Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Time Of The Butterflies - 1079 Words
Thomas C. Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor allows people to take books that they normally wouldn’t think to analyze in a certain way and opens a whole new spectrum on literature. In the TIme of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez connects with the idea and principles of Foster’s book if you take a deep look in the book you are reading. Like Foster says in chapter seven or the bible, In the Time of the Butterflies is a literary work able to connect with this chapter, having a bible reference to extend or emphasize the story thematically. In the book Alvarez informs us that this takes place during Trujillo s reign over the Dominican Republic in the 1930’s to the 1960’s. Throughout history dictators have risen and fallen all across the world. Many have been seen as evil, and sometimes good to others, but no matter what a persons view tend to be there are some who even consider them god. Due to a dictators extensive powers and complete con trol over every aspect of a persons life this is what comes to be. Trujillo is just the same, at first his true motives were questioned and it wasn’t apparent to all what he really was. As the Mirabel sisters grow up it becomes clear that Trujillo is in control of more of their lives than it may seemed. Trujillo leads a complete authoritarian rule over the Dominican Republic with spies everywhere, this can suggest that he trying to assume the role of a terrible god, who is always watching and ready to punish. While allShow MoreRelatedIn the Time of Butterflies988 Words  | 4 PagesAmanda Jeffries In The Time Of The Butterflies From 1930 until 1961, General Leonidas Trujillo held absolute control of the Dominican Republic. His alliance and support from the army, church, and wealthy families and also the press were the foundation of his dictatorship. His formula to remain in power was simple: murder anyone who opposed him. Therefore anyone who wanted a fair government was declared an enemy of the state. General Trujillo wanted everyone to reproduce based on color. MoreRead MoreThe Time Of The Butterflies884 Words  | 4 PagesIsabella Czech FSP Dr. Ortiz- Villarelle November 5, 2015 Rafael Trujillo, a Dominican dictator, developed a harsh reputation as being one of the most violent and domineering leaders of South America in his thirty-one years of power. In The Time of the Butterflies, Julia Alvarez provides insight into the effects of Trujillo’s infamy by sharing the stories of three Dominican sisters and their struggles to gain independence and speak their truth. The Dominican-American author dramatizes the lives of theRead MoreIn The Time Of The Butterflies Analysis931 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"In the Time of the Butterflies†takes place in the Dominican Republic in the 1960s. The author, Julia Alvarez is a native of the country, but moved to the US at a young age. She first heard about the sisters roughly around 1986 and instantly felt the need to share their story with the world. In the book, Alvarez tells the story of the Mirabal sisters and their fight for freedom against the Dominican dictator Trujillo. Rafael Trujillo reigned for about 30 years until his assassination in May of 1961Read MoreAnalysis Of In The Time Of The Butterflies1050 Words  | 5 Pages In the Time of the Butterflies during the 1940s, in the Dominican Republic, the ruler or dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo punished people if they didn’t do as he told them and plenty of other cruel things. He ruled for about 30 years, so the people were tortured for quite a long time. He became the dictator by eliminating everyone who had power above him. He even married his wives just to use them to get the the top and control everyone. It was just an unfair way to handle things and an unfairRead MoreIn the Time of the Butterflies Essay1255 Words  | 6 PagesThe â€Å"Revered†Dictator â€Å"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.†(Andre Gide) In the novel, In the Time of the Butterflies, written by Julia Alvarez, four sisters are led through a risk infested journey in which they must overcome hindrances with hollow consequences. This historical fiction novel takes us through a rollercoaster of events, incorporating everything from the partialities towards women, to life below the oppressive administration of theRead MoreSummary Of The Time Of The Butterflies 969 Words  | 4 PagesThreefoot Butterflies In-class Essay Question: How do the Mirabal sisters use courage in the novel? The Courage of the Butterflies If the average person wanted to stand up to adversity, would they have the courage to do it? In the historical-fiction novel, In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez, the four Mirabal sisters (Dedà ©, Minerva, Marà a, and Patria) stand up to adversity and join a revolution against the tyrannical Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic. In their own time, all ofRead MoreIn The Time Of The Butterflies Essay1503 Words  | 7 Pagesharsh dictator. In the book In the time of the Butterflies, the four Mirabal sisters perspectives are impacted by the underground movement against Trujillo because of each of their involvement with the revolution. In the novel In the Time of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez, Minerva had the biggest involvement in the underground revolution against Trujillo which greatly affected her perspective. When Minerva was little she clearly stated that â€Å"it’s about time that women took over the government†Read MoreEssay on In the Time of the Butterflies Patria1516 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Her Everlasting Faith Death is a word associated with loss, grief and sadness, but in the novel In the Time of the Butterflies we see death in a whole new perspective; martyrdom. Strong, independent, caring, honest, and having firm beliefs are all characteristics we see in a martyr especially in Patria. In the novel we explore the wonders of Julia Alvarez’s writing and get to witness Patria as a martyr and an individual who fought for the right of women against a dictator: Trujillo. As an individualRead MoreThe Time Of The Butterflies By Julia Alvarez1201 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Dominican Republic and the United States and for meticulous investigations of cultural stereotypes. In the Time of the Butterflies is a historical novel by Julia Alvarez. It follows the lives of the four Mirabal sisters in the Dominican Republic during the time of the Trujillo dictatorship. These four sisters: Dedà ©, Patria, Minerva, Maria Teresa, were Las Mariposas, â€Å"The Butterflies†and were symbols of defiant hope in a country shadowed by dictatorship and despair. They sacrificed their safeRead MoreThe Time Of The Butterflies By Julia Alvarez903 Words  | 4 PagesThe struggle for equality has existed for thousands of years. The first decree of human rights was drafted by King Cyrus in 539 BCE and is still an evolving issue today (Finkel). The book In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez is a historical fiction novel written to tell the tale of the Mirabal sisters and their struggle against a dictator in the Dominican Republic. As women, the sisters were objects of discrimination by the dictator’s regime. Their struggle against obstacles forced consequences
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Most Incredibly Overlooked Solution for Research Question Essay about Education Samples
