Monday, September 30, 2019
Health and social care Essay
As you begin to get older your muscles within your digestive tract can start to become really weak and would possibly start giving you the risk of having a lot of constipation. Also as you get older your heart is beginning to get less efficient and would not be able to pump the blood around your body like what it used to have done. Also the other things that could happen to your organs as you begin to get older are †¢Your body metabolism starts to become more and more reduced due to the fact that the lowered performance of the endocrine glands that is in your body. †¢The breathing can start to become more and less efficient because of the fact that the respiratory muscles are becoming less weak than what they had been before when they was once younger. †¢The Gas exchange within the human lungs becomes impaired as the elastic walls of the different small air pockets called alveoli then starts to become damaged. †¢Also as you get older your blood pressure starts to get higher, this could be because of the fact that you are becoming more stressed or because it was passed on within your family genes. The physical changes that could happen within the body as you’re getting older can be: †¢As you get older your skin becomes thinner, and they also get more wrinkled, this is one of the signs that you can tell that you are getting older. Also another thing could be that as you get older your skin starts to get less elasticated and becomes really saggy. †¢Your muscles become less weak and therefore you wouldn’t be able to do certain things that you may have been able to do when you were younger. †¢ When you get older your joints can start to become much stiffer and can become extremely painful as your cartilage on the bone starts to end and becomes really thin. As the ligaments in your body helps to reinforce the joints that also weakens and becomes looser. †¢Also because of the cartilage within your legs starts to separate and the vertebrae in the backbone becomes more and more compressed than before. The spine becomes more rounded than before, and al l this could end up making you shrink and could lose some of your height. Your senses: As you get older your ability to taste and smell things start to become less active and can deteriorate and the sense of balance can become really impaired. Also the other things that could have happened as you get older are that your hearing can start to deteriorate with the failure to hear high pitched sounds. Your vision can start to deteriorate because of the fact that a range of problems and cataracts can help to develop. Last but not least your skin can become sensitive and can lead to very high risk of increased hypothermia. The many different physical changes that people go through do not just happen because we are just casually ‘wearing out’ it happens because we are getting older. Also if you take the regular exercise, you may expect to live longer and stay so much healthier than what you would expect to plus the people who wouldn’t do this are the people that wouldn’t live as long. The different physical changes that are associated with the different ageing that may come with a limit to how many times the body cells can rapier and renew themselves and then because of the damage that builds up over the long lifetime. (Health and social care level 3, Beryl Stretch/ Mary Whitehouse 2010) Cardiovascular system This is where the heart heals to pump your blood around the human body. It is known that the older you get the more likely it is for you to start to develop narrowing of the arteries and the other blood vessels due to the fact that there are fats which would be known as Cholesterol which are pushing down and padding our your blood vessels. This is normally known as ‘the clogging up’ but the professional medical name for this is Atherosclerosis and this indicates that your artistries are beginning to harden. If this happens this then could result in you gaining higher blood pressure and this could put you at a very high risk of having a heart attack or stroke, this happens because the blood supply to the brain is blocked. If these blockages happen, this could result in you having something called coronary heart disease. If your coronary artery is blocked, then the person could start to experience really bad chest pains and could become out of breath. (Health and social ca re level 3, Beryl Stretch/ Mary Whitehouse 2010) Cognitive changes: When you are getting older, it can start to involve a loss of many different nerve cells within the brain and could cause a reduction in the ability of the nerves to transmit electrical signals. Although this is happening it doesn’t mean that people start to lose their ability to think logically or reason, many older people start to report things going missing because of their memory recall, for example ‘where did I put the remote?’ Or ‘where did I put my glasses’. Often older people forget more things as they get older, and it takes them longer to respond and react, for example if an older person was to drive, they might drive more carefully and slowly due to the fact they know that they wouldn’t be able to respond as well if they wasn’t concentrating enough. These slower response times and the difficultly recalling recent memories are not symptoms of dementia, senile dementia is not part of a general ageing process, you could in fac t inherit this through family genes or it could just come to you as you get to a certain age, this normally affects people from the ages of 85+.(Health and social care level 3, Beryl Stretch/ Mary Whitehouse 2010) Degeneration of the sense organs: Sight: Normally after the age of 45 roughly, your ability of the eye to focus on certain things begin to weaken and because of this, by the time you get to roughly the age of 65 there may be more and more of a little focusing power left in your eye sight which unfortunately makes smaller print much more harder to see. The cataracts within the eye often changes in the lens of the eye. As people grow older the lens in the eye starts to change and can start to appear cloudy looking, this often happens and stops the process of the eye lens from being able to change shape or even to transmit the light properly. The cataracts may start to form between the ages of 50 and 60 years old and can often take a while to develop. If you are known to have diabetes then that also contributes to poor cataracts. Hearing: There are hundreds of thousands of older people who sadly experience the difficulty of not being able to hear high pitched sounds. This can normally happen because of the sensitivity with the nerve cells in which can possibly result in hearing loss. Some of the older generation can start to experience an unwanted build-up of ear wax which can be quite painful and could eventually block the transmission of sound from getting to them. Dementia – a disorder in which is more common in ageing: When experiencing dementia, it is more than likely to just occur in older people. It is known that only 5% of people which are over the age of 65 years actually have dementia. The Alzheimer’s society normally estimates that there are as many as 20% of the people that are over the ages of 80 are actually affected by the dementia disease. There are many different kinds of this disease, but the two major types of this disease are the Alzheimer’s disease and the second one is the one that is caused by the vascular disease which involves having problems with your blood supply to the brain. There are many people in the world who has heard of this disease but who are not completely sure on what it is, dementia is a disorder that causes a great amount of damage to human brain. This disease often affects people from understanding things, also they find it hard to remember people, places, who they are and where they live. There have been some cases in which older people have gone back to their childhood and are not able to speak, read, write or eat themselves. Hormones and Menopause: Normally when you get to this age you start to experience a major decrease in your hormone oestrogen which follows the menopause. People have discovered that the environment can actually make a huge amount of difference as the exercise is known to strengthen the muscles and the bones also may help to prevent osteoporosis. Women are unfortunately at a high risk of getting this osteoporosis than what men are because of the difference between the bone strength and how it is influenced by the different reduction of oestrogen. Musculoskeletal This is when the older the person gets the more that they start to experience the following: †¢Decline in mobility †¢Muscle thinning †¢Arthritis Arthritis: this is when you start to have a lot of damage to the joint in your body; there is a substance which is called cartilage, covers all of our bone ends and helps to cushion them as we are moving on a daily basis. As we are constantly moving all the time, our cartilage can start to wear and become a lot thinner and less elastic with your age. This is perfectly normal. In Osteoarthritis your bones can start to become thicker and even start to form bony spurs which actually help but restrict your movement of the joints within your body. When people start experiencing this situation, they normally start of within the knees and hips which then obviously effect your movement. When ageing, it can often result in a general reduction and also lead to shrinkage of the skeletal muscles within your body. Because of this loss of muscles you wouldn’t be able to do the things what you might have been able to do when you were younger, but this often starts at around the age of 40 years old. Also another way to get thinner muscles is when you do not exercise often. Nervous system This is when the ageing starts to involve the loss of different nerves cells that help to activate the different muscles within your body. The Neurotransmitters, which are the different chemicals that are then released by the nerves in order for them to help to communicate, and control the muscles within the body. They also may help to function less effectively with your age. This then also affects the motor neurone disease which is a very rare disorder that is normally common in people around the ages of 50 – 70 than in the other age groups. There are many different causes of motor neurone, but they are not really understood but it is more than possible that the genetic inheritance may play a huge role within this or that the different exposures to toxic chemicals may increase a person’s risk of developing the disease. This disease starts to cause the nerves to degenerate which results in weakness and loss of the different muscle tissues. Respiratory system The respiratory system is when the blood within your body is not able to be pumped around the body efficiently, and this then causes you to feel really breathless. When you get older, you may start to realise that the strength of your chest muscles are starting to reduce with the aging and the efficiency of the human lungs may start to deteriorate. There are serious diseases such as bronchitis may start to develop as well, this means it starts to involve inflammation of the airways that help to connect the windpipes to the lungs. Skin When people get older their skin starts to change and it is very noticeable. As you get older the amount of fat that is stored under your skin starts to decrease and it is becomes looser and then develops wrinkles. Things that can damage your skin are everywhere, for example too much sunlight can eventually burn your skin and could put you at a risk of skin cancer, this is because sunlight has ultraviolet rays which can increase freckles and spots and make your skin rough and leathery like. Also another risk that can affect your skin is smoking, by doing this the chemicals within the cigarette can end up turning your skin a yellow looking colour. Smoking can also cause cardiovascular disease with is associated with the hardening and the narrowing of the arteries which then causes high blood pressure and heart attacks. Also smoking too much can then cause a lot of damage to the cell DNA may result in your skin developing a more aged appearance. (Health and social care level 3, Beryl S tretch/ Mary Whitehouse 2010) Psychological changes: The issue Explanation Ageism: There are many older people that sometimes can be stereotyped as being very useless, unable to cope with certain things, diseased and demented. Older people often start to experience some sort of prejudice from the younger people who see them as ‘having had their lives’. There are many older people that have a fear that they will not be treated with any sort of dignity within a hospital or care home. Financial concernsThere are a few people that are aged 65+ and over there their own home and the people that there are people over the age of 65 that have a higher level of savings in general than in any other age group. When you get to this age there are normally only about one in five