. It means effectual larning takes topographic point within the kid ‘s ZPD. Vygotsky stated that: A Learning awakens a assortment of internal developmental procedures that are able to run merely when the kid is interacting with people in his environment and in cooperation with his equals. When these procedures are internalized, they become portion of the kid ‘s independent developmental accomplishment. ( Vygotsky, 1978, p. 90 ) . Similarly, Wilhelm, Baker & A ; Dube ( 2001 ) argued that the ZPD is the cognitive country in which effectual direction and acquisition can go on. Teacher, equals, and instructional environment are the aid and support which pupils can larn with and this lies within the ZPD. â€Å" A kid ‘s new capacities can merely be developed in the ZPD through coaction in existent, concrete, located activities with an grownup or more capable equal † ( Wilhelm, Baker & A ; Dube, 2001, p. 3 ) For constructivist oriented instructors, the importance of planing an instructional activity is to place a job and supply pupils with resources to assist to work out the jobs thereby supplying chances for pupils to see jobs from a assortment of positions, leting pupils to join forces and negociate solutions to jobs and prove those solutions in a existent universe context ( Bednar et al, Duffy & A ; Jonassen, Brown, Collins & A ; Duguid as cited in Brush & A ; Saye, 2000 ) . Similarly harmonizing to UNESCO ( as cited in Mtika & A ; Gates, 2010 ) , student-centered instruction helps to fix pupils to run into society ‘s outlooks, to plan educational experiences to progress pupils ‘ acquisition, and supply chances for pupils to show their success in accomplishing social outlooks.2. 2 What is Constructivism?Constructivism is non a theory about instruction, but it is a theory about cognition and acquisition ( Haney & A ; McArthur, 2001 ) . Harmonizing to Airasian & A ; Walsh ( 1997 ) , constructivism is non an instructional attack ; it is a theory about how scholars come to cognize or how people learn. Brady ( 2006 ) & A ; Staver ( 1997 ) stated that constructivism comes from traditional epistemology, which offers a philosophical account about the nature of cognition. Constructivists believe that cognition is created from the interaction between bing experiences or cognition of people and new thoughts or state of affairss they encounter. In the constructivist schoolroom, scholars are encouraged to do connexions between their bing cognition and new experience ; this is the procedure of building cognition ( Airasian & A ; Walsh, 1997 ) . Furthermore, over the last decennary, constructivism has significantly influenced scientific discipline pedagogues because it links pupils ‘ bing thoughts to new experience and new information ( Haney & A ; McArthur, 2001 ; Staver, 1997 ; Yilmaz, 2008 ) . Similarly, Driver, Asoko, Leach, Mortimer, and Scott ( as cited in Hand et al. , 1997 ) stated that societal constructivist attacks in scientific discipline instruction are non new. The execution of constructivist larning theory has helped to develop the interaction between pupils and instructor and supply chances to build scientific discipline cognition in the schoolroom. Similarly, Mtika and Gates ( 2010 ) argued that this pedagogical theory helps to promote pupils ‘ interaction with the topic ‘s contents and with one another while the instructor facilitates the acquisition procedure. Constructivism has been divided by some theoreticians into three classs ( Alexander, 2006 ; Yilmaz, 2008 ) . They are Cognitive constructivism, Extremist constructivism, and Social constructivism. These three classs emphasize that cognition and significance are constructed by the human head ( Yilmaz, 2008 ) , nevertheless there are differentiations between them ( Hirumi, 2002 ) . Cognitive constructivism focuses on person ‘s interactions with the environment. Extremist constructivism emphasizes the person ‘s cognition building which is based on old cognition and experiences, and societal constructivism dressed ores on persons within groups and their sociocultural contexts ( Alexander, 2006 ; Yilmaz, 2008 ) . Though constructivism has been categorized into three, harmonizing to Staver ( 1997 ) , the two most comprehensive and celebrated classs of constructivism are extremist and societal constructivism. The two trade names have much in common. First, cognition is created by the thought of a individual and a community. Second, societal interactions between and among scholars are cardinal to constructing cognition. Knowledge is built by persons within their communities, societies, and civilizations. Furthermore, the agencies of societal interaction is chiefly linguistic communication because linguistic communication is a manner that worlds communicate and understand each other. Third, the character of knowledge is functional and adaptative, that it is in an active procedure ( Staver, 1997 ; Yilmaz, 2008 ) . Finally, the intent of knowledge is to function the persons ‘ organisation of his or her experiential universe. However, the two trade names are chiefly different. Extremist constr uctivism focuses on knowledge and the person, whereas societal constructivism focuses on linguistic communication and the group.2. 3 Constructivism in the ClassroomAirasian & A ; Walsh ( 1997 ) argued that constructivism is accepted in many instruction systems because it helps to advance higher order believing accomplishments of pupils. Similarly, harmonizing to the survey of Hand et al. , ( 1997 ) , engagement of pupils ‘ thoughts or thought is the most of import factor that influences pupils ‘ acquisition. In the survey of a group of junior secondary college pupils in Australia, pupils reported that they enjoyed larning through little group work, category treatment, developing their ain thoughts, less note pickings, and they developed a greater apprehension of constructs. These are all larning schemes that reflect the usage of societal constructivism in the formal acquisition context. Among the classs of constructivism, societal constructivism attacks are utile for pup ils because pupils can be required to work in a group or separately and make non necessitate to wait for a instructor to direct their acquisition. â€Å" The vision of the constructivist pupil is one of activity, engagement, creativeness, and the edifice of personal cognition and apprehension † ( Airasian & A ; Walsh, 1997, p. 446 ) . Whether societal constructivists emphasize cognitive development or societal interactions, there are several specific things that instructors can make to assist scholars to build their apprehension, structural staging is one of these things ( Killen, 2003 ) . Literally, scaffolding is a structural support that is set up around a edifice under building. In instruction in a metaphorical sense, stagings are the support structures that are provided by others such as parents, equals, and instructors to pupils to enable them to finish a undertaking and experience accomplishment in their acquisition ( Yang & A ; Wilson, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to Hammond & A ; Gibbons ( as cited in Yang & A ; Wilson, 2006 ) , effectual staging is both high challenge and high support. â€Å" Vygotsky stressed that pupils need to prosecute in disputing undertakings that they can successfully finish with appropriate aid † ( Wilhelm, Baker, & A ; Dube, 2001, p. 4 ) . Scaffolding is a procedure whereby a instructor or peer gives assistance or support to the pupils in their ZPD as it is necessary and removes this assistance when unneeded ( Killen, 2003 ) . â€Å" Scaffolding must get down from what is close to the pupils ‘ experience and construct to what is farther from their experience † ( Wilhelm, Baker, & A ; Dube, 2001, p. 4 ) . Similarly, at the beginning of a new acquisition undertaking, the staging should be fix to be concrete, seeable, and external, so learning can get down from the concrete to the abstract. The construct of staging is closely related to the ZPD because staging was developed by other socio-cultural theoreticians using Vygotsky ‘s construct of ZPD to educational contexts ( Yang & A ; Wilson, 2006 ) . In other words, the thought of scaffolding originally came from Vygotsky ‘s socio-cultural theory ( Stuyf, 2002 ) . Mitchell and Myles ( as cited in Yang & A ; Wilson, 2006 ) stated that societal constructivism focuses on larning that occurs in socio-cultural environments and scholars become active builders of their ain acquisition environment. Vygotsky ‘s socio-cultural theory proposes that societal interaction plays a cardinal function in the development of knowledge. Learners are non hence stray persons ; they are active scholars because of societal interactions ( Stuyf, 2002 ; Yang & A ; Wilson, 2006 ) .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Obsession Neurosis