The Most Incredibly Overlooked Solution for Research Question Essay about Education Samples Include the conclusions that you arrived at as a consequence of your discussions in the preceding sections. Then list all the questions which you'd like answered yourself. All the reference items begin with the title of the information supply. You're also anticipated to use the four headings of the four sections detailed below. Vital Pieces of Research Question Essay about Education Samples Needless to say, the outcome has to be lasting and positive. An extremely motivated work force tends to attain great outcomes. You may use the samples as a foundation for working out how to write in the proper style. In the event the sample is a representation of what you want to see on your paper, they may just be the remedy to your issue. A young child cannot survive unaided for at least the initial four to five decades. Infant feeding practices refer generally to fit the nutritional and imm unological needs of the infant. In reality, education is the procedure for information exchange between men and women in the exact generations in addition to between different time periods. Choosing Research Question Essay about Education Samples Is Simple Contribution will be contingent on voluntary facets. Education serves to make room for technological advancements in the sphere of medicine and agriculture. Once you've produced a question, think about just what the path you feel the response will take. You would like to investigate a problem and produce your own ideas about it, not merely report on somebody else's findings. It is possible to say a lot of things about this issue, but everything you say will be at an extremely basic or survey level. Nothing was too much challenge for me. What You Should Do to Find Out About Research Question Essay about Education Samples Before You're Left Behind Write an Informative College life Essay You are going to have a great deal o f great suggestions and college life highlights to have in your essay. So let's dig somewhat deeper and focus on a great question that can cause great research and a strong thesis which you will have the ability to argue and support throughout your paper! You might also compose a narrative essay to talk about your story about traditional or internet learning. The finest persuasive short essays often concentrate on controversial problems. If you don't understand how to start writing the essay the task might prove to be daunting at first, you can wonder what things to do with the examples you've found online. Others will provide you with general guidelines only. New Step by Step Roadmap for Research Question Essay about Education Samples Every legit writing company should have samples out there for their customers and prospective clients to have a look at. Or you might perhaps concentrate on a single component (for instance, classroom management) and discuss how each school handles the circumstance. Otherwise, students are sure to create plagiarized papers. Human rights are extremely emphasized in Canada. Through employment, one is ready to pay for a good living. Educational process is a fundamental portion of our living. It reduces poverty in a number of ways. Research questionnaires are usually printed to a huge number of respondents in a specific location. They often intend to ask for a respondent's opi nion on a certain topic or issue. They are essential tools used in the collection of data for the research. If a research questionnaire has close-ended questions, respondents are expected to opt for an answer from a specific number of choices given for each question. Characteristics of Research Question Essay about Education Samples Furthermore, school assignments aren't much everyday, but they are extremely important and useful to finish. Apparently, it's not sufficient to focus all of your waking hours on school. High school students study the exact same courses together regardless of what they intend to take in the universities, and thus it is difficult for them to understand what they're interested in. When you've completed all that, you are going to be prepared to begin contemplating making your research question. The ideal essay topics on culture are the ones which you have chosen for yourself. Dependent on the factors of fiction or true events, there are two forms of college life essays you'll be able to write. The most significant thing is to find out the way the culture essay example will guide you.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Randalls Department Stores free essay sample
Department stores encountered a quandary surrounding their pricing strategies: Should they continue to pursue Every Day Low Pricing strategies coupled with frequent promotions or determine a narrow focus on one or the other? If this is preferable, then which one will reap the biggest benefits for the department store? Competitors were aggressively promoted their established brand promotions with more fervor than ever, and Randall’s was slipping in market dominance. A decision had to be made regarding their pricing policy henceforth. Sales data shows that Every Day Low Pricing was not a preferable strategy. Armed with this knowledge, Randall’s must execute a strategy of changing prices so that there is no confusion with the consumer as to what they can provide: Quality products at consistently low prices. With the elimination of erratic and deeply discounted promotions, Randall’s can begin a new era of consistent sales cycles and profitable returns in a marketing environment which is receptive to this development. We will write a custom essay sample on Randalls Department Stores or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page #1 – There are several distinct advantages to having a more stable and single-level pricing structure. A commitment to this would mean a significant decline in store promotions, but it can be argued that the benefits outweigh the detriments. First, the money that could be saved on largely eliminating sales events accumulates to become a substantial savings pot for the company per year. Secondly, staff members would not be so taxed. Process adjustments borne by the need to honor their guarantee of matching a competitor’s price or paying back the difference if they were to reduce their own requires extra staff that is unnecessary under a stable pricing structure. Another benefit of this strategy is a better inventory turnover ratio. Daily sales can be better predicted and more consistent when the prices to not fluctuate constantly. The cost of residual merchandise to be sold in clearance events at the end of the season is too great when Randall’s is forced to mark these down at even deeper price discounts. This strategic advantage also spawns another: a lesser chance of stockouts. These occurred when a popular item was discounted unnecessarily. The item sold so fast that there were no more left to sell, and those products would have sold regardless without a significant discount. Stockouts can be recognized as revenue forgone when a stable pricing strategy is not implemented. This strategy enables the merchants to be able to dedicate more time and effort to planning their calculated assortment coupled with enhanced service measures. With this comes the success experienced when loyalty to the Randall’s brand is fostered through excellent customer care and superior product presentation established. A store-wide adoption of stable pricing could allow Randall’s to establish a reputation for good value, even in the sea of competitors who continued their fierce promotions. #2 – The introduction of a more leveled pricing was largely unsuccessful in many categories, but successful in certain others. The children’s clothing department enjoyed a relative price inelastic demand structure. This department enjoyed great success derived from implementing Everyday Low Pricing (EDLP) because the children’s merchandise sold carried a lower initial mark-up than formerly and was scarcely promoted at discount prices, if even once a season. The reason EDLP fell flat in many other areas, including jewelry and men’s suits, is because the quality perception of jewelry and suits can be compromised when prices are low from the outset with peripheral promotions going on, consumers anticipate similar discounts on these premier items when they are already at low prices. #3 – In the future, Randall’s should try to stabilize prices going forward. This recommendation comes in light of the fact that the only department which thrived under was Children’s. But there has already been too much damage done in the perceptual minds of the Randall’s consumers – their image has been compromised. The confusion as to whether Randall’s is a more like a Marshall’s or like a JC Penny’s. With a consistent commitment to lower-level initial mark-ups with few discount promotions, the short surges in revenue seen by sales events will not be as great as the steady revenue brought by the sales of a consumer confident in the quality and competitive price of the Randall’s item. Randall’s can’t follow in the footsteps of high-profile competitor Prescott’s and run aggressive sales events if they are not committed to promoting as hard, if not harder than this competitor. The sales will fall short every time and leave Emily Caroline Randall back where they started – riding the promotion wave, with the breaker close on the horizon. Please see Appendix A for a detailing of the specific plan of execution for Randall’s executives to changes prices and stabilize them store-wide. With this plan of action, Randall’s can be armed for an era of consistent pricing and steady sales cycles – at no expense to their quality perception.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Irving Independent School District V. Amber Tatro Essay Example