of those older people who actually live in poverty and most of them wouldn’t have a private pension fund. Increased leisure time Your free time may enable you and older people to start to engage in the physical leisure of activities such as walking, and holidays that are very a ctive and ongoing. When you get older you may have an increase of free time, and often the older people aged 60+ normally go for the less active and laid back hobby of gardening. Also because of all the free time in which they have now gained it is known that older people start to take interest of learning new things, whether it is a new language or even internet or sewing skills. Loss of a partnerThis is a way of life, nobody wants this to happen to them but it happens to everyone, and sadly bereavement may result in a range of different changes that you have to then learn how to deal with. This could also cause you to start having depression or anxiety problems. The effects of Retirement Most older people do find it hard to cope with when retiring from their job, but also at the same time there are the few older people who enjoy being retired as they believe that it is their free time and they are now able to let go of all the stress and are able to just take it easy and relax. Also this is the perfect time to invest in a holiday home or to finally start that hobby that they always wanted to do. Role Changes There are a few majority of the older population that enjoy the effective social networking sights with only one person in five that start to experience a degree of isolation. For many of the people that choose to retire it helps them to provide more than one opportunity to get in contact with their family members such as grandchildren. At this age the older people are more likely to get involved with the politic side of things which result in their age group voting more than the younger generation. There are also many different types of physical changes and illnesses that could contribute towards people losing their self confidence in doing certain things but it would be very wrong for you to just assume that the physical decline automatically removes all of the general self-esteem and confidence issues. When ageing, there are many different problems that can occur and that can influence the person’s health and psychology. It is known that the majority of these are over the state retirement age and they all experience very reasonable health and a very satisfactory social life that they lead. There are only a few minority of the older generation that start to experience poor health, live in poverty and are pretty much isolated. When ageing physically, everyone has their own personal experience of psychological change and it’s more than likely to be different than everything else. There were two theories about ageing and one of those was by Cumming (19975) and he ha d argued that some people disengage from any sort of social activity when they start to get older. He argued that as people get older they would all start to experience a reduction in social contact with people and start to become much more independent and individual that would be less concerned about what people expect from them and what they expect from others. Many do not agree with this theory and it is important that people remember that Cumming and Henry has first proposed the theory in 1961 when there was no internet so that they never had access to any sort of communication that involved technology at all. There is another famous person that had a theory and his name was Erik Erikson and he had argued that older people need to start to develop a sense of their own â€Å"ego integrity†and that they need to avoid despair during later life. Also your culture and religion can affect you as well for example, the way in which you start to react to the physical changes that you would experience during later life and it will start to depend on your different attitudes a nd your beliefs. Often, when people of the older generation retire they are lucky enough to be financially stable and they are able to do the things that they want to do and that they are able to afford now they don’t work. Also as they are not working people often take up new hobbies to take up there time, such as golfing, gardening and other things which can build up their self-esteem. Most elderly people still want to remain very much independent and to keep their dignity high, this is very much important to them because this shows that they can cope alone without having to have help with everything. Older people don’t mind help but they feel like people are taking it to the extreme at times, often they feel like people are trying to make them feel like they are not able to look after themselves when in fact they are very capable to do so. The fact that there are younger people who can stereotype the elderly people as being not useful and that they are not able to walk about without assistance, this can in fact affect their self-esteem and make them feel less confident. if someone was to constantly talk like this to the elderly person then eventually start to believe it and they start to act upon it.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Life Course Case Study Essay
Introduction In this assignment I conduct a life course case study of a seventy-four year old man, Mr. Gambina, in order to find out whether structure or agency has been most influential throughout his life. The agent is the person who actually performs the action, while structure refers to the main structures in society that influence the way the agents act. Most structuralists share a conviction that individual human beings function solely as elements of the (often hidden) social networks to which they belong. The life course theory emerged in the 1960s out of the need to understand human development as occurring across the life span. This field, which emphasizes how individual lives are socially patterned over time, and the processes by which lives are changed by changing environments. Life-course studies emphasise the importance of epistemology in the study of society. Thus, collecting information on the four interrelated dimensions of the life story: structural, socio-cultural, interpersonal and personal story. According to Janet Z. Giele and Glen H. Elder, Jr., â€Å"Any point in the life span must be viewed dynamically as the consequence of past experience and future expectation,†I have tried to keep this in mind while conducting my study and analysis of Mr. Gambina’s life span. Theory The sociological theory that I shall be taking into consideration is that of C. Wright Mills. Mills’ aim was to develop what he called sociological imagination. The sociological imagination, he argued, is an outlook on society that focuses on the intimate connections between larger structural issues (what he called Public Issues) and the daily problems that confront individuals (Personal Troubles). Mills sought to demonstrate how issues of power, ideology and class are tied up with the daily troubles of ordinary individuals. Mills also sought to expose what he saw as the tragedy of sociology – the inability, unwillingness or refusal to cultivate the sociological imagination. An important assumption underlying Mills’ work is that social reality is both macroscopic and microscopic. Sociologists should try to understand social reality in terms of the meanings that social structures have for individuals. Failure to comprehend these macro-micro inner-connections results in sterile, pseudo-sophisticated rambling, which contributes little to the development of the social sciences or to the usefulness of sociology for progressive social change. This reluctance to cultivate the sociological imagination is, for Mills, the tragedy of modern sociology. Mills thought that social structure has a reality independent of the activities of ordinary individuals. Nonetheless individuals make and remake the social relations of everyday life. The aim of good sociology is to sensitise us to the many ways that social structure influences the daily lives of ordinary people. His greatest political and intellectual concern was that people in advanced societies would be manipulated into a state of acquiescence and political impotence, a state where the role of human reason would no longer play be an important force for progressive social change. He says, â€Å"we cannot adequately understand ‘man’ as an isolated biological creature, as a bundle of reflexes or a set of instincts, as an ‘intelligible field’ or a system in and of itself. Whatever else he may be, man is a social and an historical actor who must be understood, if at all, in close and intricate interplay with social and historical structures†. Literature Review There have been many life-course studies in the last century, each focusing on a separate element of the interviewee’s life, ranging from why and how people choose their friends to the female social climber . A similar study to the one I am conducting is Katherine R. Allen and Robert S. Pickett’s 1984 life-course study of women born in 1910, in America. Allen and Pickett paid particular attention to the variations in life patterns and choices fostered. They realized an increased trend in the employment of women, the expansion of educational careers, significant alterations in marriage and divorce patterns, a prolongation of the life course and a great imbalance in the proportions of women to men in their later years. Also in 1984, Dieter Ulich and Winfried N. Saup conducted life-course research, conducted towards coping with crises in old age. They found negative stereotypes and self-concepts in the elderly. They argued that gerontology would help towards coping with stress. Susan De Vos and Steven Ruggles explored the connections between the life course and the kin group, in 1985, focusing on the demographic determinants of kin groups, such as frequency and timing of births, deaths and marriages, which all define the context within which rules of kinship operate. Steven Ruggles used microsimulation (following the kinship path of the individual as they age) to examine the connection between an individual’s life course and the nature of his or her kin group and its sensitivity to overall demographic conditions. A more recent study is that of Ulrich Karl Mayer in 1997, which examined the challenges faced in cross-cultural comparisons of life courses. He constructed two complimentary ideal types, based on life courses in deregulated societies and flexibly co-coordinated societies. Mayer found that links between macroinstitutional structures and individual life courses must be constructed as mutually reinforcing systems to enable successful cross-national comparisons. He concluded that cross-national comparisons of life course patterns should contain a description of the institutional configurations and of the make-up of collective actors and models of incentive systems and individual-level transitions. However, none of the life-course studies I reviewed deal specifically with the influence of structure and agency throughout the individual’s life, the topic which I am dealing with. Methodology and Methods Methodology There are two main kinds of research: quantitative and qualitative. In this case study I use qualitative research, also known as interpretive research, naturalistic research, phenomenological, descriptive research. There are three main types of qualitative data collection: interviews, observation and documents, the product of which is a narrative description. Qualitative research is very dependent on the researcher as a person. The researcher is an instrument, not a mechanical device or test instrument, as in quantitative research. By using qualitative research, the researcher gets much more depth and detail than in a standardised questionnaire, and it helps the interviewer see the world view of the people studied, the respondents’ categories, rather than imposed categories. Descriptive research attempts to avoid pre-judgements, although some disagree here as we always make judgements, but just don’t admit it, for example the choice of one location or group over another is a judgement. The goal is to try to capture what is happening without being judgemental; to present people on their own terms, try to represent them from their perspectives so reader can see their views. However, qualitative research gives a much less generalised result, and makes it difficult to collect data and make systematic comparisons. Some claim the qualitative research is too dependent on the researcher’s personal attributes and skills. Method In this case study the method I used is that of an intensive, or in-depth, interview. This is an unstructured one-to-one interview, in which broad questions are asked, giving the interviewee a starting point and then asking questions to help push him or her in the right direction. Interviews are the most flexible means of obtaining information, since the face-to-face situation helps answers to be in more depth and detail. Also, information can