According to Paul Ricoeur’s point of view in the idea of theology and religion, there seems to be no exact definition on the context of universality.   The irony follows in the context of the variation of the extent of Naming God and believing in God.   It is evident that the world of today is liberal and is open in the idea of religion and in beliefs, hence, it connotes that for some, the existence of God is still not established—although several followers tend to call for his name.   The valuable conviction of Paul Ricoeur, one which is far admirably different from theology experts, offers a whole new dimension of deliberation and discussion on how individuals name God—philosopher to philosopher, and idea and perception for such delight.God, leader, saviour—all of which are used in â€Å"calling† God and uttering such name for whatsoever it may serve a person.   However, the shallow connotation stressed by the author is blatantly seen in t he arena of â€Å"conviction.† Ricoeur’s belief is mostly philosophical and thoroughly surfaces in the justification of External Reality.   Religion plays an important role in every man’s life. Its impact is manifested on every person daily affairs and his or her behavior. Hundreds of literatures that explicitly tackle religion have already been written. While the list may be inexhaustible, the Metamorphoses, Aeneid, Inferno and Odyssey serve as some of the popular literary works where a religious strand can be looked into.The fact that the Metamorphoses by Ovid composed of mythological stories printed in the form of poetry gives one the first impression that divine beings are already incorporated into the book and that, consequently, the â€Å"myth† in these literary piece may have something to do with religion. True enough, the various sections found within the book have a common subject— the power of a divine entity and how such power determin es the fate of men. Most of the transformations that happen in the stories are of people being â€Å"punished† for â€Å"the sins† they have committed (Ovid, p. 171).This punishment of sins can be taken to mean as one way of reflecting justice in the sense that the action of man is essentially incorporated with a corresponding responsibility and that God—or religion—has a corresponding role in the provision of these sanctions.   Moreover, the author does not only fall in the line of rhetoric canonization against his own conviction, rather on the spiritual and doxological context of the question.  What are you, then, my God? . . . most high, excellent, most powerful, omnipotent, supremely merciful and supremely just, most hidden yet intimately present, infinitely beautiful and infinitely strong.[1]In this certain line, however, there seems to be another standpoint in the idea of Naming God.  Ã‚   In essence, such strengthens the point raised on the e arlier part and undeniably gives further analysis and interpretation that there exists a difference in Naming God; although there has been no evidence of the â€Å"power† which individuals apparently call as God. The author often used a Freudian philosophy in substantiating his arguments.   He stresses that Freud believes that religion has played a great part in the making of society, of humankind. In his writings before, he regards religion as an illusion, which is clearly equivalent to atheism. He then realizes that the idea of God and the religious teachings are some of human being’s strangest thoughts.Freud’s argument about religion is that, it is and output of what he called the Oedipus complex, or the sexual desire of the son to the mother (Ricoeur, 1995). In his argument, he states that the child competes against the father, who also has strong libidinal desires towards the mother. Because of this interference by the father, the child is prohibited to e xpress his sexual interests in towards his mother. The father figure represents divergence and hindrance for the child.If we look at it in another angle, this hindrance creates a limit for the mothers’ happiness, thus creating the reality principle. This leads to reason thus, this reason is the one responsible for regulating desire. This became the basis of the father figure connection, in which the Western religions glorify the submission to the father, thus creating the image of a Father-God (Ricoeur, 1995). This has been a basis of civilization, wherein they are accepting the principle of reality and the acceptance of restraints and prohibitions by an â€Å"authority.† This is the main principle in how they were able to connect human desires with the law.Further, according to Freud, as stresses in the book, neurosis is an individual religion, and religion is a universal obsession neurosis. Freud implies that religion is the suppression, the renunciation of certain i nstinctual impulses, which are not limited components of the sexual desire or instinct; they seek for themselves and are really socially harmful instincts, regardless of the sexual component.   The subject of illusion is another critical part of Freud’s say of that of religion. But we must always consider that illusion is different from delusion. Illusion is much more of the religious beliefs type. Included in illusions is the concept of religion.Accordingly, it doesn’t mean that it is not true, or has no validity, where in fact these things maybe true. But, what Freud questions is the source of these beliefs. The undisciplined and uncritical human wishes. By focusing on the relationship between the individuals and God in the Metamorphoses, one can immediately draw the idea that religion is the binding force between the two, bridging the invisible—and perhaps inconceivable—distance that separates the mortal from the immortal.   Consequently, the manne r of Naming God depends alone on the beliefs equipped in the individual’s character and personality, per se.Reference:Ovid. (2004)   â€Å"The Creation.†Ã‚   Trans. David Raeburn. Metamorphoses. New York, N. Y.: Penguin Classics.â€Å"Perseus (I).†Ã‚   Trans. David Raeburn. Metamorphoses. New York, N. Y.: Penguin Classics, 2004. 171.â€Å"Scylla and Minos.†Ã‚   Trans. David Raeburn. Metamorphoses. New York, N. Y.: Penguin Classics, 2004. 293.Ricoeur, P. (1995). Figuring the Sacred: Religion, Narrative, and Imagination (D. Pellauer, Trans.). Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress Publishers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Copy And Paste an Essay Without Getting Caught by Turnitin

How to Copy And Paste an Essay Without Getting Caught by Turnitin Youre working on an ugly essay assignment. Youve found an essay that is nearly perfect. It may be a friends or one that you wrote for another class. The only problem is that you dont want to take the time to rewrite it so that it becomes your own. Instead, You want to know how to not get caught by turnitin by copying and pasting things directly into your new essay. In other words, you want to know how to cheat on an essay without getting caught. First, this is a no judgment zone. We understand that hardworking students can find themselves in tough positions. Work, family, illness, even other academic demands can all come together to make finishing writing assignments difficult. If you are wondering how to plagiarise without getting caught, you arent alone. We will go over one method on how to copy and paste without getting caught. However, we dont recommend it. Instead, we hope that you will read to the end and consider some of our alternatives. How to Copy And Paste an Essay Without Getting Caught One method that students use to copy and paste material that is not original into a paper that will be scanned by turnitin or another plagiarism scanning software is to take a screenshot and save the text in an image file. Then insert the image file into your document. This way your instructor sees text, but the scanning software sees a picture. There are some problems with this method. First, it can screw up your word count. None of the words that are embedded in a picture will be counted. Second, its a pretty old method. You can be pretty sure that turnitin has found ways by now to detect it when students attempt to use this method. We do not recommend attempting this. It simply isnt worth your academic reputation or future to get caught up in an accusation of plagiarism. There are people today in their fifties and sixties who were caught cheating in college, and have never recovered from it. You can lose your scholarships and financial aid. You can be expelled, suspended, or placed on academic probation. You will fail the assignment and the course. Your academic record will be marred forever. Getting into a graduate program or being allowed to participate in research projects are all things that may just go down the tubes all because you wanted to learn how to copy and paste and not get caught. Quote Cite Paraphrase And Rewrite If you have time to research ways to cheat, you may have time to simply do things the right way. Learn to quote, to cite sources, to paraphrase, and to rewrite things so that they are your own. In almost every case it will be worthwhile for you to do so. Conclusion: Consider Getting Help From The Pros If you simply dont have the time or ability to write your own essay, dont cheat! Instead, let us recommend a quality writing company that will be glad to help you with your essay writing needs.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Knottyville Case Essays

Knottyville Case Essays Knottyville Case Essay Knottyville Case Essay After completing and discussing this case, you should be able to Evaluate misappropriation risk factors Evaluate internal controls Design new control Governance in non-profit sector Analyze materiality decisions Apply ASS 99, PEPCO ASS, and SAAB 99 Perform cost benefit analysis Knotty,ill Country Club: An Instructional Case on Asset Misappropriation There was a stunned silence in the courtroom as the Circuit Judge was about to announce the sentence. Mimi are sentenced to 15 years in prison for grand theft. Your abominable conduct ran long and deep, and it is now time to pay for it, said the Judge. The judge also suspended an additional 25 years in prison time for Fancy Rockbound. One of the members of the country club told Fancy that she was trusted as a family member by the patrons of the club and that trust was betrayed by Fancy. Overview of the Club: Inattentively Country Club (the Club) caters to the desires of its 1 ,800 dues-paying full members, 800 associate members and their guests. It also rents out its halls and ballrooms for weddings, reunions, and other gatherings. Built on the banks of the Missouri river, Inattentively Country Club offers a variety of exciting , fun-filled activities for its members. The Club was established in 1944 with a nine-hole golf course and an outdoor swimming pool. Since its opening, the Club has steadily continued to expand. It now (in 2007) has one of the most impressive 27-hole golf courses in the upper Midwest, six tennis courts, a spectacular clubhouse with lovely views, two swimming pools, an indoor basketball court, beautiful dining rooms with chandeliers, a restaurant, a bar and other opulent amenities. The Club facilities were in great emend and there was a six-month waiting time to book the halls for company picnics, banquets, family reunions, wedding receptions, and the like. There was also a waiting period to gain full membership. Inattentively Country Club is a member- owned, private country club. The seven member board of directors is elected every two years by the members. It includes four officersthe president, vice president, secretary and treasurer?and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Club. The