Irving Independent School District V. Amber Tatro Paper Running Head: Irving Independent School District v. Amber Tatro Irving Independent School District v. Amber Tatro Warner University A child with disabilities is a major focus in today’s education. Achieving my Bachelors in Special Education, I need to be aware of the need to ensure appropriate education for all children with disabilities. â€Å"The education of children with disabilities is a top national priority. Our nation’s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), sets high standards for their achievement and guides how special help and services are made available in schools to address their individual needs (National Dissemination)†. This is my biggest challenge. I feel with the right tools and help with administration; my job will guarantee a bright future for my students with disabilities. I came across a case, Irving Independent School District v. Amber Tatro. The findings of this case gave me some insight on the statues and limitations that I as an educator have to abide by. But it also gave me hope that we the educators have the right to make such access meaningful to handicapped children. Amber Tatro was born with spina bifida. â€Å"As a result, she suffers from orthopedic and speech impairments and a neurogenic bladder, which prevents her from emptying her bladder voluntarily. We will write a custom essay sample on Irving Independent School District V. Amber Tatro specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Irving Independent School District V. Amber Tatro specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Irving Independent School District V. Amber Tatro specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Consequently, she must be catheterized (CIC), a procedure involving the insertion of a catheter into the urethra to drain the bladder, has been prescribed. The procedure is a simple one that may be performed in a few minutes by a layperson with less than an hour’s training (Irving)†. If CIC is not performed every three to four hours, it could cause injury of the kidneys. In 1979, Amber Tatro was provided special education with an individualized education program under the requirements of the Education of the Handicapped Act. This provided Amber with special services while attending early childhood development classes. Amber’s individualized education program however, did not provide administrative remedies to secure CIC. â€Å"In October 1979 respondents brought the present action in District Court against petitioner, the State Board of Education, and others. They sought an injunction ordering petitioner to provide Amber with CIC and sought damages and attorney’s fees (Eric)†. The court’s found CIC to be a â€Å"related service†allowing Amber to have a special education. The Court of Appeals affirmed and accepted the District Court’s conclusion that state law permitted be required schools to hire trained personnel to help with the needs of handicapped children. This entitles an education for those children with special medical needs. â€Å"A service that enables a handicapped child to remain at school during the day is an important means of providing the child with the meaningful access to education that Congress envisioned (Eric). †â€Å"The Petitioner’s view: First, to be entitled to related services, a child must be handicapped so as to require special education. In the absence of a handicap that requires special education, the need for what otherwise might qualify as a related service does not create an obligation under the Act. Second, only those services necessary to aid a handicapped child to benefit from special education must be provided, regardless how easily a school nurse or layperson could furnish them. Third, the regulations state that school nursing services must be provided only if they can be performed by a nurse of other qualified person, not if they must be performed by a physician (Eric). The resulting decision on this case was that yes, school’s are required to provide special medical needs for children with disabilities. What does this mean for education? It gives education and faculty the obligation to provide services that relate to both the health and educational needs of handicapped students (Eric). †It allows them to correct undesirable behaviors by giving them support for a search when one is appropriate . It shows to the students and parents what could happen if you violate the rules of the school. It also encourages the students to leave certain nuisances that are not going to encourage their education at home. As for me as a professional, this case has given me some enlightment on what the rights of the students are. Irving Independent School District v Amber Tatro has opened up my eyes to the freedom children with disabilities have. No child will be left without an appropriate education. Works Cited ERIC Education Resources Information Center. ERIC – World’s Largest Digital Library of Education Literature. Web. 19 May 2011.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
6 Budget-Friendly Ways to Get Writing Help for Your Paper of Any Complexity
6 Budget-Friendly Ways to Get Writing Help for Your Paper of Any Complexity 6 Budget-Friendly Ways to Get Writing Help for Your Paper of Any Complexity It’s no secret that college can be extremely expensive, and most college students are on tight budget. You may not afford writing help for a high price, but we’ve created a list of six budget-friendly options. Here are several ways to get the qualitative help you need without breaking the bank. 1. Pay for Advisory Services Only The cheapest option for academic writing help is to pay only for general guidance on your writing, rather than for an entire paper. This service can include brainstorming a good topic, organizing, structuring your essay and proofreading/editing your completed draft. Such writing helpers can give you the extra boost you need to write an excellent paper on your own. 2. Pay an Older Student to Write Your Paper Many senior college students write papers for younger ones to make extra cash. Ask around your college campus to see if there are students available to perform such a service. While you are searching for writer help, make sure you are able to get opinion on the quality of this person’s work. To pay a senior student for the paper is a great chance to save money, as they are likely to charge much less than professional services. 3. Think about Friends Who May Do You a Favor Do you have any friends who are excellent writers? Perhaps they would be generous enough to write a paper for you, or, at least, to offer suggestions and advice. If you are strong in another academic subject, such as mathematics, you may provide your mate with â€Å"friend help†in exchange. Even if your friend wants some money for such a favor, he/she will charge you less than a professional academic writer would. 4. Use a Free Online Library There are several resources on the Internet, such as free online libraries, that provide you with papers on a variety of subjects. These papers can be used as examples to help inspire ideas for your essay. You can also use the sample essay as a model for how to structure your own paper. Such a method does not allow you to get writing help from another person, it just gives you a chance to see how a proficient writer has handled the topic similar to the one you are coping with. 5. Ask Your Professor for Help Of course, your professor is not going to write the paper in your stead, but he/she may offer you valuable advice. Most professors are required to have office hours, the time period, when the professor sits in his/her office so that students can come and ask their questions. Your professor can clarify any questions you have concerning the assignment, as well as he/she can give you tips on how to overcome the obstacles you have faced. Your professor is the one who will assign your grade, so his/her advice can be especially helpful. Moreover, professors are likely to be more generous while grading a student who has taken the initiative to come for advice! 6. Join a Study Group There are many study groups in the universities for students to get together and work on assignments, or answer one another’s questions. See if the class you are writing the paper for has a study group, or try to start one. You and students who are dealing with the papers on the same subject can discuss topic ideas, clarify questions, and even proofread one another’s papers. Getting qualitative writing help does not always put a strain on your finances. Try using one of these six options to help you produce a high-quality paper at a low cost!