be observed by the interviewer without having to ask the specific question. Unlike in mail or telephone questionnaires, sensitive questions cannot remain unanswered, and the interviewer can be certain who exactly is answering the questions, family members will not be able to confer. On the other hand, one-to-one interviews may create and interviewer bias: physical appearance, age, race, sex, dress, non-verbal behavior and/or comments may prompt respondents to answer questions untruthfully. In general, interviews are a disadvantage because a lot of time and money is required, but this is not the case for this particular life-course study, as it only deals with one person. Results Birth and Family or Origin The respondent, Mr. Gambina, born in 1927, was born during the lull between the two World Wars. When I asked him about his childhood, he told me that it was very normal, referring to things all children do, in particular his holy communion, confirmation, and that he was an altar boy. He had only good things to say about his parents, describing them both as quiet and devoted to their family. The little trouble he got into with his parents was to do with going out instead of staying home to study; he said he felt very carefree during his teenage years, telling me that they used to play in the streets, even though a war was on. The most significant even of his teenage years was the Second World War, and his father being repatriated to Sicily because of it. Education Mr. Gambina remembers enjoying school, in particular remembers his teacher who he described as gentle and well meaning. One of his lasting memories of school is the lessons being interrupted by air raids. He had a talent for languages, and remembered the name of an important book, Manzoni’s classic ‘I Promessi Sposi’ after only a second of thought. When asked about the role of education in a person’s life, he immediately replied, â€Å"Education is everything†. Love and Work Mr. Gambina was 17 when he had his first date, which was a walk on the front. What he remembers as difficult about dating was that he a girl who he would have liked to ask out was always with a female friend of hers, making her very unapproachable. The respondent’s attitudes towards sex have always been in sync with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. He said that one of the main reasons with his wife was that she was a woman with her own mind, and he realized that the relationship â€Å"meant business†straight away. He held that he always wanted to get married and have a family of his own; in fact he went on to have four children, two girls and two boys. He describes the best part of marriage was the birth of his children, and the worst his wife dying. The values the interviewee tried to impart on his all his children are those of the Roman Catholic Church. The respondent’s ambition was only to live a normal life, which he succeeded in accomplishing. When he was young he had wanted to be a notary, but since schooling had to be paid for, and he was relying on his brother for income, he could not continue studying. He said the war helped him to understand and accept his adult responsibilities, and he realized he had become an adult when he began working as a clerk, which he decided to do because he liked office work, also there was not much choice at the time, as it was just after WWII. Historical Events and Periods As already mentioned, the Mr. Gambina lived through the experience the Second World War; also he mentioned the granting of Malta’s independence as the important historical events he saw. He has seen the development of cooking on the Maltese traditional kenur to gas ovens, and remembers old wives tales to cure sickness put into practice. He was, and still is, and active member of the community, from being an altar boy as a child, to being an active member of the Legion of Mary now: visiting old people’s homes, the mental hospital and parishioners in their own homes. He considers the most important thing his family gave him as honesty, the most important thing that he gave his family as affection and the most important thing he gave to the community as his time. Retirement Mr. Gambina remembers feeling relieved when he retired from his full-time job, as it was during Mintoff’s government, and he was boarded out for being a nationalist supporter. He went on to part-time work with a relative, but eventually had to stop because of health problems. He says he doesn’t miss work, that he’s living a happy life now and commented on how nice it is not to have to wake up early every morning, rain or shine. The worst thing about being retired, however, is that, since he is a widower and his children do not live with him any more, it can get lonely. His time is occupied now with working for the Legion of Mary (as mentioned earlier), running errands for himself and his children, and baby-sitting his grandchildren. He says he is very proud of his grandchildren, the best thing about them being their affection, and the worst thing when they argue. He hopes that they will always give importance to family unity. Inner Life and Spiritual Awareness The interviewee says he had a happy childhood, he definitely felt loved; one of his happiest childhood memories is preaching the Christmas sermon. He counts his turning point as a teenager as WWII, especially since his father was not with him, and his turning points as an adult as getting married and becoming a father. He says the greatest stress of being an adult is responsibility. Spirituality plays a major role in the interviewee’s life, his primary beliefs being to love God and his neighbour, and giving importance to saving his soul. Even though he sometimes doubts, he feels he has inner strength, which he gets from God and when he feels drained renews his strength through prayer. He feels at peace with himself, which he says was achieved by keeping hope alive. Major Life Themes Mr. Gambina says that the most important gifts he has gotten are the values passed on to him from his parents, pointing out that they are the same as those of the Catholic Church. His crucial decisions were deciding to get married and have a family, which taught him to appreciate life more. He can handle disappointment serenely, knowing that life goes on. His greatest joy has been the births of his children and grandchildren, while the worst points are the deaths of his father, mother, wife and brother. His greatest worry is that he has to leave this world. Though he knows he stopped changing a long time ago, he does not feel old and believes he can cope, adding that his children and grandchildren keep him alive. Discussion Agency and Structure both play important factors in our lives. Agency is the power of actors to operate independently of the shaping constraints of social structure. Structure, on the other hand, is the main structures in society and their sway on our personal lives, such as the government, religion, education, and the work place, as illustrated through this life-course study. My job now is to determine where both structure and agency have influenced the subject’s, Mr. Gambina’s, life. When asked about his childhood, Mr. Gambina said he considered his it to be normal with reference to activities related to the Roman Catholic Church (namely his First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and that he was an altar boy), this is a clear indication that the structure of the Church has played a very large role in his life, so large that he defines himself by it. We can also see this influence in Mr. Gambina’s attitudes towards sex as a teenager, the values he tried to impart on his children (those of the Roman Catholic Church), which he also considers to be the most important gifts from his parents and what he considers to be that happiest memory of his childhood – giving the Christmas sermon. We can also see the weight religion carries for him in his choice of activities: working with the Legion of Mary, one of their activities being going to people’s houses to pray with them, and to give them a statue of the Virgin Mary to pray to for a week. Another structure that played a significant role in Mr. Gambina’s life is education. Though he did not continue his education past ordinary level standard, this was not because he did not want to, but because it was too expensive to do so at the time. This obviously does not mean that he does not treat getting an education as important, and when he was asked, he himself said, â€Å"Education is everything†. Inevitably, the war played a large part in Mr. Gambina’s life. He counts it as the event that turned him into an adult. Also, since his father was repatriated to Sicily, his teenage years, the years in which he needed a father’s guidance most, were spent without that support. In this way, we can see, again, the dominance of structure in Mr. Gambina’s life course. In his work, Mr. Gambina was also affected by structure. Starting work when he did was due to the fees that had to be paid to continue schooling, which his family could not afford. The type of work he did was influenced greatly by structure to, although he wanted to work in an office job, he did not have much selection at the time, as it was just after the Second World War had ended, and there were a lot of people left unemployed (this is also another way in which the war affect Mr. Gambina’s life). I also cannot ignore the comment Mr. Gambina made about being relieved to have retired, as he was discriminated against, and in his own words, â€Å"boarded out,†of his job as a clerk because of his political beliefs. One aspect that structure did not control was Mr. Gambina’s choice for a wife. It was not common at that time for women to be working, but this is precisely what first attracted Mr. Gambina to who would become Mrs. Gambina. He liked that she was an independent woman. In this circumstance, we see that agency playing its role. Conclusion The life course study conducted was to indicate to what extent the respondent’s life was a product of structure and/or agency. All individuals are affected by social structure, and at the same time, each and every structure is made up of individuals, all performing diverse social actions. In examining Mr. Gambina’s life story, it becomes clear that structure has played a much more prominent influence in his life than agency. First and foremost the Second World War, which affected not only Mr. Gambina’s everyday life, but also the life of each individual that lived through it. Education, another structure, is also a factor that Mr. Gambina considers to be important. In his work, we can see Mr. Gambina being affected by structure in the type of job he opted for, and also the influence of the government, even in his office, which had influenced his everyday life, and caused him to detest his last two years of work. In the case of Mr. Gambina, the great importance that he has given to his religion has throughout his life, as illustrated in both the results and the discussion, obviously leads to the reasoning that structure, and especially that of the Roman Catholic Church, has been given priority in his life span. The only case I could find in Mr. Gambina’s life of agency taking control is when he chose his wife, and his decision to rear a family, though I must admit, I am not exactly sure that the choice to have one’s own family is a choice made completely independently. In conclusion, I think the answer to the question ‘has agency or structure been given priority throughout the life course of Mr. Gambina?’ is indisputable. Structure has been the major influence in his life story, and still remains so. References Richard T. Schaefer, Sociology, seventh edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001 C. Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination, 1959 Janet Z. Giele and Glen H. Elder, Jr., Methods of Life Course Research Roger D. Wimmer and Joseph R. Dominick, Mass Media Research, An Introduction, Wadsworth, 1994 Internet sources
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The importance of Theology for Counseling Essay