board has broad powers to borrow money and to enter into contracts necessary for the normal operation of the Club. The Club has five committees membership committee, the finance committee, the nominating committee, the construction and maintenance committee and the special events committee. The treasurer is an ex-officio member of the finance committee. The finance committee met Just twice a year. The Club was taking in approximately $8 million each year in membership fees alone. In addition, the restaurant, the bar, banquets, rentals and a variety of other programs brought in an additional $18 million each year. The president of the club was a friendly, Jovial fellow and treated everyone with great warmth. He had no accounting or finance background. He was very trusting of people, in general and considered all employees and members as belonging to one big happy family. Shenanigans of the general manager: Fancy Rockbound was employed by the Club in a variety of capacities for twenty-two years including the bookkeeping function. The last six years she served as the general manager and continued to serve as the bookkeeper for the Club. Fancy was also in charge of ordering all supplies. The Club policy required two signatures on each check. As the general manager, Fancy had check signing authority. The other signature had to come from another employee, Sarah or from Robert, who is on the road of directors and is the treasurer. Fancy often asked Sarah to sign blank checks in advance so that she can pay the bills on time and does not have to wait for the second signature. Unsuspecting Sarah would readily oblige and would sign several blank checks from time to time. As the bookkeeper, Fancy was in charge of maintaining the accounting records. She did the monthly bank reconciliation as well. Every three months Fancy would meet with the finance committee of the board and report about the financial situation. She would prepare simple profit and loss statements and a balance sheet. Working with the treasurer, she also presented the annual budget to the finance committee for its approval. Because Fancy was in charge of ordering supplies, she would often insist that they buy alcoholic beverages from a particular supplier who was her college classmate. Members of the Club were allowed to charge their meals and drinks and pay for them later when the monthly statements are mailed to them. Fancy would charge a few dollars extra to some members monthly restaurant/bar bills. If the members did not notice the extra charge, she would keep the money. If the members complained that they did not order that item or were not at the club on that day, she would apologize, blame it on clerical error and give credit to the complaining members. She would then accuse the server of punching in the wrong member number and take small amounts of money ($50, $36, $84 etc. Out of the paychecks of servers. Fannys argument was that the servers had to pay for the mistakes they made. The amounts taken from the servers were quite small when compared to the gigantic amount stolen. Fancy has been spotted by her co-workers at various video lottery parlors over the years. There is a rumor that she had a mild gambling addiction. She had acquired a couple of expensi ve sports cars in recent years and has taken several expensive vacations to exotic places including the French Riviera, Bangkok, and the Bahamas. It was revealed in court that Fancy had paid off large personal credit card debts of her family using the stolen money. The grand theft occurred evenly over a six-year period from 2001 to 2006. Ironically, it was a bank official who got suspicious about some transactions and alerted the president of the club. The bank official did some investigation when he found out that the business account of the Club was overdrawn. His investigation account to take care of the balance. Alarm bells rang. He blew the whistle by informing the Club president about his suspicions. The Club terminated Fannys employment in February, 2007 and ordered an internal investigation. A month later, the Club also filed a police complaint about the grand theft. When Fancy was sentenced to 15 years in prison, she had already paid back $400,000 of the $1. 2 million she had embezzled. She has sold her home and other assets to pay back this money. The Club is unlikely to get any more money from Fancy and the remaining $800,000 is gone. This whole episode has made many club members rather uneasy and 400 of them have already quit the club.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

College Move-In Day - Long Distance Dorm Move-In Tips

College Move-In Day - Long Distance Dorm Move-In Tips Moving your child into her new home  is tough enough when youre schlepping all of her worldly possessions in the family car. Add air travel or a cross-country road trip to the mix and it becomes even more challenging. Thankfully colleges and retailers get it: Nowadays its becoming increasingly more common for kids to attend schools that are hundreds of miles from home, so you can ship belongings directly to campus, order supplies online for local pickup, or just wait until you get there to shop. Follow these tips to avoid a few key mistakes. Rent a Car An hours-long drive across several states may be  daunting, but if a one-way road trip is not too ghastly a concept, consider renting a car. Drive to the college with all the gear, move in, drop off the car at the airport, and fly back. Youll pay a premium for a one-way rental, but it may be worth it to avoid the hassle and expense of shipping large items. And save money by following these tips from U.S. News World Report: Dont buy insurance. Your insurance company may cover rental cars, so check before you travel. If not, many credit cards offer insurance for free if you use their card to pay for the car. Dont rent at the airport. Yes, youll drop off the car at the airport, but that doesnt mean you need to rent at the airport. Youll be paying a drop-off fee anyway, so skip the high price of airport rentals.Shop around. Spending just a few minutes on the internet, you can book your car online- often at a discount.Dont pay extra for GPS. Use your smartphone for navigation.Take your time when inspecting the car. Any dings or dents you miss may be billed to you upon returning the car.Return the car on time. Many rental companies determine drop-off times according to the time of day you rented the car. So, check with the company before renting. Use Storage Bins If you are driving, its much easier to pack a car (even a rental) with regularly shaped objects- boxes or large plastic bins- as opposed to plastic trash bags or grocery sacks. Plus boxes are much easier to lug up multiple flights of crowded dorm stairs once you get to the school, especially if the bins have handholds. Many dorms  dont have elevators, and those that do will be crammed. Once hes moved in, your child can use the bins for extra storage or to transport laundry to the laundry room, which is likely to be some distance away from his room. Ship Items Ahead of Time   Double check the college mailroom schedule. Some schools accept packages over the summer, and a few even deliver to the dorms. Other mailrooms, like the one at UC San Diego, dont open until several days after move-in day, a situation that may leave your child sleeping on borrowed towels until he can retrieve his bedding from the mailroom. If you run into mailroom issues, make sure your childs luggage includes the absolute essentials shell need during the first few days, including sheets, towels, toiletries, a light jacket, two pairs of shoes, and a couple of sets of clothes. Your child can create decorations, such as picture mobiles, as well as a laundry basket and even a nightstand, with easily obtainable (and inexpensive) materials. Theres no need to buy and ship such items ahead of time. If you have a friend, colleague, or relative who lives in the same area where your child will be attending school, have his belongings shipped there. And while youre packing, remember that your child won’t need his heavy woolens in August, so ship winter items later, or have him pick them up at Thanksgiving if he is planning to fly home for the holiday, as many students do. Order Online Some retailers allow you to order gear online and pick it up in stores in another state. Just verify the location, print out a copy of your order paperwork, and allow extra time for pickup. Big box stores near college campuses are always clogged during move-in day, but since youve picked everything out ahead of time youll be able to get in and out without a hitch. Shop Once You Arrive Depending on how your childs move-in and orientation schedules are structured, you might be there for one day or a weekend.  If you have an extra day for dorm room shopping, take advantage of it. It takes an incredible amount of time, but trying to find the right stores and the right stuff in a college town on move-in day can be quite an arduous task. If move-in day is just that- a day- dont panic when you realize youve forgotten something because you  will  forget something.  Locate the nearest big box stores before move-in day to save yourself some stress. If youve rented a vehicle, consider keeping it for one extra day so you can drive your child to pick up those last-minute supplies. Many stores allow you to order online and then pick up items the same day. Youll only need a laptop, tablet computer, or smartphone to order, so consider packing one of those three electronic devices, regardless of what method you use to deliver the goods- and your child- as she begins her long-distance college career.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Money as a motivator Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Money as a motivator - Essay Example That is why the successful organizations specializing in sales especially in direct sales apply maximum efforts to express recognition to the employees for any achievement, big or small. They know that in our overpopulated world the majority of people feel that nobody cares of them, that they are not important. And the recognition is some kind of a confirmation of their importance. Really, those who understand people usually say: "You are an especial person. You are quite another matter". I am sure, that if more companies will pay more attention to expression of gratitude to the employees, and not only to those who are engaged in sales, but also to secretaries and attendants, that will lead to improbable rise of productivity. 