Friday, November 22, 2019
Beware of Whom
Beware of Whom Beware of Whom Beware of Whom By Maeve Maddox I just read a mystery by Sue Grafton in which her character Kinsey Millhone mentally corrects a maid who responds to her phone call by asking Who may I say is calling? The Millhone character thinks Whom, sweetheart, Whom shall I say is calling This passage illustrates the fact that even an excellent writer can have trouble with when to use who and when to use whom. In this case, the maid was right and the detective was wrong. If you want to know why, read on. Like most pronouns, who has two forms: a subject form, who, and an object form, whom. To understand the use of pronoun pairs such as who/whom, he/him, she/her, I/me, they/them, and we/us when used with a verb, one must recognize whether the word is being used as the subject of the verb or as its object. Every verb has a subject. The subject is the doer of an action: I sing. We shop in town. Who knows the secret? Some verbs have objects. The object receives the action: The ball hit me. Dont forget us. Whom do you like best? Most of the time we have little trouble recognizing subject and verb because the subject usually comes before the verb and the object comes after it. The difficulty with who/whom arises from the fact that in a question, word order is reversed. We say Where are you going? and not You are going where?, Whom do you like best? and not You do like whom best? Things get really sticky when a sentence contains more than one clause (i.e., more than one set of subject and verb). The maids response is made up of two clauses. That is, it has two verbs: shall say and is calling. The subject of shall say is I. The subject of is calling is who. The clauses can be constructed in various ways: Who is calling, shall I say? Shall I say who is calling? Who shall I say is calling? The irony of Graftons criticism of the maids use of who is that elsewhere in the novel, Millhone doesnt always use whom when it would be appropriate. Conclusion The use of whom as the object form of who is on its way out of the language. More and more educated speakers and writers use who as both subject and object. There doesnt seem to be any reason not to. Who do you want? has become acceptable. Indeed, to the American ear, Whom do you want? sounds excessively proper. Personally, I like to observe the difference between who and whom in my writing, but I rarely do in speaking. Whatever you do, dont use whom as a subject! Ive seen it done, further proof that this particular point of grammar has lost its significance. If you arent sure whether to use who or whom, go with who. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant NamesAt Your Disposal
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Brain Imaging Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Brain Imaging Technologies - Essay Example The variety of energies and specialties like radiology, medical physics, nuclear pharmacy, etc has led to hospitals and university research centers being called diagnostic imaging or radiology or the science of radiology. No name yet worked out is wholly satisfactory in the countenance of the vivid changes which have occurred, mainly in the last three or four decades. (Kuhn, 2004) The power of contemporary computers to allow the speedy display of sectional images of the body by means of technologies such as ultrasound, computed tomography scan, single-photon emission topography, positron emission topography or magnetic resonance imaging has been cardinal to the upbringing of the latest technologies. Nevertheless, an equally great change has been that encompassing the move of medical imaging from the laboratory to the living room. Many Decades ago what was then radiological science poked a restricted series of diagnostic information to a referring medical doctor apprehensive to resolve diagnostic ambiguity between the diseases potentially able to report for a patient's indicators. In the beginning of the this century, imaging technology is used not only to spot the abrasion, and to do so more effectively, but to direct the needle used in its biopsy; not only to recognize a blocked vessel but to guide its dilatation as well. FMRI AND PET Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging is based on the boost in blood flow to the local vasculature that comes along neural activity in the brain. This result in a consequent local drop in deoxyhemoglobin because the augmentation in blood flow occurs without an amplification of similar magnitude in oxygen extraction. Thus, deoxyhemoglobin is every now and then is known as a contrast enhancing agent, and serves as the source of the signal for fMRI. Functional activity of the brain obtained from the magnetic resonance pointer has verified known anatomically dissimilar processing regions in the visual cortex, the motor cortex, and Broca's area of speech and language-related activities. Further, speedily rising bodies of research document communicate to findings between fMRI and usual electro-physiological methods to localize explicit functions of the human brain (Romanelli, 2004). Consequently, the number of medical and research centers with fMRI capabilities and investigational programs continues to shoot up. The major returns to fMRI as a technique to image brain activity related to a particular objective or sensory process says the the signal does not need doses of radioactive isotopes, the total scan time needed can be very less, i.e., on the order of 1.5 to 2.0 minutes per run (depending on the paradigm), and the in-plane resolution of the functional image is generally about 1.5 x 1.5 mm although resolutions less than 1 mm are likely. To put these pros in standpoint, functional images obtained by the earlier method of positron emission tomography, require doses of radioactive isotopes, multiple acquisitions, and therefore, longer imaging times. Additionally, the anticipated resolution of positron emission tomography images is much larger than the common functional magnetic resonance imaging pixel size. In addition, positron emission tomography usually requires that numerous individual brain images are joined in order to obtain a dependable
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Comparing Individual and Social Financial Motivations in Energy Assignment
Comparing Individual and Social Financial Motivations in Energy Conservation - Assignment Example This enabled them to draw the hypothesis for the study. Firstly, the researchers assumed that social norms are a major determinant on energy conservation. Secondly, the researchers assumed that financial incentive enhances energy conservation. 2. The sample size to this survey was homeowners whose email information was in the custody of homeowner’s association president. The participants or population sample to this study was selected from homeowners who responded to an email invitation from the homeowner’s association president. Data obtained from electricity supplying company provided a control to the study. This data provided the researchers with more accurate information on electricity consumption for each household than data obtained from smart meters. The study involved establishing the effects of motivation on energy consumption. The research also intended to establish the relationship between household’s total income and energy consumption. In addition, research wanted to measure the effects of incentives on different social classes. 3. The data was analyzed by first placing the respondents in to three categories according to their consumption capacities. This enabled the researchers to draw the mean and other measures of central tendency. The researcher also used a pie chart to represent their research findings. 4. From the study, it was established that financial incentives had an effect on the attitude of the respondent towards energy conservation. It was also established that social class influenced the effects of incentives on the respondent. Social classes were established by the level of electricity consumption in each household. High consumers or individuals with high financial capabilities responded positively to financial incentive. However, they were adamant to giving out personal information concerning energy consumption (Vezich 49). It was also established that low consumers responded more effectively to financial