The importance of Theology for Counseling - Essay Example Other factors that may relate to therapists' use of theology interventions in counseling, such as their professional beliefs, attitudes, or values regarding religious and spiritual interventions; clinical training involving religious issues; or personal counseling experiences with a therapist who used religion and spirituality in counseling, have yet to be investigated. The purpose of the current paper is to examine the importance of theology in counseling. First, we review the research previously done in theology for counseling, further we present the importance of theology in counseling of depression. The most frequently identified factor associated with the use of theology in counseling has been therapists' personal religious attitudes or behaviors. Church attendance and personal religious behaviors, in particular, correlate with therapists' use of religious and spiritual interventions in counseling. For example, Shafranske and Malony (1990b) surveyed 409 clinical psychologists and found that greater involvement in organized religion correlated .27 with the use of religious and spiritual interventions. Jones et al. ... f four religious behaviors (i.e., personal prayer and Bible study, church attendance, participation in church activities, and financial contributions to church) correlated .41 with the use of religious and spiritual interventions in counseling. The use of theology in counseling has also been found to relate to therapists' religious attitudes. In two separate surveys of 409 and 47 clinical psychologists, Shafranske and Malony (1990a, 1990b) found that clinical psychologists who approached religion in terms of answering personal questions of meaning rather than religious affiliation were more likely to use religious and spiritual interventions in counseling and to consider themselves competent to use such interventions. In a similar vein, DiBlasio and his colleagues (DiBlasio, 1993; DiBlasio & Benda, 1991; DiBlasio & Proctor, 1993) found in several studies of social workers and marriage and family therapists that therapists who endorsed a greater degree of what they termed "religious openness" were more likely to use forgiveness as an intervention in counseling. Thus, previous research has found that both religious attitudes (particularly attitudes of openness and of gaining personal meaning from religion) and religious behaviors have correlated with the use of religious and spiritual interventions in counseling. Among religious behaviors, both church attendance and personal religious behaviors, such as personal prayer and personal Bible study, have been particularly relevant to the use of religious and spiritual interventions in counseling. Of relevance to our study is the fact that previous studies have typically examined religious attitudes or religious behaviors independently of each other rather than examining them concurrently. Worthington, Kurusu, McCullough,
Friday, September 27, 2019
Database Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Database - Assignment Example The second layer is diversely treated by database modeling languages. Nevertheless, there are common features, especially type constructors. A common approach in most models is the generic definition of operations according to the structure of the type. The inductive specification of structuring is based on base types and type constructors. A type constructor is a function from types to a new type. The constructor can be supplemented with a selector for retrieval (like Select) with a retrieval expression and update functions (like Insert, Delete, and Update) for value mapping from the new type to the component types or to the new type, with correctness criteria and rules for validation, with default rules; current date for data assignment, with one or several user representations, and with a physical representation or properties of the physical representation. A base type is an algebraic structure B = (Dom(B); Op(B); Pred(B)) with a name, aSet of values in a domain, a set of operatio ns and a set of predicates. A class BC on the base type is a collection of elements from Dom (B). Usually, BC is required to be a set (DIETRICH, 2011). It can be also a list (denoted by ) multi-set ({|.|}), tree etc. Classes may be changed by applying operations. Elements of a class may be classified by the predicates. The value set can be discrete or continuous, finite or infinite. We typically assume discrete value sets. Typical predicates are comparison predicates such as ; Â ·; 6=; ?; =. Typical functions are arithmetic functions such as, - and x. The set of integers is given by the Integer Set. The base type is extended to a data type by explicit definition of properties of the under-lying value sets. Precision and accuracy; data can be precise to a certain extent. Precision is the degree of refinement in the calculations. Accuracy is a measure of how repeatable the assignment of values for properties is. Granularity: Scales can be fine or coarse. The accuracy of data depends on the granularity of the domain which has been chosen for the representation of properties. Ordering: The ordering of values of a given domain can be based on ordering schemes such as lexicographic, geographic or chronological ordering or on exact ordering such as orderings on natural numbers. The ordering can also be based on ontologies or categories. Scales have a range with lowest values and highest values. These values can be finite or infinite, if they are finite then overflow or underflow errors might be the result of a computation. Classification: The data can be used for representation of classifications; the classification can be linear, hierarchical, etc. The classification can be mono-hierarchical or poly-hierarchical, mono-dimensional, poly-dimensional, analytical, synthetically or even monothetic. The classification can be based on ontologies and can be maintained with thesauri. Presentation: The data type can be mapped to different representation types dependent on se veral parameters. For instance, in Web applications, the format chosen for presentation types of pictures depends on the capacity of the channel, on the compression etc. The presentation might be linear or hierarchical, and it can be layered. Implementation: The implementation the attribute type depends on the properties of the DBMS. The implementatio
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Two Strategy Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two Strategy Questions - Assignment Example In the measurement stage, the products output were measured according to the set out expected performance. Analyze phase considered the merits and demerits of the products. Orkut was a social media platform which did well in some countries, but not as compared to Facebook. Google translate enabled users to search for information in different languages, though the languages were insufficient. Google earth pictures were vague and one could not see the directions in case of difficulty. Gmail application was a computer web based operation and due to technology changes, users suggested a mobile version. Lastly, Picasa enabled users to store and edit their photos online. The improve stage saw major shake ups in Google internal operations. The social network Orkut was scrapped due to low numbers. Google translate was added forty more different translation languages. Sky, ocean, Google map and navigation were also included on Google earth to improve the quality and features from the satellite. Mobile Gmail was introduced for all wap enabled phones. For mass Google presence on the internet and entertainment industry, it purchased the reowned video streaming company, you tube. Google controls its operations through the use of feedback from its users to avoid their dissatisfaction. Feedback is collected by Google employees who work in teams for efficiency. The changes in internal operations are effective as Google has managed to stay at the top after continuous improvements. Changes from way back have yielded extreme profits over the years in Google, and therefore, improvements in internal operations are vital. Corporate culture is the accepted norms, values and systems that define an organization and undertaken to meet its objectives. Corporate culture helps strategy execution in a number of ways. First, it fosters innovation. If an
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Women should be advised not to consume any alcohol during their Essay
Women should be advised not to consume any alcohol during their pregnancy Discuss this statement, including relevant research evidence - Essay Example a substance which interferes with the normal development of the embryo or foetus) that readily crosses the placenta†(p.1). There is enough research evidence now to confirm that drinking alcohol during pregnancy can have many different effects physically, neurologically and mentally. The severity of these effects varies widely. According to The American Pregnancy Association these effects are categorized as ‘Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders’ (FASD). The incidence of FASD in children indicates the seriousness of the issue. Statistics presented by the British Medical Association show that 0.21 per 1000 live births in 2004 in England and Scotland, between 0.5 and 2 per 1,000 live births in the US; 4.7 per 1,000 live births in Australian aboriginal populations; 68.0- 89.2 per 1,000 children in part of South Africa and 10 in every 1,000 live births in Canada (p.2-3). The effects of alcohol on the foetus have been adequately documented. The US Surgeon sums it up in their news release when they state â€Å"Based on the current, best science available we now know the following: Alcohol consumed during pregnancy increases the risk of alcohol related birth defects, including growth deficiencies, facial abnormalities, central nervous system impairment, behavioural disorders, and impaired intellectual development†. More specific effects include disrupting cellular activity which alters the transport and utilization of glucose and th is can cause premature cell death. Normal development is therefore interfered with. This is what causes the abnormalities in the physical structure of the foetus and in the central nervous system. For the mother there are also dangerous effects such as risk of miscarriage, infertility, menstrual disorder, pre-term deliveries or even still-births. The National Institutes of Health (2007) attribute the following to prenatal alcohol
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Business - Bus Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business - Bus Assignment - Essay Example The company is also planning to reduce its carbon emission by 20 percent. The leadership brands of the company include Pampers, Ariel, Tide, Lenor, Head & Shoulders, Wella, Oral-B, Ace, Ambi Pur, etc. The headquarters of P&G is in Cincinnati, Ohio. There are about 127,000 employees working in P&G, in around 80 countries. The products of P&G are sold in about 180 countries around the world. P&G is a public company and its stocks are listed and traded on New York and Paris Stock Exchange. Organizational Structure There are two units known as Global Business Units (GBU) in the organizational structure of Procter & Gamble. They are the global operation, global business services and the corporate functions. The global business units were effective from 2011. The two GBUs are in two segments of the company, they are: a) beauty product segment, b) health care segment. The primary task of the global business units is to form innovative strategies for launching the brands. The company identif ies the needs of the consumers and develops new products through innovation and upgrading their brand features and quality. This is done through effective marketing plans and floating innovative commercials. The global operational department includes the market or business development department, which has the responsibility of developing market plans at regional level. The business development department identifies the target retail customers, customer trade channels. These are divided into geographical units such as, a) North America, b) Western Europe, c) Latin America, d) Central & Eastern Europe/ Middle-East/ Africa, and e) Asia. The Asian countries include Japan, China, Australia, India, Korea, etc. The global business services includes technology, process and other data tools which help the global business services to introduce better tools for understanding the nuances of the business. This also assists the business development department to offer world-class solutions at lo w cost to the people around the world. The corporate functions are the company level strategies and which help in portfolio analysis, accounting practices, treasury, governance, human resources and other legal and functional support system. This shows that P&G has a flat organizational structure (Procter & Gamble 2012). Key Executives The present President and CEO of Procter & Gamble is Robert McDonald, the chairman is A.G. Lafley, the vice chairman for global operations is Werner Geissler, the CFO is Joe Moeller, the President of Global Business Services and Chief Information Officer is Marc S. Pritchard, the Global Human Resources Officer is Filippo Passerini, the Chief Technology Officer is Robert L. Fregolle, Jr and the Global Brand Building Officer is Valarie L. Sheppard. Financial Strategy The financial highlights of the company show that the company has generated sales revenue of $82,559 million in the year 2011. The operating income was $15,818. If we analyze the financial c ondition of different product segments, then in beauty segment the leading products were Head & Shoulders, Olay, Pantene, Wella, etc. The revenue generated from sales was about 24 percent, in the grooming segment the popular brands are Braun, Fusion, Gillette Mach 3, etc. The sales generated from the department were about 9 percent.