2. Feeling of victory. This is one of the best motivators. If you should fell an inclination to something, let will be inclination to victory, to winning. There are millionaires who work for ten - twelve hours a day, making more millions. And this is not because money is necessary for them. They do that for the feeling of pleasure that "victories" brings. Money is not a big stimulus for them: they already have a lot of money. They need that heady feeling which is got with a victory. Jim Rohn writes: "Usually right after my seminar, somebody comes up to me and says: Mr. Rohn, if had one million dollars I would not work even a day in the rest life. That is why God makes so that people, who say such things, never will grow rich. They will pay for that." (Rohn 1996) 3. Family. Some people will make more for their dearest than for themselves. One man set a goal to earn one quarter of a million a year in order to organise a world tour for his family. The people with so deep feeling of love are very happy. 4. Charity. This is the fourth great motivator.When a great steel magnate Andrew Carnegie died the yellow piece of paper was found in his desk On this narrow piece of the paper, of the time of Carnegies' twenties, there was the main goal of his life written by him: " I am going to spend a first half of my life for saving up money. I want to devote the second half of my life to give out all this money". Carnegie was so inspired with this goal that saved up a private means of 450 million dollars (that is equivalent to 4,5 billion dollars now!) and really, in last period of the life he felt pleasure giving out all this money. (Rohn 1996) Speaking about one of the most important elements of working process, employees admit that compensation itself is not a motivator. The quality of work is a motivator that enkindles enthusiasm. In order to obtain the employee's opinion different interrogations are held in different countries of the world. As the results of new interrogation show, the good wages and safety of work is what people pay attention choosing the employer, but if you want to keep the motivation of employees in your case the work will be the key factor holding them in your company. Last interrogation of the international scale carried out by Investors in People (IiP)/NOP in which 1911 respondent from the Great Britain participated, shown that

Friday, October 18, 2019

Three Pillars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Three Pillars - Essay Example Servant leadership entails leading others into achieving organizational objectives whilst incorporating everyone on board. This type of leadership seeks to empower all the involved parties and making them ‘semi-leaders.’ A good servant leader understands the need to serve as a key element to successful management. As a servant leader, the leader carries the corporate vision and then nurtures everybody to realize the vision through tapping of each individual talent. In simple terms, servant leadership aims at walking the walk together with the rest. Successful servant leadership is defined by ethical behavior, charisma, and the desire to inspire and empower others (Boone & Makhani, 2013). It is worth noting that successful servant leaders spend more time listening, understanding and critically analyzing ideas from subordinates. Servant leaders are defined by the ability to scavenge for individual talents and articulating those individual talents towards organizational goa l. As a financial analyst for a health insurance company, I have unlimited opportunity to exercise servant leadership. First, I demonstrate submissiveness to higher leadership and help them tap into my skills and talents. Instead of competing with fellow workmates, I aim at creating a team work where everybody feels appreciated and respected. Whenever I find faults during my financial analysis, I help the affected personnel to identify the problem and then show them how to do it better next time. I have seen this work more often than just scolding and rebuking a person for their mistakes. By serving as an example, others are able to follow willingly. With globalization bringing new array of challenges especially in managing organizations, entrepreneurial skills needed to sustain organizations in 21st century have gone high. Entrepreneurial skills require understanding of complex array of tenets of management. Therefore, entrepreneurship needs to understand the relationship between

The Role of Nursing in Pain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The Role of Nursing in Pain Management - Essay Example In order to do this the discussion will first of define pain, because it not objective as many nurses and health practioners may believe. In fact it is a very subjective term. The essay will then go on to the different types of pain relief and finally end with a discussion of the problems in the UK when dealing with patient's whose wishes are hard to discern and whether we should be administering pain relief and life saving methods without proper consent. Pain is a multi dimensional experience and has a sensory, emotional, cognitive component. Pain management approaches that address all these three factors are likely to be more successful and popular (Carr C.J. Ellois. 2001). The World Health Organization estimates that 22% of people experience some form of pain (Gureje et al 1998). Potter in 1993 showed that 11.3% of the visits made to General Practitioners were to get treatment for chronic pain (DAY.R. 2002). The losses in terms of quality of life and economy were rated high enough for the WHO to give pain the status of a "world health problem," by the WHO in 1986. In the UK, the Working Party Report Pain after Surgery (The Royal College of Surgeons of England and The College of Anaesthetists 1990) recognized the need for professional supervision and protocol development for pain management. The committee also highlighted the historical inadequacy in pain management. Acute Pain Services (ACS) was initiated for managing post-surgical pain (Taylor. H. 2001). The Provision of Pain Services (Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and The Pain Society 1997) propounded the specialized role of nursing in pain management. (Pain Society, 2001) The Royal College and the Anaesthetic Association reported that 44% of hospitals had some form acute care services and 79% used modern analgesic techniques to manage pain (Carr C.J. Ellois. 2001.) A study of hospital services declares pain prevention to be one of the 10 most important indicators of care quality. (Susan M, 2003) While the need for management is acknowledged, the resources allocated for the function were found to be inadequate. In a significant finding, the Clinical Standards Advisory Group found that although 81% of the functions involve nursing care and 7% of these were headed by nurses there was lack of specialized nursing care in the chronic pain department. The situation was further made worse by inadequate funding. (Pain Society, 2001) Health professionals currently are found to have deficits in knowledge and skills for proper pain management. Nursing care is often found to be influenced by attitude of patients, their culture and value systems. (, 2006) . The Services for Patients with Pain, in their study in 1999 found that 50% of trusts did not provide pain care services for children and awareness of guidelines were poor (Susan M, 2003) An analysis by Ferrell et al (2000) on the text books used in nursing

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Responses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Responses - Assignment Example It is time for our laws to be changed for the better and place some confidence in the parents. Traditionally, researchers like Cook and Kopko (2014) have discouraged this practice. Possibly, you should look into the benefits of allowing parents this right! I recommend researching the question â€Å"What can be done to stop drug abuse among teenagers?† Although the topic has been researched before and there is plentiful research reporting the causes, effects, and strategies for prevention of drug abuse among teenagers, yet the sensitivity and gravity of the issue demands more research and knowledge-creation. However, if you want to specifically research ways of discouraging teenagers from consuming prescription pills as drugs, the question should be focused at prescription pills’ abuse rather than drug abuse in a general sense. Teenagers, their parents, nurses, and doctors are some categories of people whose input you must take for the data. Hall et al. (2010) is one of the sources you may consider to find out what all is known about the abuse of prescription drugs so

Problems The Eurozone was Facing in 2011-2012 due to Poor Performances Essay