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Catholicism in Quebec and the Quiet Revolution Essay Example for Free
Catholicism in Quebec and the Quiet Revolution Essay Montreal is Quebec’s largest city, has always been renowned for its many churches and basilicas, earning it the nickname la ville aux cents clochers. Mark Twain once said â€Å"This is the first time I was ever in a city [Montreal] where you couldnt throw a brick without breaking a church window†. Today, it is better known for the diversity of its people and its culture painted streets, such as the Quartier Latin and the booming Quartier des spectacles. The city is home to over a hundred and twenty cultural communities and seventy-five languages; seemingly fitting since well over a quarter of the population was born abroad. In the June 2008 issue of Monocle, a London based magazine, Montreal was dubbed â€Å"Canada’s Culture Capital†. It seems hard to imagine that the Catholic Church had a monopoly over not only Montreal but the entire province of Quebec simply half a century ago. How did a land founded and built on Catholicism become a place renowned for its cultural diversity? This essay will explore how the Catholic faith’s image developed in Quebec after the Second World War, touching the province’s strong religious foundation, the Church’s control of the education and medical systems, and how the Quiet revolution paved the way for the prosperity of the French language and the multicultural land we have today. Jacques Cartier officially claimed Quebec in the name of the King of France in 1534, bringing the first sign of Christianity by putting up a cross in Gaspà © that is still visible to this day. The farm, family, faith and language were until recently stereotypical symbols for the Quebecois, but gradually became symbols of French settlers instead. However, these hadn’t always been symbols of the colonists; farming and permanent families were not part of the mindset of the early colony. Samuel de Champlain first met with the Algonquin people on his exploration journey in 1603 and the two parties were quick to form an alliance. The French and Algonquin began trading firearms for furs to keep warm throughout the winter but were mainly sent to be sold in France. During the long alliance with the Algonquin people many Jesuits, members of the Society of Jesus, a Christian male religious order of the Roman Catholic Church, sought to evangelize and convert the aboriginal people. This created a bitter divide between the traditional practitioners of Midewiwin and the Catholic converts. Champlain returned in 1608 to create a settlement in what is now Quebec City, however at the time the French were interested in trading, fishing cod fish and later hunting beaver. This lifestyle made it difficult to attract potential colonists, and upon Champlain’s death in 1635 there were only 300 settlers in New France. King Louis XIV began encouraging members of his military to remai n and settle in New France after discharge, and also hiring young laborers to work in the colony then encouraging them to stay as well. The recruitment efforts of the King of France resulted in a 2:1 male to female ratio, thus he supported les filles du roi, a plan where poor women without a dowry migrated to New France to be married and bear children. By 1681, the marriages and families of these women grew the population to 10 000. These 10 000 French settlers would produce most of the francophone population of Canada (Phan, 292). Once King Louis XV signed the Treaty of Paris, handing over the French territories to the English, the French military, upper-class and business elite all returned to France. The abandoned settlers turned to the Roman Catholic Church as the clergy begun opening schools and hospitals. The French colony of Quebec wanted to avoid an American influenced political policy which stood for Protestantism, republicanism and war, as well as severing its ties with France following the Treaty of Paris and the French Revolution’s religious prosecutions. The colony then adapted policies of the Church, associating the land with the Vatican instead. The Church system worked well for the prosperity of the people at the time, but later Pope’s decisions would eventually lead to the downfall of faith in Quebec. The early 19th to mid-20th centuries saw the farm, family, faith and language become the sacramental lifestyle of the Quebecois. At the end of the 19th century in Rome, Pope Leo XIII called for a renewal of ecclesial studies to modernise the Church’s lessons to aid in the application against the challenges of the new world. Reform-minded scholars were thus encouraged to explore and revise the conventional positions of the church and were given much elbowroom until the Pope’s death in 1903. His successor, Pope Pius X, had a much different approach. In 1907 the Pope published Pascendi Dominici Gregis, a letter condemning modernism as the synthesis of all heresies (Jodock, 56). The Vatican began enforcing anti-modernism, which set the stage for what would later be the Quiet revolution. `The period leading up to the 1960s was one through which the province had long been undergoing a process of industrialization and urbanization that had dated back to the latter part of the nineteenth century. Various transformations had been taking place, making it no surprise that the Quebec Liberal Party (QLP) was able to dethrone the Union Nationale (UN) as leaders of provincial government. During the 1940s and 1950s, the image most frequently associated with Quebec’s French-Canadian people was that of a church-ridden, agricultural society outside the mainstream of the urban-industrial North American way of life. Although the Catholic Church is credited for the preservation of the French language and culture, the Western world had moved its interest away from the large families and agriculture supported by the Church. This seemingly outdated view of Quebec as a society gave politicians a clear view on what to campaign for. Jean Lesage of the QLP was able to garner over 50% of the popular vote and gain 51 seats to defeat the UN, ending a 16 year run for that party in Quebec. The province was about to come out of the period known as â€Å"la grande noirceur†, due to the scandal and corruption that the Union Nationale leader used to remain in power, and to enter a new era that Quebec still finds itself in at this very moment. The Quebecois expected change and Lesage was to come through for them. As the former provincial government had been supported by the Catholic Church, he had started what seemed to be a secularization process that coincided with the status of religion in Quebec at that time. Between the years 1961 and 1971, religious practice in Montreal fell from 61 percent of the population to 30 percent, and only 14 percent among people aged 16-24. The low number of young Catholics raised many concerns for the Church as to wear they would find future replacements for its aging clergy (Gauvreau). The emergence of lay Quebec organizations that defined nationalism in terms of language and political independence instead of religion also hastened a loss of confidence in the church. Not the least of significant markers in the 1960s was the bishops decision to dismantle Catholic Action itself. The entire process resulted in a de-Christianization that most defined carefully as not the decline of private belief, but as the rapid loss of a Catholic public identity. Jean-Paul Desbiens wrote a letter under the name Brother Anonymous criticizing the education system, stating the importance of the involvement and control of the provincial government over such services. The characterization of Quebec citizens as a religious people was outdated and the following period gave birth to a new identity for the Quebecois to latch on to. The Premier began this procedure by having the province take control of education by first establishing the Department of Youth (which became the Ministry of Education in 1964) and provided free education up through high school. Lesage would then go on to make schooling up until the age of 16 mandatory with the belief that educating the youth would lead them to become the successful leaders of tomorrow, replacing the Anglophones who were in control of most of Quebecs businesses at the time. Continuing the reform, he increased government control over the healthcare system, by implementing a hospital insurance plan in 1961 (a prequel to Quebec’s version of a universal healthcare plan in 1972). These two essential institutions, which had been the responsibility of the Catholic Church ever since the birth of New France, were now primarily in the hands of the provincial government, giving substantiation for the many that now believed Quebec was a secular society. In Conclusion, a land founded and built on Catholicism became a place renowned for its cultural diversity after the anti-modernisation of the Church forced the Quebecois to break free from its monopoly over the province. After exploring how the Catholic faith’s image developed in Quebec, it is made evident that the stereotypical symbols of the 19th century Quebecois had to be shaken in the 20th century in order for them to prosper in the 21st century. Works Cited: Tentler, Leslie W. and Kevin Christiano. The Church Confronts Modernity: Catholicism since 1950 in the United States, Ireland, and Quebec. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 2007. Print. 19-90 Jodock, Darrell. Catholicism Contending with Modernity: Roman Catholic Modernism and Anti-modernism in Historical Context. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge UP, 2000. Print. Van, Die Marguerite. Religion and Public Life in Canada: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2001. Print. Phan, Peter C. Ethnicity, Nationality and Religious Experience. Lanham, MD: University of America, 1995. Print. Gauvreau, Michael. The churches and social order in nineteeth- and twentieth-century Canada. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2006. Print. Baum, Gregory and Michael Gauvreau. The Catholic Origins of Quebec’s Quiet Revolution, 1931-1970. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005. Print.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A look at Nora’s transformation from beginning to end Essay -- Literar
Many human beings, in particular women, are always searching for the especial individual and do anything in order to get what they expect. Love is a crazy feeling in which the heart leads the way and sometimes we can consider those in love under a spell. The brain has no saying and common sense is lost against this so-called â€Å"feeling of love.†I will be discussing the play a â€Å"Doll’s house†by Ibsen and in particular the transformation that Nora undergoes throughout the play until she recognizes that she is not in love with Torvald. This play was set in a time were women were dependent on man most of the time and were not able to define themselves. The only duties given to a wife, like Nora, were to be a good House wife, Take care of the children and satisfy Torvald. Hence, the name of the play â€Å" A doll’s house†in which Nora is depicted as a doll from beginning to the point in which she finds the real world that she lives in and deci des to run away. Nora Helmer, a beautiful woman that has dedicated the past years to be the perfect house wife and admirable woman to society. Her life has been filled with good clothes, enough to live with and the good reputation that goes along with being married to a prospective bank manager. Nora’s early years belong next to her father and the pampering and dependency began, she was then passed down to her current husband, Torvald. In the play we are introduced to Kristine, an old friend of Noras and a character that allows us to witness the way Nora speaks about her marriage life and it ultimately shows the dependency of Nora to Torvald. Nora greets Kristine and goes to talk all wonders about her family. Kristine announces that she has neither children nor husband and this to Nora is unbelieva... ...her head that she was nothing but a doll, someone who would do as told and a human being without any independence. This has made her realize she is not in love with Torvald and what she used to call home, is not home anymore. She has to get away and make up her own life, what she wants of it and how she wants to be treated. Indeed, Nora has transformed into a woman of choice and one that can make her own decisions in regards to her life. She has become free from Torvald and his â€Å"perfect life†and realized that maybe they were never in love. Nora becomes aware of the possibility that Torvald was never in love with her but with the idea of being in love with her. She never had a saying in their lives and the children’s life. She had no meaning to her life and she realizes at the end of the play that she needs to educate herself first and then take care of others.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Frankenstein Essay
Within the story of Mary Shelley’s, Frankenstein, we meet a character who comes head on with the advancements of science and the evolution of man. Victor Frankenstein is obsessed with the idea of creating life. He struggles with his own intelligence and the morality of the society around him. He is continuously bothered by the accepted laws of nature. The significance of his statement, â€Å"Destiny was too potent, and her immutable laws had decreed my utter and terrible destruction†he finally realizes that his efforts to create and sustain life were no match for the powers of nature. It is upon returning to school after the near death of Elizabeth and the death of his mother that he becomes obsessed with creating life. Victor makes the statement â€Å"I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation†. (pg 33) This after hearing a lecture of modern chemistry by Professor M. Waldman. Over a period of time Victor collected a series of body parts from graveyards to assemble in a new human form. With his knowledge of chemistry, biology and anatomy he reanimated his creation into an eight- foot monster. After bringing life to his eight foot creation, Victor realizes he should not have gone against the laws of nature. Victor is horrified to realize his creation has murdered his brother William. Victor cannot explain his creation and its evilness to his family without them thinking he is mentally ill. Victor nearly goes mad with the realization that because of his creature, his brother is killed. Falsely accused of Williams’s murder, Justine is executed after hard evidence unfolds upon her. Because of his obsession of creating life, he has taken life away. In his depression, Victor decides that his creature must be found and destroyed. Natures Laws should not have been toyed with. Victor sets out on an expedition in the mountains and finds the monster. To his surprise the monster seems to be intelligent and refined, but the monster has resentment of Victor for having been sent out on his own with no one to teach or nurture him. It was because of the monsters resentment that ultimately William and Justine were killed. Victor’s scientific ambition consumed his life. To go against the Law of Nature to prove that man can create life. Mental and physical setbacks plagued Victor while dealing with the reality of his creation. He suffers because his passion for creating life has taken away those around him that he loved. The significance of his statement, â€Å"Destiny was too potent, and her immutable laws had decreed my utter and terrible destruction†he finally realizes that his efforts to create and sustain life were no match for the powers of nature.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Compensation and Benefits Strategies Essay