Monday, September 23, 2019
The relationships between prison inmates and correction officers in Essay
The relationships between prison inmates and correction officers in regaurds to violence - Essay Example The workshops are managed by inmate trainers, but with the support and involvement of outside volunteer co-trainers. AVP workshops are typically two or three days in length, depending on the specific module. Both inmates, as well as outside trainers are volunteers, their qualifications being completion of all AVP modules in addition to the "train-the-trainer" workshop. Participants start with the basic workshop, progress to the advanced, and from there to the adjunct modules which include Bias Awareness and Manly Awareness. The ethnographic study, completed in May of 2001 (Sloane 2001), suggested that AVP participants' behaviors were modified by their involvement in these workshops. Prisons are essentially closed institutions. To all but the state employees who work in them, the prisoners confined in them and the officials who are permitted access, prisons are generally hidden from public view. Under special authority extended to the Correctional Association since 1846, members of its Prison Visiting Committee can enter prisons, interview inmates and staff, and communicate their findings and recommendations to state policymakers and the public. While the Correctional Association does not have authority to mandate change, it uses its knowledge of prison operations to advocate for reform to those who do have that authority. Based on observations of the Correctional Association's Prison Visiting Committee from visits to 25 state correctional facilities conducted between March 1998 and October 2001, key problems and areas for reform based on conversations with hundreds of inmates and correctional staff are mentioned here and/or described in the individual prison reports: - Youth Assistance Programs in which inmates and correction staff volunteer as counselors to at-risk youth from the community; - The "Puppies Behind Bars" program, where inmates train puppies to become seeing-eye dogs; - The piloting of an in-cell substance abuse treatment program for inmates in disciplinary confinement; - Mandatory academic programming for inmates who read and/or have a math score below the ninth-grade level; - Parenting programs featuring structured groups and parenting education classes; - Family visitor centers at 36 facilities to provide inmate family members with a place to refresh themselves prior to entering the prison; - The installation of Automatic Electronic Defibrillators in every state correctional facility; - Aggression Replacement Therapy provided by trained inmate facilitators to help prisoners identify and control aggressive behavior; and - Earned Eligibility and Merit Time programs, which reward certain nonviolent offenders who meet various program requirements with the possibility of early release. Motivation levels at the start of the workshops
Sunday, September 22, 2019
French Favorites For Woodwind Trio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
French Favorites For Woodwind Trio - Essay Example The concert was attended by large crowd of classical music lovers and the fans of the ‘French Favorites for Woodwind Trio (Keith par 1).’ Upon entering the hall, I was mesmerized by its attractiveness. First, the hall is well designed such that the stage can be viewed from any place in the hall. Then, the decorations of the hall, that consisted of flashing disco lights and spelt classical music. Since I was late, I had to wedge my way through the crowd, which consisted mainly of familiar college mates, although with speckles of excited lecturers here and there. I even obtained a giggle from my music teacher who had settled at the fore spaces. I finally got a spacious position at the back place, where I could jig and dance my worry of life outside the hall off. Well, I hastily obtained a dancing partner, my classmate who also had found a position at the back. The master of ceremony was this kind of gentle men that are comedians by nature. From the point of his ushering in the concert’s audience, to his introduction of the performers, the audience could not help but laugh. He made the concert very lively. At the point where he pronounced the names of the ‘French favorite favorites for Woodwind trio’, they received a deafening applause from the crowd. Then, chattering followed as the faces of the audience registered excitement with anticipation. Soon the theatre was grave silent again, and the beats of ‘Suite Breve en Trio’ started to engulf the stage like a wave coming from very far off the horizons. Although so soft and from an old age origin (1905-1991), this music had the power of sweeping off from my feet, and for a moment, I was floating in the air with ecstasy. Oh my! The power of classical music, I did not even realize it as the guest performers entered the stage. I became conscious of them only after the beats faded and then the sound of the English horn in the
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Magnolia - sequence review Essay Example for Free
Magnolia sequence review Essay But the sky is cloudy, still I would like to assume that Stanley likes arriving at his school. The second sequence focuses on a different character the Grown up ex-boy genius Donnie Smith. Just as in the first sequence from this clip we have a fast tracking shot into a television, which then fills and becomes the screen. This is to show this next sequence is a TV show. The same game show What Do Kids Know? is shown but as is the room in a distinctly dated style. They are wearing light blue graduation robes and graduation hats suggesting the young children are knowledgeable beyond there years. The editing in this sequence is distinctly old-fashioned long takes. This adds to the authenticity of the piece it stays true to the 60s game show style. The sequence is set in the Studio and uses a young Jimmy Gator shown previously as the host. I get the impression Donnie wants to be on the game show a lot more than Stanley as he shows a desire to regain his lost youth to go back to the time he knew his parents loved him. His success and fame have become a substitute. There is no very fast editing to show eagerness. Hes clever and he pausing increases the audiences anticipation. Hes very much playing for the crowd and at this point he wants to be famous and seemingly understands the business more than Stanley. The fact that the same room in different time periods is used shows the superficial relationship between them, that they are very similar at this point. The sequence uses superimposed graphics to show the exact year. Donnie serves as a comparison to what Stanley could become if hes successful in the game show and things continue on their course. Once this comparison is made the correlation between them is cemented, the camera shows an almost perfect graphic match into the future, Donnie wearing the same grin. Hes wearing a cheap brown suit with cheap national heath style glasses (suggesting that hes obviously not rich anymore). Hes in a dentist being readied for surgery; hes getting braces. Donnies seemingly happy but I think this is just a cover as his visit to the dentist is needless and shows he has a need for self-improvement. Donnie Rushes off clearly used to the attention given to him by the nurses and even the doctor. The bright lighting inside the room reflects Donnies projected mood. Donnie is happy because his teeth, which are fine, are going to be straighter. The doctor is interested in Donnies celebrity the doctor follows Donnie out from the surgery room trying to talk to him trying to make him stay longer, as if Donnies celebrity could rub off no him, but Donnie seems board, used to this kind of attention. This is a constant reminder to him of all hes lost. Hes not rich, clever or on television anymore. Donnie rushes off brushing them aside making excuses and rushes off to work. After he smashes up the seven-eleven in his car, we notice how the car is very small and weedy by American standards. The car is white and reflects his mood when hes in it because of the music he listens to while inside. As soon as he crashes, he and the car into the storefront, the car goes into shadow as Donnie seems to wake from his daydream. His car also shows, along with the suits, hes apparently not rich anymore. Hes also obviously well known local personality because a man comes running up and shouts Its quiz kid Donnie Smith! Donnie seems used to being recognized. The EX-Boy genus is confused even though hes just blatantly ran the car into the store he didnt do it deliberately and is taken aback by the fact hes forgotten to stop his car. He looks like he was daydreaming. Maybe hes recently fallen in love. Hes getting braces, he clearly doesnt need. This is to make himself look better. He thinks that this person would want him to change to be better even in this superficial way; Donnie feels that hes not good enough. Hes daydreaming about this person hes fallen in love with. The thing that makes me think this is the music its Dreams by Gabrielle. This combined with his actions shows hes thinking about his daydream coming true about his love and its reciprocation by this person. This short sequence in the film seems to be packed with different types of imagery relating to the characters which over time has given me a good understanding of the narrative, the relationships between the characters are clear contrasting elements like these two characters are readily apparent and within five minutes each character and there part of the narrative has been shown, making apparent the skill of the Writer/Director P. T Anderson.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Types of tourism
Types of tourism P1–Describe the travel and tourism component industries and provide examples of domestic, inbound and outbound organisations within them. Inbound Tourism: Tourists (non-residents) coming into a country e.g. The French coming into the UK. Outbound Tourism: People leaving their country for another country e.g. Russians going over to China. Domestic Tourism: Residents of one country travelling within it e.g. New Yorker travels to Los Angeles. Accommodation: Its the place you stay at for your holiday or tour; accommodations can be both serviced and non-serviced, serviced is when the room or place youre going to stay at is fully furnished and provided with cooking facilities, fresh meals, modern technology such as a flat screen TV and internet (Wi-Fi). For instance the Hilton hotels has its network in 78 countries across 6 continents[1]. The Hilton hotels are highly branded, stylish with excellent services, having over 92 years of experience proving their professionalism. Even the guest room itself has an original design which is well organised and undoubtedly accommodating. Thus inbound and outbound tourism would use serviced accommodation. On the other hand, non-serviced means only the accommodation itself is provided; the Sykes cottages organisation has over 5,000 cottages across the UK and Ireland. Nearly three decades of experience[2] indicates the companys efficiency and credibility. Therefore non-serviced accommodation would be use d for domestic tourism. Transport Provision: Irrespective of your destination, transport will be essential to get there; regardless of its form whether its by air, rail, road or sea. To get to and from your destination and around to explore the area coach or car travel is recommended. Coach travel are offering low cost prices if the tickets are booked in advance. Megabus offers prices as low as  £1. National Express is one of the largest coach companies that travel to more than 900 destinations across the UK[3]. Over the last 50 years, car travel has grown rapidly and it is by far the most popular type of transport used by the tourists in Britain. There are a variety of different worldwide companies, such as Avis that specialise in private car hire. Therefore both coach and car travel is suitable for domestic tourism. Rail travel is a more environmentally friendly mode of travelling. Virgin trains is a very popular train company that is popular with the tourists. Virgin trains have