Problems The Eurozone was Facing in 2011-2012 due to Poor Performances of Some Members and Their Resolving - Essay Example political, economic, financial and social challenges facing the Euro zone along and also explains the measures that can be taken to solve the crisis threatening the collapse of the Euro zone single currency – the Euro. Current political, economic, financial and social challenges facing the Euro zone Political problems in Eurozone Stiglitz (2011) has pointed out that more of political in nature rather than economic. In his opinion, â€Å"If Europe issues Eurobonds, debts are manageable. Even a 150 per cent debt to GDP ratio can be handled if interest rates are low enough, but if rates are high they cannot be†(Stiglitz, 2011). Many people have the illusion that the Eurozone problems are caused by economic factors rather than political factors. Such people believe that Europe is comparatively a stable political region and therefore political problems have fewer roles in causing any challenge to the functioning of Eurozone. However in reality, as in the case of many other r egions in the world, political problems are causing more damages to the ambitions of Eurozone to become the strongest economic power in the world. For example, Greece is one Eurozone country which is facing huge financial problems now. Kotios et al, (2011) have pointed out that the inconsistent economic policies of Greece have contributed heavily to the downfall of Greece (Kotios et al, 2011, p. 263). Greece adopted some kind of economic policies which were unsuitable to the needs of the current economic climate. Their inconsistent economic policies affected Greece as well as Eurozone. â€Å"The European Central Bank is under pressure to bail out indebted countries by printing more euros. But it really isn't as straightforward as that† (Obama Accuses Eurozone of "Problem of Political Will", 2011).... This paper describes the full range of political, economic, financial and social problems, that the Eurozone was experiencing in the years, following the global financial crisis. The crisis exposed weaknesses in Greece economy, as well as in economies of some other members. That economic problems in turn became the threat to the existence of the single currency. The paper also reviews set of economic measures introduced by the members in 2011-2012, that were aiming at overcoming the aftermath of the global crisis The member of Eurozone countries have adopted Euro as their currency in order to reduce the formalities in money transactions of economic transactions between these countries. In short, Eurozone can be defined as a geographic and economic region that consists of all the European Union countries, that have fully incorporated the euro as their national currency. The inconsistent economic policies of Greece have contributed heavily to the downfall of Greece. Greece adopted some kind of economic policies which were unsuitable to the needs of the current economic climate. That affected Greece as well as Eurozone. The ECB was under pressure to bail out indebted countries by printing more euros. Still, many of the European countries were against printing more euros to assist Greece like nations. The absence of centralised political management was causing problems to the functioning of Eurozone. Each member countries were functioning independently and the political control of Eurozone over member countries was negligible. Economic problems in some Eurozone member countries were causing problems in all the other members. Some ot them believed that the poor performances of Spain and Greece were retarding their growth also.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Paradise Trilogy by Ulrich Seid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Paradise Trilogy by Ulrich Seid - Essay Example Comparisons between the formal strategies of all the three elements of the Paradise Trilogy are also made. The paper also discusses the political relevance of Seidl’s work in the society of today. Introduction The depictions of human life in Ulrich Seidl’s Paradise Trilogy are certainly not represented in manners that would appeal to a close-minded audience. Therefore, to truly appreciate the essence of Seidl’s filmmaking in the Paradise Trilogy the private lives of the characters should be observed carefully and even their most disturbing secrets accepted. The Paradise Trilogy represents in its three installments the true feelings that humans yearn for and seek in life; love, faith and hope. The achievement for the director however, certainly remains in how the movies are presented in a way that is entirely realistic yet disturbing and provocative. The purpose of this paper is to extensively and comprehensively analyze the formal strategies of the last installme nt of the Paradise Trilogy, Paradise: Hope. The discussion aims to understand the transition of the formal strategies employed by the director throughout the three movies by examining the similarities and difference that are reflected in the entire trilogy. In conclusion the paper aims to define the art of Ulrich Seidl that is portrayed through the course of Paradise Trilogy’s journey with regards to its political and aesthetic relevance to the society of today. Paradise Trilogy According to Perry the progression of formal strategies in cinema is a reflection of the evolution of filmmaking itself that gradually transitioned from the sketches of mid and late 1800s in favor of tackling more complex storylines and abstract ideas in the early 1900s (25). While, commentators and analysts such as Perry would assert that the progression of formal strategies in filmmaking are representations of a new epoch in the history of cinema it should be noted that the skills of a director such as Seidl who wishes to portray human condition as it really is augments the implementation of formal strategies in films. Even though, the essence and the core of Paradise Trilogy remains inert throughout the three parts the interrelation of the stories has not barred Ulrich Seidl from employing a range of formal strategies in his last installment Paradise: Hope. As with Seidl’s previous work such as the movie titled Import/Export, those who are familiar with his talents would have expected the director to continue the projection of despair and stagnation with regards to the protagonist of the film. As Frey notes that once the director famously wished viewers present at the premier of his movie, Dog Days (2001) â€Å"a disturbing evening† (189). What certainly comes as a relief for the audience is that Paradise: Hope’s protagonist Melanie Lenz displays much conviction and integrity throughout the course of the movie which documents her journey at a diet camp an d her relationship with a much older doctor, the last installment of the trilogy in fact assists the emergence of an optimistic and hopeful side to Seidl that was indeed unexpected but rewarding. While it is obvious that the films in the trilogy share an important relationship with regards to the involvement of the characters in each installment of Paradise, the protagonist in Seidl’

Problems The Eurozone was Facing in 2011-2012 due to Poor Performances Essay

Problems The Eurozone was Facing in 2011-2012 due to Poor Performances of Some Members and Their Resolving - Essay Example political, economic, financial and social challenges facing the Euro zone along and also explains the measures that can be taken to solve the crisis threatening the collapse of the Euro zone single currency – the Euro. Current political, economic, financial and social challenges facing the Euro zone Political problems in Eurozone Stiglitz (2011) has pointed out that more of political in nature rather than economic. In his opinion, â€Å"If Europe issues Eurobonds, debts are manageable. Even a 150 per cent debt to GDP ratio can be handled if interest rates are low enough, but if rates are high they cannot be†(Stiglitz, 2011). Many people have the illusion that the Eurozone problems are caused by economic factors rather than political factors. Such people believe that Europe is comparatively a stable political region and therefore political problems have fewer roles in causing any challenge to the functioning of Eurozone. However in reality, as in the case of many other r egions in the world, political problems are causing more damages to the ambitions of Eurozone to become the strongest economic power in the world. For example, Greece is one Eurozone country which is facing huge financial problems now. Kotios et al, (2011) have pointed out that the inconsistent economic policies of Greece have contributed heavily to the downfall of Greece (Kotios et al, 2011, p. 263). Greece adopted some kind of economic policies which were unsuitable to the needs of the current economic climate. Their inconsistent economic policies affected Greece as well as Eurozone. â€Å"The European Central Bank is under pressure to bail out indebted countries by printing more euros. But it really isn't as straightforward as that† (Obama Accuses Eurozone of "Problem of Political Will", 2011).... This paper describes the full range of political, economic, financial and social problems, that the Eurozone was experiencing in the years, following the global financial crisis. The crisis exposed weaknesses in Greece economy, as well as in economies of some other members. That economic problems in turn became the threat to the existence of the single currency. The paper also reviews set of economic measures introduced by the members in 2011-2012, that were aiming at overcoming the aftermath of the global crisis The member of Eurozone countries have adopted Euro as their currency in order to reduce the formalities in money transactions of economic transactions between these countries. In short, Eurozone can be defined as a geographic and economic region that consists of all the European Union countries, that have fully incorporated the euro as their national currency. The inconsistent economic policies of Greece have contributed heavily to the downfall of Greece. Greece adopted some kind of economic policies which were unsuitable to the needs of the current economic climate. That affected Greece as well as Eurozone. The ECB was under pressure to bail out indebted countries by printing more euros. Still, many of the European countries were against printing more euros to assist Greece like nations. The absence of centralised political management was causing problems to the functioning of Eurozone. Each member countries were functioning independently and the political control of Eurozone over member countries was negligible. Economic problems in some Eurozone member countries were causing problems in all the other members. Some ot them believed that the poor performances of Spain and Greece were retarding their growth also.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Of Mice and Men The End Analysis Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men The End Analysis Essay What happens at the end of this novel shows that Steinbecks view of life is a pessimistic and negative one. By the end of the novel tragedy struck the hopeful couple Lenny and George, as once again Lenny have done a real bad thing. He accidentally killed his little puppy, not knowing that it would get killed that easily. It really wasnt his fault, for it aint little as mice, though it wasnt big enough of a puppy either to be kept outside its mothers reach. And if that wasnt bad enough, on that same day he viciously killed Curleys wife. In the barn she was consoling her loneliness by talking to Lenny in a passion of communication. With pleasure she talks of her dreams and of her life, about how her life would be if she made somethin of herself. How she was said to be a natural in movies and how her ol lady stole letters from a guy she knew that was in pitchers. Her dream dies as with her body as Lenny tries to shut her up. Not knowing his own strength he breaks her neck after she struggles to break free, and her body flopped like a fish, as Curley did when he tried to let go of his hand from Lennies strong grasp. As soon as Candy and George discovers the unlawful act that Lenny has done, they try to reason with his actions and find the best action that should be taken against him. Pessimistically George wants to get im an lock im up, for his own good so he wont starve to death. In the end George decided to kill Lenny, for he thinks that if anyone should lynch Lenny, it should him that would kill Lenny, mercifully. I agree with the statement that Steinbecks opinion on life by the end of the novel is a pessimistic and negative point of view. By pessimistic I mean that he has a tendency to stress the adverse aspects of a situation, in this case expecting the worst possible outcome in life. Negative, meaning he expresses denial, refusal, prohibition, bad, or evil things in general. The ending of this novel in my opinion is very tragic, having three deaths occur in one day which not only does it represents physical death, but also emotional death. I see death as the negative side to life, but then again death can be seen as something positive, as religion tells us of something called heaven, which for Lenny might be tending rabbits and live off the fatta the land. On page 112 where George describes the perfect life: Everbody gonna be nice to you. Aint gonna be no more trouble. Nobody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from em, it is all positive things. But the fact that Lenny had to imagine it means that he cant see it with the naked eye, therefore it does not exist in reality, leaving reality with the opposite of that imagination of the perfect life which is the negative things. I believe the puppy represents the death of trust and responsibility in the companionship between Lenny and George. George trusted Lenny to take care of his puppy, but once again Lenny acted irresponsible, not listening to Slims and Georges advice to not take away the pup from its mother. This is why Lenny was very nervous after the dog gets killed. He was afraid maybe George aint gonna let me (Lenny) tend no rabbits, that George would lose his trust on Lenny. He was afraid that George would pass a negative judgement on Lenny. The death of Curleys wife I say would mean the death of the innocent. I thought she was caught in the middle of life in the 1930s where her gender was discriminated against, and as a wife she should stay at home where she belongs. I feel pity for her living on a ranch where there arent many other women around. As her husband prohibits her to talk to other men, people might find her as trouble, jail-bait, one that conceals nothing. Lennies death, the climax of the novel situated at the end of the novel is very important. His death expresses the death of true friendship between George and Lenny, unlike the other migrant workers relations. The death of Candys dream of having a place he can call his own, the death of Crooks hope to be treated as equal, as a human being and also as a friend. The relationship between George and Lenny are different from other guys. We got each other, not like other guys who aint got nobody in the worl that gives a hoot in hell about em. Lenny and George get a sense of security out of this. This may be considered a luxury for any other migrant workers. Candy who is old and weak also yearns for security. Jus as soon as I cant swamp out no bunk houses theyll put me on the county, shows how he is afraid of his future, how if hes unemployed with no permanent residence and what would happen if he would be left out in the streets. He was deeply stricken with sadness, as his eyes were blinded with tears and how he just lay down in the hay and covered his eyes with his arm. Crooks who tries to conceal his pleasure with anger as Candy and Lenny both were guests at his bunk, is a man who lost all his pride and dignity because of racism. People degrade him in a level so low that he has no more self-confidence or even self-respect. With the coming of Candy and Lenny he gained them piece by piece. For a moment he felt to be part of something in Lennies dream, how he hoped to live a better life where people would treat him with the respect that he deserves. All is but a memory once Lenny is killed, no chance the dream would come true. Id think everybody would just go their separate ways, living their lives in a straight line, hardly ever cross. Steinbecks style of writing noticed in the description of nature on chapter 6 is far more violent than described in the beginning of the novel. A silent head and beak lanced don and plucked it out by the head, and the beak swallowed the little snake while its tail waved frantically. But one could argue that his negative view on life already started from the beginning of the novel. The title Of Mice and Men which is taken from a poem by Robert Burns says that no matter how you plan something, something always goes wrong. George expected the worst possible outcome, being pessimistic of Lennie, by foreshadowing him to get in trouble. If you look in the positive way, the end can also mean a new beginning.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Is Hong Kong A Preferable Travel Destination?

Is Hong Kong A Preferable Travel Destination? One of Hong Kongs important incomes is from tourism. In 2010, the annual number of inbound tourists has 30 million. Mainland Chinese visitors accounted for 22.7 million, followed by the visitors from Taiwan, accounting for 2.2 million people; Hong Kong is one of the most popular tourist places. Why the tourists like to travel Hong Kong? In this project we will analysis Mainland Chinese this group of tourist in Hong Kong. And we will analysis what reasons attract the tourist. We will analysis some products is it enough for tourists? Introduction of Hong Kong History Hong Kong the full name is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China. It is located in the Pearl River estuary, the South China Sea on the Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsula, connected to the mainland China, and the New Territories. Under the principle of One Country, Two Systems, Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China on 1 July 1997. Climate Hong Kong has a sub-tropical climate with distinct seasons. Hong Kong Spring is on March to May. The temperature and humidity are rising. Evenings can be cool and average temperature is Summer is on June to August. It is very hot, humid and sunny, with occasional showers and thunderstorms. The temperature can exceed 31 °C and high humidity levels can make it feel even hotter. In summer time, the average temperature can have 26à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™- 31à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™. The tourists can enjoy the sunshine and swimming in Repulse Bay Beach. Then it is autumn. Autumn is on September to November. There are pleasant breezes, plenty of sunshine and comfortable temperatures. Many people regard these as the best months of the year to visit Hong Kong. The tourists can go hiking in Lamma Island. In autumn the average temperature is Winter is from  December to February. It is quite cool, dry and cloudy, with occasional cold fronts. The temperature can drop below 10 °C in urban areas. The tourist can go to Temple Street to eat Pot Rice. The average temperature is 12à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™ -20 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™. Attraction In Hong Kong, the attraction has two types. It is a natural and man-made attraction. First we will introduce Tai O. Tai O is located in the west of Lantau Island, New Territories, the existence in Hong Kongs most famous fishing village. Tai O is a natural attraction, Near Tai O there are lots of the growth of mangroves, visitors can enjoy the natural beauty of the local. Also the tourist can see the hut in Tai O. This is a Hong Kong early fishing village, and it is the homes of the fishermen. Hong Kong Disneyland is a man-made attraction. It is located Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong Lantau Island. Hong Kong Disneyland was officially opened on September 12, 2005. Also there have hotels too. There have six themes. For example, Fantasyland, Tomorrow land, Toy Story land etc. This park can attract the family to travel. The tourists can go there by rail MTR Disneyland Resort Line from Sunny Bay Station and Disneyland Resort Station. Analysis of Mainland Chinese The increasing and growth number of Chinese mainland visitors to Hong Kong. Last year, it has 5,550,000 of mainland individual visitors. Mainland visitors go to Hong Kong from China, generally about 25-44 years old. The visitors will stay around 3-4 days; over half of the visitors will spend on shopping. And they have a higher average education and income. Now, the Mainland visitors go to Hong Kong visit is very easy. Because the Hong Kong Government has provided the Signed a multi-line , they can visit Hong Kong still the holidays. First, mainland visitors visit Hong Kong main purpose is shopping, For example: they will buy an electronic products, preferred clothes, jewelry, beauty cosmetics and health products. It is because Hong Kong have most international brand, and have confidence guarantee. Ad Hoc Quota Trial Scheme for Cross Boundary Private Cars is means a self-driving tour of China and Hong Kong, Guangdong and Hong Kong traveling by car, is the implementation of a pilot scheme by the Hong Kong Government and the Guangdong provincial government plans to allow cross-border traveling vehicles in Hong Kong and Guangdong Province. But this plan stops in March 2012. Tourism products