been around for over 15 years[4] therefore t hey are one of the most experienced train companies around Britain. Virgin trains travel all over the country. Thus rail travel being used for domestic tourism too. When travelling by sea, its usually by ferries or cruising. Ferry companies operate services between the UK and Ireland, France, Belgium and a few other destinations. For example PO Ferries, Irish Ferries and Stenaline. Since the Channel Tunnel was opened in 1994, ferry services have fallen dramatically[5]. However, cruising is also a type of travel using the sea and it is growing steadily and it is attracting lots off different types of tourists. In the past, cruising was seen more for the rich, famous and the elderly but cruising today, it is attracting families, young people and groups of people. Royal Caribbean Cruises is an example of a cruise service. This company holds the largest cruise ship ever built[6]. Sea travel would be used for all three types of tourism; inbound, outbound and domestic. Air travel is the most popular type of travel used all over the world. This includes; scheduled–planes that operate to a published timetable. These planes have to follow routes and they are under government licence e.g. British Airways or the low-costs such as Ryanair. Tickets purchased from the companys website, operating year round[7]. Charter–an airline ticket for a charter flight will be purchased from a tour operator. In this way, charter flights differ from scheduled flights, generally operate only during the summer months (May to October) or November to April for ski flights. Tour operators who put holiday packages together will charter or lease an aircraft from an airline such as Monarch or Thompson. Air travel is to be considered mostly for inbound and outbound tourism. Ancillary Services: Ancillary services are all the extras that come along side a holiday that tourists may need. These are things such as; travel insurance, foreign exchange, airport parking, car hire, luggage check-in, tour guiding, equipment hire, passport and visa services. Without Ancillary Services the holiday wouldnt be complete. Many Travel Agents offer ancillaries to their clients and they make good commission on these products and services. Eurochange is the foreign exchange expert within the UK, which will allow tourists to exchange their currency with outstanding rates, one of the best foreign exchange companies in the UK such as The Money Shop. Therefore making their holiday alot cheaper; suits the inbound and outbound tourism. Tour Operators: A Mass Market tour operator are companies such as Thomas Cook and Thomson who deal with any type of holiday and they are able to arrange packages that suit the customers. A mass market tour operator also supplies their customers with accommodation, transfers, transport and extra services. Specialist operators are businesses such as Cox and Kings. These type of tour operators are a lot more personal to the customer. This is because these tour operators are able to cater and specialise to what the tourists interest are for example, someone wants to go on a cycling holiday, they can tell the operator what they want in their holiday and the operators can do their best to satisfy the customers needs. Attractions: The tourist boards have estimated that there are around 6,400 tourist attractions in the UK. In the travel and tourism sector, attractions are vital as they are what attracts all the tourists from around the world. The Lake District is one of the popular natural attractions in the UK[8], a natural attraction is an attraction that has been created by nature. Many of these areas have been given a status to protect their environment and provide facilities so that the public can enjoy the sights. There are attractions such as caves, waterfalls, seashores and any other scenic view interest that havent been created by mankind. Attractions that are old and have been in place for many years and are now historical–heritage attractions. These are attractions such as canals, railways, battlefields. These attractions are in place so that people can gain an appreciation of the past. The Stone Henge is a popular hertiage attraction owned by English Heritage and is Located in Wiltshire. Purpose-built attractions–attractions that have been built purposely to attract tourist into that area. When people hear the term tourist attraction it makes people think automatically about the purpose-built attractions that are fun and enjoyable and designed for many different reasons. In the UK there are many purpose-built tourist attractions like Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Buckingham Palace and Alton Towers. Events–attractions that attracts tourists to the area. These are small events like the Blackpool Illuminations or huge events like the Olympics and the Paralympics. Events play a significant part in the tourist attractions because in different parts of the country, some places cant offer a large amount of natural or purpose-built attractions therefore the events may be the only reason people visit that certain area. Also Events bring in a lot of income which creates jobs and wealth in the area. Tourism development and Promotion: Tourist boards play an important role by helping destinations and co-ordinating the work of tourism businesses. Tourist boards get their money from the government (National and Local) and it is said to operate in the public sector. Public sector bodies play an important role in Travel and Tourism the UK, because they promote tourism and attract domestic and inbound tourists to the UK this in return will create income and jobs for local business and have a positive effect on the GDP. Tourist boards are websites such as Visit Bolton, Visit England etc. These websites show people who are visiting that area what is happening during the period of time they are there and when and where the events and occasions are taking place. These websites give you information locally, nationally and regionally. National–either a day trip of for a short break away. For example, the Visit Scotland website has information about the events that are taking place in Scotland and it also has their time and place that it is taking place. The national websites are usually available in a variety of different languages which means they are accessible for visitors from overseas who want to find out information about the UK. Local–local destinations such as the Visit Bolton website. This website provides information such as train and bus times, events, accommodation around Bolton and also in Bolton there would be a Tourist Information Centre that would help out the tourists. Finally, Regional–websites such as Visit Englands North West. This would be helpful for people who are overseas and they want to come and visit an area like the North West of England, it would give them information about what happens around this area and what type of activities and events are held in the Lake District. Trade associations and Regulatory bodies: A trade association is an organisation which works in the shared interests for either a particular industry or the customers in general; the difference between ATOL and ABTA is that they both exist for different kinds of operators. ATOL stands for Air Tour Operators Licence. ATOL is managed by the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) and it is for the tour operators selling flights. ABTA stands for Association of British Travel Agents. ABTA is for the tour operators who aren’t involved with selling flights[9]. AITO is another association. This stands for Association of Independent Tour Operators. AITO was set up for the smaller travel companies[10]. These companies are in place just in case anything goes wrong whilst you are on holiday, all your money is protected. Also if any of the companies go bust whilst you are away, you will be refunded and brought home by the relevant organisation. If a tourist books a holiday through a company which is a member of AITO or bonded by ABTA they can be sure that the company is reliable and if the company should suffer from financial problems they will be protected. The traveller would be brought home from their holiday if the company failed whilst they were away. Travel Agents: Retail travel agent–advise people when they are travelling, about different hotels around the area they are travelling to and about the weather conditions and the different currency exchange. Business travel agent–travel services for companies, they focus mostly on short notice trips where the timing of the flight is alot more important than the price of the flight for the tourist. Call Centre travel agent–sells products over the phone and every day they have to reach a certain number of sales they make per day. Web Based travel agent–sells holidays over the internet. An example of these websites would be Expedia. This website allows you to create your own holiday trip and also looks at hotels and other extras that you might want with your holiday. [1] Hilton Hotels | [2] Sykes Cottages | [3] National Express | [4] Virgin trains | [5] Opening of Channel Tunnel causes ferry services to drop | [6] Allure of the Seas largest cruise ship | [7] Ryanair operating year round | [8] Natural Attractions | | [9] ABTA | [10] AITO |
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Australian Wool Industry Essay -- essays research papers fc
INTRODUCTION Australia is the world’s largest wool producing country, and has been for decades. The fine quality of wool from the result of fine breeding has definitely help contribute to the high demand of the wool industry. Much of Australia’s wool has been exported to other countries such as China, Italy, Taiwan, Republic of Korea and France. However, Australia’s wool production has been decreasing for the last 10 years and the demand has been declining because of the other, easier to manage, synthetic fibers and materials that have been introduced to the market. This following report is regarding the changes and effects the wool industry had on Australia in the 19th century, the reasons for the successful development of the wool industry, and also Australia’s current position in wool production. HISTORY – JOHN MACARTHUR The first sheep to arrive in Australia, Botany Bay was in 1788 on the First Fleet, brought by Governor Phillip. The sheep that were brought over were only to be used for food and not for wool production for the new settlement in the newly found country. They had thick, hairy fleeces and small groups of them were brought frequently, however only a few survived the journey and the few that survived were not use to the climatic changes and died soon after. Governor Philip later realised Australia’s soil and climate were better suited for livestock grazing than any farming. So after setting up many farms in 1792 Governor Philip headed back to England and left a temporary governor, Major Francis Grose to replace him until 1794. This was when the significant changes occurred, free settlers were allowed in Australia and officers and officials were given grants of land. John Macarthur, an officer in the New South Wales Corps took advantage of the grants of land, he was the most productive of the officers. He and two of his friends brought several pure blood Spanish Merino sheep to Australia, he then started breeding them some of his mixed breeds. He continued with this practice until he was certain that the result was that the quality of the wool was alike to the wools from Spain and Germany. John Macarthur’s success in fine-wool production gave Australia great wealth. AUSTRALIAN MERINO WOOL Australia produces the world’s best woollen fibre, Australian Merino wool, which is also the main sheep breed in this country (75% are Merino’s ... ...l to profitable levels. The price of broad micron wool has increased and in some cases is equal in amount paid for fine wool. BIBLIOGRAPHY  ·Ã‚     Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2005). The Wool Industry [on-line].Available:  ·Ã‚     Bird. J, (2005). This Bloody Disgrace is Called Mulesing [on-line]. Available:  ·Ã‚     Curriculum Council. (1977). Australian People 1977. Education Department of Western Australia, Australia  ·Ã‚     Elders, (2005).Daily Wool Prices. [on-line] Available:  ·Ã‚     Fleet, M., (2000). Matilda – Australia’s First Cloned Merino [on-line] Available:  ·Ã‚     Mooney, J., (2003). Sheep Farming in Australia in the 19th Century [on-line].Available: Australian Wool Industry Essay -- essays research papers fc INTRODUCTION Australia is the world’s largest wool producing country, and has been for decades. The fine quality of wool from the result of fine breeding has definitely help contribute to the high demand of the wool industry. Much of Australia’s wool has been exported to other countries such as China, Italy, Taiwan, Republic of Korea and France. However, Australia’s wool production has been decreasing for the last 10 years and the demand has been declining because of the other, easier to manage, synthetic fibers and materials that have been introduced to the market. This following report is regarding the changes and effects the wool industry had on Australia in the 19th century, the reasons for the successful development of the wool industry, and also Australia’s current position in wool production. HISTORY – JOHN MACARTHUR The first sheep to arrive in Australia, Botany Bay was in 1788 on the First Fleet, brought by Governor Phillip. The sheep that were brought over were only to be used for food and not for wool production for the new settlement in the newly found country. They had thick, hairy fleeces and small groups of them were brought frequently, however only a few survived the journey and the few that survived were not use to the climatic changes and died soon after. Governor Philip later realised Australia’s soil and climate were better suited for livestock grazing than any farming. So after setting up many farms in 1792 Governor Philip headed back to England and left a temporary governor, Major Francis Grose to replace him until 1794. This was when the significant changes occurred, free settlers were allowed in Australia and officers and officials were given grants of land. John Macarthur, an officer in the New South Wales Corps took advantage of the grants of land, he was the most productive of the officers. He and two of his friends brought several pure blood Spanish Merino sheep to Australia, he then started breeding them some of his mixed breeds. He continued with this practice until he was certain that the result was that the quality of the wool was alike to the wools from Spain and Germany. John Macarthur’s success in fine-wool production gave Australia great wealth. AUSTRALIAN MERINO WOOL Australia produces the world’s best woollen fibre, Australian Merino wool, which is also the main sheep breed in this country (75% are Merino’s ... ...l to profitable levels. The price of broad micron wool has increased and in some cases is equal in amount paid for fine wool. BIBLIOGRAPHY  ·Ã‚     Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2005). The Wool Industry [on-line].Available:  ·Ã‚     Bird. J, (2005). This Bloody Disgrace is Called Mulesing [on-line]. Available:  ·Ã‚     Curriculum Council. (1977). Australian People 1977. Education Department of Western Australia, Australia  ·Ã‚     Elders, (2005).Daily Wool Prices. [on-line] Available:  ·Ã‚     Fleet, M., (2000). Matilda – Australia’s First Cloned Merino [on-line] Available:  ·Ã‚     Mooney, J., (2003). Sheep Farming in Australia in the 19th Century [on-line].Available:
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Modernism and Postmodernism in Shakespeares Othello Essay -- GCSE Eng
Othello teaches us much about our current postmodern culture. The play connects to our ideas of sexism, male-bonding, racism and capitalism. Shakespeare uses these universal and timeless flaws in humanity along with our use of language and truth to tell his tale. Iago, over a period of about three days, uses these facets of humanity to turn Othello against his wife Desdemona and his friend Cassio. Othello reveals both the struggle of the British people of the early 1600's and Americans in the late 1900's with sexism, capitalism and racism. In Othello men see women as objects to control, first by their father, and then by their husband. When Iago yells to Brabantio, telling him his daughter has gone off to marry Othello, he yells "Thieves, thieves! / Look to your house, your daughter, and your bags! / Thieves, thieves!" (Othello I.i.79-80). Othello has taken away Brabantio's property, his daughter, and is called a thief because of it. Desdemona refuses to be treated like property, however and makes "A gross revolt, / tying her duty, beauty, wit and fortunes" (Othello I.i.134-135) to Othello. Her marriage to Othello is not an act of a free woman, but a revolt by Brabantio's property. Desdemona is also incapable of independent feelings or thoughts. Othello must have "Enchanted her" (Othello I.ii.63), "In chains of magic" (Othello I.ii.65), because she could never make such a choice on her own. In Brabantio's mind, only he can know what is in Desdemona's best interest and then choose it for her. Brabantio tries to guard he r, but Desdemona has "Run from her guardage" (Othello I.ii.70). In Othello the culture of the time treats women as objects to be guarded and watched over, too tender and gentle to fend for themselves in a dang... ...hooses for her, this taking of a different role is similar to Othello's efforts to fit into the European world. Othello's lack of definitive truth is postmodern. Othello does have an emphasis of characters over environment. Although the characters represent different aspects of society, Shakespeare takes great care in developing them and their internal traits. The lack of definitive truth in Othello's world creates chaos, but Othello refuses to just accept this chaos, he chooses Iago over Desdemona's version of events. Othello combines modernism and postmodernism in its discussion of language and truth. Although Othello contains many elements from both periods, it is mostly modern, due to it's setting and need for characters. The characters decide to fight the chaos inside themselves and in the world. This fight leads to the tragic ending of the play. Â
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Google Search: Needle in the Haystack Essay
Searching for information on Google is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Is that true? Was the library of the 19th century more efficient? Explain. We have access to more references in less time by searching for information on Google versus using an index card system in the 19th century library. A historical example is the traditional card catalog in a library, which essentially did not contain any raw data itself, but instead had a series of cards organized alphabetically so that each card pointed the user to a book that might contain the information for which he or she was searching. Much more common today are the metadata in Web sites that encode data so that the user can identify and retrieve desired information. (Bowles 2010). In this statement, libraries depended on an alphabetical card system to direct researchers to resources and references to possibly attain the information they were looking for. Once they found the books or encyclopedias they were looking for, they would still have to manually skim through to see if the information was sufficient to their search. With Google were able to type in exactly what we’re looking for and have immediate results. Google is like a virtual everything encyclopedia that has answers for everything. The more specific you enter your search the more specific your result will be. The only downside is having to decipher which searches are reliable and accurate on Google because of all the websites that allow people to add input and personal opinions versus just factual information. How is searching in a specific database, such as Ashford’s library, different from searching in Bing, Google, or Yahoo? There are two main types of online information databases that you will encounter. The first is a public domain database, which is entirely free and open to anyone with a computer and an Internet connection. The second is a proprietary database, which is accessible only to someone who pays for a subscription or belongs to an institution that purchases a membership (Bowles 2010). Bing, Google and Yahoo are examples or public domain databases and Ashford Library is a proprietary database. Information on the Internet was created for many purposes such as to inform or persuade to present a viewpoint, and to create or change an attitude or belief. Although when used properly, credible information can be obtained through search engines- not everything recovered is from a credible source. Ashford Library is from a scholastic source and the information found within is from credible sources. Social networks allow people to connect for a variety of reasons in a digital environment. You might join LinkedIn to meet business contacts, MySpace to find a band member, or Facebook to see pictures of old friends and meet new ones. Whatever environment you decide to be a part of, posting information about you has become an issue of concern. What are those concerns? I mean what is the big deal about privacy? Social networking seems to be the new fad of the century. From Myspace, to Friendster, to Facebook, to Twitter- more and more of us flock to these sites to see what’s going on around us. But a lot of us are unaware of the privacy issues that come along with logging and posting onto these sites- such as me. I didn’t really see how serious privacy issues were until I took this course and read the many articles regarding the many privacy concerns of using social media sites; such as where you’ve been, what you’re listening to, what you’re interests are, who you’re associated with, when you’re not home, where you live or work, what your family looks like, etc. When it comes to these sites, there’s no such thing as privacy. You register your personal information and it’s permanently embedded into the internet. I’ve been a victim of social media. I’ve posted things on the internet that I wish I hadn’t and till this day, I have things on the internet that I just can’t seem to delete. I have certain things on my Facebook that I don’t want to world to see but keeping everything personal and private to just a certain group of people is almost impossible when it comes to social media.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Life lessons
3 Life Lessons Although there are many reasons that our souls come to earth, one of the main reasons I believe we come here is to learn a valuable lesson. If we did not learn this lesson through out a life time, our souls would come back to repeat the process. I believe I have learned a few lessons from my time here on earth. One lesson I have learned is to never take things or people for granted. At some point in our lives, we realize that we take things for granted, we take each other for granted.Meaning we get so comfortable in having certain things in our lives and ertain people around us. It is when we no longer have those things or people that we come to the realization that we have taken things for granted. It's natural to get comfortable. It's human nature. We can't help ourselves. It is wise to stop and think about the things we do have, instead of complaining about what we don't because one day, what you once had, how you once lived, who you once had in your life; will no l onger be there.People habituate affection and cripple the finest part of life. So appreciate everything while it is here. Be grateful, give thanks to God and above all, let those in your life today know that you care about them and that you are grateful they are in your life. Another life lesson I have learned is to not be afraid to make mistakes. Whenever we try anything new, we might make some mistakes. We can't possibly know everything that's going to happen when we try something new. Sometimes we Just have to try something before we can learn about it.Mistakes are a part of life. As Einstein said, the only people who don't make mistakes are those who don't try nything new. If there's something you have a burning desire to do, don't let the fear of making mistakes hold you back. We are not perfect. We are a mere blip on the timeline of existence. Life existed long before we came here and it will continue long after we're gone. You were only given one life to live and only you can make the most of it. No one else can make you take advantage of opportunity; it's up to you to muster the courage to embrace it.As my dad once taught me â€Å"If you want something ouVe never had, you must do something youVe never done. †The final lesson I've learned is to live life with no regrets. I learned this lesson through a song called â€Å"My Way†by Frank Sinatra. As we get older we learn and grow. But that doesn't mean we have to regret what we did before we learned how to do things differently. If we didn't go through those experiences we might not have grown into the strong and knowledgeable people we are today. Many people have heard of the saying â€Å"live today as it were your last.This saying holds true for everyone. When we get older we tend to reflect on what we have done through life and Judge ourselfs. No one wants to lie on their death bed and think about their past mistakes and wish their life had taken a different turn. Wouldn't we want to h ave a positive outlook on life? Those who lived life with no regrets live happier lives and obtain a higher level of wisdom. something it. The few lessons I have learned will never be forgotten. There are still many valuable lessons for me to learn and ill strive to find them.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Battle of Hastings: Duke of Normandy, Earl of Wessex, King of Norway