in Hong Kong Transportation Hong Kong provided a wide range of transportation to cater the transport demands so Hong Kongs transportation network is highly developed. Over 90% of daily travels (11 million) are on public transport, the highest such percentage in the world. Our target consumers could go everywhere that they like. Payment can be made using the Octopus card, a stored value system introduced by the Mass Transit Railway (MTR), which is widely accepted on railways, buses and ferries, and accepted like cash at other outlets go to the urban city. Mass Transit Railway is the most convenient way to understand how to go the place that we want to visit. There are all together ten lines in the MTR system, with a total of 83 railway stations and 68 light rail stops. It is utmost comfortable to go to the Hong Kong International Airport into the city center or rural place like Tai Po and Yuen Long and other famous attraction like the Hong Kong Disneyland. Bus services have a long history in Hong Kong. They could take the bus to go everywhere. There are also a variety of non-franchised public buses services, including feeder bus services to railway stations operated by the railway companies, and residents services for residential estates (particularly those in the New Territories). Taxi is the most relax transportation in Hong Kong as it is just carry yourself and your family. Taxi fares are charged according to the taximeter; however, additional charges on the fare table may apply, such as road tolls and luggage fees. Urban taxis are the most expensive, while Lantau taxis are the cheapest. The standard of service among different kinds of taxis is mostly the same. Attractions Hong Kong is frequently described as a place where East meets west, reflecting the cultures mix of the territorys Chinese roots with influences from its time as a British colony. Hong Kong had many attractions for our target consumers. We had classified into 2 parts: natural and man-made attraction. Man-made attraction For the sightseeing, we provide the visitor visit Avenue of Stars which with commemorative plaques, celebrity handprints, descriptive milestones, movie memorabilia, a life-size statue of kung fu action hero Bruce Lee and a bronze rendering of popular cartoon character McDull and also there is the perfect vantage point to catch the A Symphony of Lights multimedia show. After visit Avenue of Stars, if they want to shopping, they could go to Times Square which is the One-stop shop and eat paradise and highly cater their required of services. Causeway Bay is one of Hong Kongs most popular shopping areas and Times Square is its biggest mall. It has around 230 shops, including fashion, sportswear, furniture, electronics, toys, two department stores and around 17 restaurants offering food from all over the world. They could visit Ocean Park which offers affordable marine animal education and entertainment and is a private organization for commercial purposes. The park divided into 2 parts: The waterfront and Summit. The waterfront had Amazing Asia Animals, Ocean Express Waterfront Station, Aqua City, Whiskers Harbor and Cable Car Plaza. For the Summit, there are Summit cable car station, ocean express summit station, marine world, polar adventure, adventure land, Thrill Mountain and rainforest. They could spend a whole day to have a look on Hong Kong and play with their friends, family or relatives. Nature attraction Hong Kong Global Geopark of China is the famous place for the travelers to get in touch with the history of nature. They could take a tour to view covering an area of 50 square kilometers; the Geopark includes the Sai Kung Volcanic Rock Region and the Northeast New Territories Sedimentary Rock Region, which, together, feature eight scenic areas containing Hong Kongs major exotic landforms. Finally, they could go to Cheung Chau to view The Cheung Chau Bun Festival as it is the best way to feel the traditional mood in Hong Kong. Every year, the people of Cheung Chau get busy making papier-mà ¢chà © effigies of deities, preparing costumes, baking buns and building a bamboo tower. Theyre preparing for the thousands of people that will soon descend upon their tiny island for what deemed one of the worlds Top 10 Quirky Local Festivals. It is an easy way to find that Hong Kong provided a wide range of transportation and attraction to cater the rich mainland Chinese people. Accommodation Since there are more than 50,000 rooms available in Hong Kong. Most accommodation places are linked by the public transport system to ensure all attractions are close together. We use hotel ratings in order to divider their quality, such ratings are very useful for tourists to choose their accommodation places. In Hong Kong, there have five types of hotels. There are five-star hotels, four-star hotels, three-star hotels, boutique hotel and budget hotel. We think the Mainland visitors may consider on those two types hotels, because they need the quality of the hotels. For a five-star hotel, it always offers most luxurious premises, as well as swimming pool and sport and exercise facilities. For example, The Peninsula, Kowloon, Hong Kong, offers the ultimate in luxury accommodations with the most spacious hotel rooms and suites in Hong Kong. Each one of the guest rooms equipped with advanced technology for the convenience of hotel guests and is comfortable and stylish. However, its room rate range from $5000 to $16000. For a four-star hotel, it may lack of certain facility like 24-hour room service or individual phones or showers in bathroom, but overall it is a larger and comfortable hotel accompanied with many basic amenities. This hotel is located in Causeway Bay Hotel Hong Kong. The hotel provides the easiest walking distance between Causeway Bay MTR subway stations and The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, which is one of the tourist attractions and business areas that can be accessed within 10 minutes drive. Catering services Since Hong Kong is a city which Chinese and western culture combined, it is also famous for both type of food. Chinese Cuisine is the most famous type of food in Hong Kong. Since Western food is already adapted to local tastes, it is a good place for homesick travelers who have had enough of Chinese food. For some richer visitors, they can follow the Michelin guide to find some Western restaurants with excellent menu and service. We think the Mainland visitors may try some Hong Kong local food, so we have some ideas for the visitors. Dim Sum is one of the famous menus of Cantonese food; it dominates in food style of breakfast since Cantonese people tend to avoid fried foods early in the day. Dim Sum comes in countless variations with a huge price range from $8 to more than $100 per order. Common items include steamed shrimp dumplings, pork dumplings, barbecued pork buns, and Hong Kong egg tarts. The other famous Cantonese food is Chinese Barbecue, it is known as Siu Mei, restaurants usually use steamed chicken as these barbecued meats. Those meats are roasted on spits over an open fire or in a rotisserie oven. Chinese barbecue restaurants usually have highly flexible menus that allow you to pair your roast meats with rice, noodles or rice noodles. Combo plates enable solo diners to sample several meats in one meal. Rice with roasted pork Char Siu, roasted duck, all are common dishes of that. For the western style of food, there are numerous selections in Hong Kong. Italian, French, German, Mediterranean, Mexican and American all feature strongly. Given Hong Kongs cosmopolitan population and passion for dining trends, foreign travelers would not be hard to find out their home type of food. For the famous places of Western food in Hong Kong, Cà ©page is sure one of them, it serve French cuisine, influenced by Eastern type of cooking style and are served in the chic. The restaurants name is French for wine blend, an allusion to its impressive wine list of over 2,000 bottles, its recommended dish are Steamed Tasmanian Salmon, Aromatized with Diced Vegetables and Oriental Sauce. Ming Court is the other place; it has raked in rave reviews from the citys most respected food connoisseurs. Its executive chef applies his 30 years of experience to ensure that every dish bears his signature style of delicate presentation and exquisite taste. Braised E-Fu Noodles with Fresh Abalone Slices and Prawn are its recommended dishes. Suggestions for the Hong Kong Tourism Industry In order to develop the tourism industry, there are some suggestions provided for different sectors. For Hospitality industry, when the peak tourist season was coming, the hotel room and staff always not enough to supply. Therefore, they should build more hotel or other types of accommodation in Hong Kong. Also, hotel can organize a large-scale job fairs to recruit the talents and allocate the manpower efficiently, such as Disneyland and Ocean Park. Disneyland and Ocean Park is one of the popular attractions in Hong Kong, most of the tourists visiting there, so it should build more hotels in there. Mystery Customer Service Association published the 2010 Global smile report, shows that Hong Kong smile index is only 53 and ranking in third last. The company should provide training course and teaching the staff how to serve the customers, it can help to build up the good image of tourism. For Hong Kong Tourism Board, because travelers become more and more, the tourist facilities are insufficient to cope with the large number of travelers, they should develop more attractions, such as Disneyland, can build more mechanical rides. It also can strengthen efforts to publicize; they should do more advertising in other foreign countries and attract foreigner interest. Moreover, Hong Kong Tourism Board needs to organize more large-scale events for tourists, such as Tourism Festival, Winter Festival. This type of events is one of characteristically in Hong Kong. Recommendations to Government There are many recommendations for the Government of Hong Kong that are in favor of the Tourism Development. First of all, it is strongly recommended to the HK government that the 2nd Cruise Terminal at Kai Tak, which is now under building progress, should be completed as soon as possible as it can be very helpful to the tourism industry in a way that it can create efficiency for the cruise customers as there will be more space to park and more ports for the cruise ships. Secondly, the HK government should have more and more promotions and advertisements overseas to increase the number of the inbound tourists and the advertisements should be promoting the cultural and the leisure activities that can be done in HK such as a mix culture of HK and not only focus on Mainland Chinese market. And the HK government is also recommended that it should put more efforts on the HK Airport to make more spacious and to reclaim more land for development of the runways which in return will be one of the contributing factors for the development of the tourism industry of HK. It is because this will be a reason for the efficiency of the customers that are both in bounding and out bounding as the airport will be able to cater more and more flights and will provide more space to airlines. Conclusions All in all, Hong Kong has a wide range of facilities and products to cater to this object China rich. Provide multiple choices and quality in basic necessities, the economy status of China began to raise, the message of the people the crescendo ability, in line with the visa policy with China, Hong Kong an advantage compared to other cities. So for the Chinese rich people, Hong Kong is a choice. Access To Higher Education: Reflective Practice Access To Higher Education: Reflective Practice Firstly this assignment is based on three models of reflective practice, Kolb’s, Gibbs and John’s with an explanation of the structure of each model. To understand all three of the models they will all be described in detail explaining how they should be utilized. This assignment will also seek to critically evaluate all three of the models. All of these models can assist someone to reflect on some everyday situations and seriously think about what to change when things go wrong and how to put them right on another occasion. Starting with Kolb’s model of reflective practice, this model has been structured on four stages of learning which are, concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation. Concrete experience is having an experience which can be evaluated, reflective observation is looking at the experience to see what was done, abstract conceptualisation is learning from the experience and active experimentation is planning and trying out what has been learned. (Mcloud 2010) There are also other parts to Kolb’s model that focus on the way someone will learn, these are diverging, assimilating, converging and accommodating. Diverging is to feel and watch, assimilating is to think and watch, converging is to think and do, and accommodating is to feel and do. (Kolb 1984) With Kolb’s model it is suggested by him that whoever is using it should think about what they are doing and reflect on this by reviewing what they did. Using the information and learning from their experience. (Arora 2008) The end outcome should be to learn from their experience and to turn the negatives into positives. Anyone using this model should plan what they could do next and think about how they could improve their experience. Kolb’s model of reflection has been criticized because of insufficient attention to the process of reflection itself, ‘it’s lack of empirical support, it’s very rigid and sequential nature and it’s simplification of the learning process in general’. (Smith 1996) This model of reflection will not suit everyone’s learning experience as it does not take into account the abilities of different learners and can also seem a little complicated to follow with the use of some uncommon words that are not understood by all individuals. According to research Kolb’s model of reflective practice does not show the full extent of reflection. (Boud et al1983) Now we move onto Gibbs model of reflective practice which is based on six questions: Description: What happened? Feelings: What did you think and feel? Evaluation: What did you find good and what was bad about the experience? Analysis: What do you make of the situation? Conclusion: What should you do to make the experience better? Action plan: If it happened in the future what would you do?(Gibbs 1988) With the Gibbs model of reflective practice it is suggested by him that whoever uses this model should describe what happened and think about what they were feeling to evaluate the situation and work out what went well and what did not go well. The person using this model should analyse what sense they can make of the situation and decide what they could have done to make the situation better. (Jasper2003) It is also suggested that anyone using this model should develop an action plan to improve the situation if it should happen again. Gibbs model of reflective practise is described as self-explanatory and easy to use. (Jasper 2003) Gibb’s model does not give the learner enough specific questions to answer and does not give them enough scope to be more critical of themselves. ‘‘It also does not consider whether there is a difference between teaching practice and the requirements or expectations of learners’’. (Jasper 2003) (Jasper 2003) explains that Gibb’s ‘‘model comes from an educational context as opposed to a practical context’’. (Jasper 2003) The learning styles of many reflective models have still not been proven according to some and may be of no benefit to some learners. (Barrett 2013) Finally, John’s model of reflective practice is based on five questions with sub headings. Reflection: What were you trying to achieve? Influencing factors: What things like internal and external knowledge affected your decision? Could you have dealt with it better: What other choices did you have and what were the consequences? Learning: What will change because of this experience? Description of the experience: How has this experience changed your way of knowing? (Dran 2011) It is suggested by Johns that anyone using this model of reflective practice should work out why they did what they did and if anything swayed their decision to do what they did as well as what other things they could have done instead. It is also suggested by Johns that the person using this model thinks about what will change because of the experience and if it has changed their view of what they did. One weakness of this model is that ‘the outside framework does not leave any room for learners to use their own awareness, standards and priorities and some learners and practitioners doubt the value of reflection’. (Davis 2005) Reflective practice can often be interpreted in the wrong way. (Loughran, 2000) It could be seen that if practitioners are extremely busy they may find the pressure of completing reflective models a little tiresome. There are also some ethical concerns, which may breach confidentiality and privacy so anyone using reflective models of practice should take this into consideration. It should be noted that dealing with emotions in this way can be upsetting and do more harm than good. (Davis 2005) Boud and Walker (1998) are unsure of reflective practice as a required part of a course. Another criticism on the impact on someone using a model of reflective practice is that the practitioner always wants to find ways of doing things better which can lead to them feeling down hearted and unworthy. If a practitioner is to assume that the word ‘critical’ has the same meaning as ‘negative’ then this could make them feel very low indeed and also extremely worthless. (Quinn 1988/2000). Quinn (1988/2000) suggests that ‘the inappropriate use of reflective Models may actually devalue practitioners’ professional work instead of promoting it. It seems that not everyone would like to utilize the same model as we all adapt to each situation differently and the learning process is not the same experience for everyone, just as all models of reflection are different models of reflection so are we as humans. If used correctly in the right situation these models of reflection can be very valuable however used badly can be detrimental to our thought process and feelings of usefulness. (Quinn 1998/2000) Table of References (Accessed 30 May 2014) Davis. C. et-al (2005) Changing practice in health and social care sage publications London Thousand Oaks New Delhi in association with the Open University p85 (Accessed 10 June 2014) (Accessed 12 June 2014) Finlay.L.Reflectingon‘Reflectivepractice’ pp 10 11 12 (Accessed 2June 2014) (Accessed 2 June) McLeod S. A. (2010). Kolb Learning Styles. (Accessed 10 June 2014) (Accessed 1 June2014) (Accessed 12 June 2014) (Accessed 10 June 2014) (Accessed 12 June 2014) (Accessed 12 June 2014) (Accessed 1June 2014) (Accessed 3 June 2014) (Accessed 30 May 2014) Part B Without realising at first Gibb’s model of reflection was the one out of all the models which I automatically started to and still continue to use. I found the model very user friendly, and this is a reflective model that is in plain speaking English without the use of any uncommon words. It has made me think seriously about situations in my studies and made me realise what I am doing wrong and what I should think about to improve the way I study. Sometimes I do things and do not really think about what I am doing however this model of reflection has taught me to actually stop, think and reassess a situation. Here is an example of Gibb’s model of reflective practice applied to my own learning experience. Description: What happened? I was given assignments to complete. Feelings: What was I thinking and feeling? I was feeling a little daunted and unsure of the work ahead of me. Evaluation: What was good and bad about the experience? I thought the assignments were quite hard to do and found putting things into my own words very hard. Once I thought I finally understood a little more I felt much better. Analysis: What sense can I make of the situation? I get too stressed and rush myself too much to get my work done all at once. Conclusion: What else could I have done? I could have organised my time better and done my work in small chunks. Action plan: If it arose again what would I do? I will organise my time better and work in small chunks rather than trying to do it all at once.