At the beginning of 1066, King Edward the Confessor ruled England. He had no children so there was uncertainty on who would rule next. There were three men who wished to be king. They were William, Duke of Normandy; Harold Godwineson, Earl of Wessex, and Harald Hardraada, King of Norway. On January 6th, 1066, the day after Edward died, Harold Godwineson was crowned king. William saw this as a declaration of war, and said he would kill Harold. He immediately made plans to invade England. It took him two months to assemble his army and navy. When they were ready to leave, the wind had been blowing the wrong direction so William had to wait another couple months before he could set sail. During this time Harold was preparing for William. Harold’s army mainly consisted of highly trained soldiers known as the Housecarls. It also consisted of Fyrds, peasants serving two months at war a year for the king, who did not have much skill. Harold had been waiting at the South Coast for a long time now. His army were running out of food supplies and everyone was getting wrestles. So he decides William is not coming and dismantles his army, returning to London. Harald Hardraada, with his Viking army, had now landed on the North East Coast of England and attacked Yorkshire. Harold hears the news, reassembles his army and head on foot to Yorkshire, deciding that William would not be coming. They walked 180miles in 5 days, which was a very fast speed on foot. The Vikings were unprepared and were slaughtered. This battle was known as the Battle of Stamford Bridge. On the 27th September, 1066, William’s army set sail for England, as the weather had changed and conditions were favourable. A day later they arrived at the South Coast, expecting resistance, but none came. There was no army waiting for them. He moved through English villages, burning the villagers to attract Harold’s attention. William wanted to fight. Horses were at the heart of William’s battle plan. His army consisted of more than 2000 mounted knights. He had, in addition, hired mercenary soldiers to fight on his side. Harold’s army only fought on foot. They would not know how to respond to soldiers on horseback. Harold heard the news that the Norman’s had finally landed. He orders his army, who had many injuries and fatalities after the Battle of Stamford Bridge, south towards William. Over 7000 English soldiers together walked 250 miles. A long the way, they pass through villages, and Harold attempts to get peasants to join his army. He falsely claimed it was the Pope’s war, and that they would be instantly accepted into Heaven. After hearing this many peasants joined. However, they had no experience. Harold’s army lined up at the top a hill, forcing William to attack uphill. Harold is waiting for reinforcements to come and help out. The men at the front of Harold’s army, including Harold himself, form a shield wall. William divided his troops into three groups. His plan was to use archery to weaken the shield wall, then, when a hole appeared, would strike and break through. However the archers made little difference as they were shooting uphill. The Norman army then advances up the hill. The Saxons started throwing anything they could, including axes, towards the approaching army. The shield wall holds. When the Norman’s had reached the shield wall the cavalry tried desperately to break through the shield wall. Their attempts were useless. The left side of the Norman army falls back, and the Saxons on that side follow – a foolish mistake. These Saxons were surrounded and all killed. Both sides returned to their previous battle positions. The front line of the Saxons was now shorter, allowing the Normans to attack from the side. The Norman’s charged again at the shield wall and this time it collapsed and the Norman’s broke through. By this time Harold was dead, so his army retreated into the wood behind. This ended the Battle of Hastings. The next day Harold’s mother asked William for Harold’s body in exchange for his body weight in gold, but William refused. He said that his body should be buried in the land that he sought to guard.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Assessment Tools
Running head: 1 Assessment Tools Analysis Paper Tricia E Topping University of Phoenix NUR/440 Karen Harriman April 16, 2012 Assessment Tools Analysis Paper 11/13/12 8:13 PM http://www. scribd. com/doc/104725000/Assessment-Tools-Analysis-Paper Page 2 of 12 April 16, 2012 2 Assessment Tools Analysis Paper Assessment tools are used in nursing to enhance the overall assessment phase of the nursing process. The assessment tools that I have selected to analyze are: The Spiritual Well- Being Scale (SWBS), The Hassles and Uplifts Inventory, and The Well Being Picture Scale (WBPS).After describing each tool and it’s benefits within the nursing process, I will apply them to the vulnerable population of person’s with Down syndrome. Spiritual Well-Being Scale â€Å"The Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) is a general indicator of perceived well- being†(lifeadvance. com). During its creation by doctors Ellison and Paloutzian, they found a need for Assessment Tools Analysis Pa per 11/13/12 8:13 PM http://www. scribd. com/doc/104725000/Assessment-Tools-Analysis-Paper Page 3 of 12 people to be able to describe their thoughts on spirituality in their own terms.This concept gives spiritual followers a greater sense of self worth and a reason to continue their spiritual beliefs. It also gives purpose to the congregation and individual members for continuing to spread the message of their beliefs to others. Having the ability to believe in a higher being, to talk and pray to this entity, empowers a person beyond normal daily activities. It allows for the creation of self peace and guidance in times of trouble. â€Å"Being religious or having spiritual beliefs has been linked to improved health and well-being in several empirical studies†(Grow et. ll). The SWBS is inexpensive tool and can be utilized by any person or population. It is very simple to use, is self-administered and takes between 10-15 minutes. â€Å"It is a paper and pencil survey currentl y available in both English and Spanish†¦ and was designed to assess people’s perception of their own spiritual well-being†(lifeadvance. com). The SWBS can be used by nurses within the assessment process to help guide and show a patient’s level of spiritual well- 3 being.A higher level of spiritual well-being can be associated with improved health and better recognition of self limitations and spiritual peace if faced with a life threatening diagnosis. As the SWBS is a simple tool, it would be effective for a health care worker to use with a high functioning adult with Down syndrome. With slight modification to questions for ease of understanding, and possible verbal presentation, a health care provider could present the tools and interpret the results as with any other adult.The community in which one worships acts as a support system for it’s members. Many families with children affected by Downs or similar disorders turn to a spiritual community f or support and acceptance. These communities assist to foster the growth of the child into a spiritual adult, giving them a better sense of self worth, a Assessment positive belief in a higher power, and a functional place within a small population. Because of this, the SWBS can be an effective tool to enhance the assessment of an adult Downs patient.Hassles and Uplifts Scales The Hassles and Uplifts Scales (HSUP) were created as a more positive approach to recognizing daily stressors in our lives. A modification of the Hassles scale, the HSUP is a combination of the Hassles scale with 117 items identifying life’s stressors, and the Uplifts scales including 135 items identifying daily positive encounters. The HSUP contains â€Å"fifty-three items worked so that the respondent can indicate whether a given transaction is a hassle, uplift, or both†(Lazarus & Folkman, 2011).By combining the two scales, a positive emphasis was placed on daily activities, rather than focusi ng on the negative stressors of the Hassles scale. â€Å"The Uplifts scale suggests how positive aspects of daily life counteract the damaging effects of stress†(Lazarus & Folkman, 2011). Brought together in the HSUP scale, the positive influences 4 and negative effects of stressors in a person’s daily life can be identified. If the negative stressors are prevalent, it is then within the power of the individual to increase the number of uplifting events while decreasing or overcoming the stressors.This information is very useful to identify while performing a health assessment. If a patient is found to have an overwhelming number of stressors or hassles and few to little uplifts, their emotional and physical well-being could be compromised. Too many negative stressors can lead to an inability to cope and cause damaging effect. Assisting a patient to identify both stressors and uplifts can allow them to develop their own coping mechanisms as well as introduce more posi tive interactions throughout Assessment Tools Analysis Paper 11/13/12 8:13 PM ttp://www. scribd. com/doc/104725000/Assessment-Tools-Analysis-Paper Page 5 of 12 their day. The HSUP is also an inexpensive and simple tool that can be performed during a health care assessment and take approximately 10 minutes for an adult to complete. By identifying the 53 phrases as either a hassle or uplift and giving each a numerical value from 0-3, the test can be scored quickly providing immediate results for the patient. This is important because is allows the nurse to quickly recognize positive and negative influences.The patient can then be made aware of the outcome. This allows the patient and nurse or health care provider to collaborate together to balance out the hassles and increase the uplifting experiences. The HSUP, like the SWBS, can be easily used in assessments of higher functioning adults with Downs. If needed, slight modification to the 0-3 numerical rating can be done. Instead of as signing a number to an uplift or hassle, the patient could more easily identify a positive or negative experience in their daily activities.By then focusing on the uplifting/positive experiences, a patient with Downs could recognize the experiences that create happiness, learning to try and experience these more often. This assessment tool can also be used easily by members of the patient’s family to assist them in identifying situations that cause increased stress. Assisting the family in recognizing Developers / API Legal Terms Privacy Copyright  © Copyright 2012 Scribd Inc. Language: English
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