A strategic plan for employee compensation determines how much you want to pay employees and what type of employees you want to attract. Your compensation plan entails a variety of aspects including pay scales, reward programs, benefits packages and company perks. A successful strategic compensation plan allows your business to compete in the market for the best employees in your industry (Lister, 2013). In order for this medium sized construction business to structure itself and be market competitive then research around benefits, compensation, merits, and the laws related to benefits and pay programs needs to be conducted. The success of the business will rely on the research put into it. Construction Market Evaluation When looking at the relevant labor markets the task was difficult due to the slowing and sluggish construction economy from 2007 to 2012. Demand in this industry depends heavily on the health of the economy. A midsize company’s profitability and efficient operations require the skills of experienced employees you will be able to work efficiently with available resources because they will not have the advantage of larger commercial construction companies with multiple projects simultaneously in various types of construction. The company’s annual net revenue is $10,000,000 and will need to use their resources wisely to attract and retain talent in the present market and in future expanded markets. When researching labor markets according to (Cascio, 2013), â€Å"This can often be a complex task because employers must pay attention not only to labor markets but also to product markets (e.g., level of demand and degree of competition). Pay practices must be designed not only to attract and retain employees but also to ensure that labor costs (as part of the overall costs of production) do not become excessive in relation to those of competing employers.†The job surveyed for this market evaluation was Corporate Construction Manager on a national level for companies with 800 to 3,000 employees. The present workforce in this midsized business is 650 employees and they are looking to add over an additional 20% to the current workforce or an additional 130 employees. The company wants to be comparable to other commercial construction businesses as they expand in Arizona while being conscious of the compensation used currently in Detroit, Michigan. The median annual income for a Corporate Construction Manager in Detroit, Michigan is $104,626.00. The core compensation package is based on averages, not personal factors and will be different from those in Arizona. Here is the breakdown of the benefit package for a Corporate Construction Manager in Detroit; Core Compensation Expanding into Arizona, the median annual income for a Corporate Construction Manager is above average at $120,601. Here is a breakdown of what makes up the compensation benefits in Arizona; Core Compensation Median % of Total Base Salary $120,601 65.9% Bonuses $15,405 8.4% Value of Benefits Social Security $9,021 4.9% 401K/403B $5,168 2.8% Disability $952 0.5% Healthcare $6,507 3.6% Pension $8,704 4.8% Time Off $16,739 9.1% Total Compensation $183,099 100% The level of knowledge and skill requires 10-15 years of experience in the industry with a bachelor level degree. According to (Duchon, 2007), â€Å" When construction is booming in a region, and strong able-bodied workers are in short supply, hourly wages can escalate to attract labor from other locations. To attract and retain individuals with appropriate skills/competencies, organizations must be willing to pay competitive rates based on targeted labor markets (local, regional, and national). It’s the law of supply and demand.†Construction and Manufacturing industries are rewarded and paid for prescribed output, project completion, and measured output. Any bonuses will range according to job level and specific weight based structure. When expanding into Arizona the company will need to consider the total company structure on a national level as they increase headcount and annual revenue. Compensation Structure The use of market pricing to determine wages and salaries is known as market based pay and utilizing this system would be the best practice for a competitive market segment such as construction and contracting. Especially considering the expansion to another region. According to WageWatch, â€Å"committing to a market base pay compensation structure means that employees will be paid at a competitive wage when compared with rates offered to people in similar positions in peer organizations (WageWatch, 2012).†Supply and demand, which rules over the labor market, further drives this approach. A properly designed market based pay system will facilitate companies by controlling compensation costs, enhancing market competitiveness, improving recruitment results, increasing employee morale, and achieving greater internal equity. However, in order establish and inevitably maintain an effective market-based pay system, one needs to know how to successfully match and integrate salary surveys with the company’s data, philosophies and practices. Internal equity is analyzed in a way similar to external market analysis in that the data determines worth relative to benchmarked job titles, but different in that the benchmarks are internally established. Internal benchmarks are particularly useful in evaluating both unique and hybrid job titles for which external benchmarks do not exist. Managing external and internal equity is a dynamic process that requires the organization to stay vigilant on changes in market conditions and business demands. The market based pay approach to compensation gives the influence of the external market on wages precedence over internal equity (WageWatch, 2012). The success of Corporate Construction is contingent on attracting and retaining the best talent needed to efficiently execute the company’s business strategy. Having the right pay structure is at the helm of this. And in recent years organizations have noticed a significant shift with the types of structures that work best. A new study by World at Work and Deloitte, â€Å"2012 Survey of Salary Structure Policies and Practices,†found that market-based salary structures are the most prevalent type of pay structure in use (64 percent). While traditional and broadband structures are less common today (23 percent and 12 percent respectively). Companies of all sizes in varying industries are understanding the importance of market- competitiveness and are focusing on external equity to attract and retain top talent (Deloitte Consulting, 2012). Total Compensation and Benefit Strategy Performance Incentives and Merit Pay Merit pay, although not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is still subject to other regulations and laws, up to and including city, state, regional and federal laws, mandates and regulations. Although not mandated by law, especially in Arizona, merit pay and performance incentives are an excellent way to motivate new and current employees to push for specific short and mid-term goals (Saari & Judge, 2004). In a new work environment, the key to growth is hiring and motivating the right employees. In a construction business, these goals can be broken down between the construction crews, and the support and admin staff. Implementing goals for the construction foremen and/ or project managers, and authorizing them sub-goals and incentive pay for contractors, subcontractors, and crews can give the right incentives for completing on-time, on-target, and within budget construction projects. Merit pay for those who work longer hours up to and including authorized overtime, or who complete safe, timely portions of projects within budget constraints will also boost performance without sacrificing quality. (HRHELP, 2011) Whatever benefits and pay program is chosen several laws must be considered. With the location, size of the organization, and projected revenue and personnel growth in the coming year, the following laws will apply. Remember that this is not an exhaustive or complete list, and there may be updates after the time of publication (Cascio W. F., 2013). The Arizona Employment Protection Act (A.R.S. 23-1501), Arizona Legal Arizona Worker Act (ALAWA), and The Arizona Civil Rights Act (ACRA) are three of the main Arizona laws in particular that Clapton Commercial Construction must abide by. Any incentive, performance pay and compensation programs must be in concert with these laws. Federal laws, principally those to do with government funded construction projects include the McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act, Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (CWHSSA), Copeland â€Å"Anti-Kickback†Act, and Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act. These laws cover everything from properly instituting overtime pay to ensuring that employees receive the merit pay and other benefits afforded to them in a timely manner. (U.S. Department of Labor) References Arizona Attorney General’s Office. Employment Discrimination: Get the Fact. Phoenix: Arizona Attorney General’s Office. Arizona New Hire Reporting Center. (2009-2013). New Hire Reporting Law. Retrieved 12 07, 2013, from Arizona New Hire Reporting Center: https://az-newhire.com/law Arizona Senate Research Staf. (2007-2008). Arizona Senate Background Brief: Labor Laws. Phoenix: Arizona Senate Research Staff. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2013, December). http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes119021.htm#st. Retrieved from www.bls.gov. Cascio, W. (2013). Managing Human Resources; Productivity,Quality of Work Life, Profits. New York:McGraw-Hill. Deloitte Consulting LLP. (2012). Salary structure policies and procedures. Retrieved from http://www.worldatwork.org/waw/adimLink?id=65885 Duchon, M. (2007, June 1). Compensation; Total Reward Plans that Attrack, Retain, and Motivate.Construction Business Owner . Henderson, R. (2012, January). Employment outlook:2010-2020 -Industry employment and output projections to 2020. Monthly Labor Review , p.65-83. HRHELP. (2011). HR & employment Law Compliance Guide for Arizona Employers. HRHELP. Lister, J. (2013). Strategic Plan for Employee Compensation and Benefits. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/strategic-plan-employee-compensation-benefits-15613.html National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation, Inc. (2010). Right to Work Laws: Arizona . Retrieved 12 07, 2013, from National Right To Work Legal Defense Foundation:
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Success of the American Revolution essays
The Success of the American Revolution essays In 1775, war broke out between the British and the American colonists. By 1776, the colonists had declared their independence, and after eight years of a prolonged and bloody war, in 1783 Britain was forced to recognize the independence of the United States. Many people never thought that the Americans would win the battle. Their chances of winning were very little at the beginning. The British should have won the Revolution easily because their government was the most powerful in the world at that time. But due to key American military victories and advantages, the British were defeated. There are certain inevitabilities about American success. First, there is the domestic enthusiasm in the United States. Americans went to war to defend the inalienable rights of man to life, liberty. It had only one objective to accomplish to win the Revolution, and that was to hold out until the end of the war. The Americans could do this because they were fighting for their freedom, which was of great importance to them. The war took place on American soil; they were fighting at home, so the British had to bring troops and supplies from across a wide ocean, which favored the Americans by making it hard on Britain to control their troops. Also, the war was unpopular in Britain, which did not encourage their people to want to fight. Second, the founding fatherWashington's leadership was another one of the main factors in American success. It seems fair to say that the American Revolution could hardly have succeeded without him. He was honest, brave, and sure that the Americans could win. He never gave up hope that he would reach that goal . "I can answer but for three things, a firm belief in the justice of our Cause, close attention in the prosecution of it, and the strictest integrity" (1967 p28). He used his steadfast but badly equipped armies to weaken the forces of the king. Time and again when defeat seemed unavoidable, his strategy turned t...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What Is the ACT Kaplan ACT Low Cost Test Prep Program
What Is the ACT Kaplan ACT Low Cost Test Prep Program SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The ACT has just announced its first official partnership with a test prep company: Kaplan. This may be big news for students who are planning to take the ACT - in cooperation with Kaplan, ACT, Inc. will be providing a low-cost (or even free) test prep program calledACT ® Kaplan Online Prep Live. There isn’t a ton of information just yet about the quality of the new test prep platform - students won’t be able to access it for a while - but we do know what the program should include and what it should cost. Free streaming courses are airing live in advance of the program launch - you can read more about what these courses are like towards the end of the post. Read more to find out what this new test prep partnership will mean for you! The ACT/Kaplan Partnership The ACT and the SAT are in perpetual competition for student test-takers. Last year, the College Boardannounced a partnership with Khan Academy to provide free test prep - it’s no surprise that ACT, Inc.has followed suit with a similar move:formally partnering up with Kaplan to offeran online prep programat no cost to low-income students and a â€Å"significantly lower cost†than other prep programs for all other students. Although the partnership was just announced, the test prep program won’t be available until Fall 2016 (so it won’t be of much help to students who are taking the ACT this summer). The program is offering a few free classes before the official launch date, however - check out the ACT streaming events page, and keep reading for more info. Program Costs This test prep program will be free of charge for low-income students. To qualify, students need to register for the ACT with a fee waiver (read our complete guide to ACT fee waivers for more information). Access to the platform should come to less than $200 for students who don’t qualify for the fee waiver. What Will the Program Include? The price for this test prep program seems pretty reasonable, but more important than the price is what you’ll get for your money. First, the program includes access to live classes taught by Kaplan instructors. Students should be able to interact with these instructors through the course platform, although it’s unclear how much individual feedback each student will receive (it’s likely that many students will be watching each live class - there’s no way one instructor could respond, in real time, to questions from hundreds of students). Students will also have access to recorded classes if they’re unable to watch live - this affords some flexibility. These courses will be available on computers, tablets, and phones, so you can watch them on the go. The ACT/Kaplan haven’t publicized a list of class topics, but they currently have a few free courses on the calendar - I imagine that the new prep program’s courses will be similar in scope. Here’s the free course schedule: Understanding Your ACT Scores and What to Do Next (April 30, 2016 @2pm EDT) Introduction to Stem Concepts (May 11, 2016 @7pm EDT) Introduction to ELA Concepts (May 22, 2016 @2pm EDT) The program will also include access to a social platform including teachers and peers. This social media platform is supposed to facilitate a community for discussion, encouragement, and support. Whatthe Program Will Not Include Based on the program’s press release, there are a few key things not provided by this test prep program. First, as an online version of an ACT prep course, this prep program does not provide personalized or customized instruction to students (aside from any feedback provided via live course instruction). Instead, I predict that it will serve as an introduction to core concept areas, test strategies, and logistical concerns. Second, although instructors will use official ACT questions as examples when they teach thelive courses, it doesn’t seem that students will have access to any additional official practice materials. The ACT does release some official practice materials for free - these are available to everyone -but other official prep materials must be purchased. The Bottom Line What’s included with this program is definitely subject to change, but for now (at least based on the official press release), here’s what students seem to get for their money: Access to live (or on-demand, if you can’t watch live) courses on ACT content and logistics topics. Opportunities for interactions with teachers during live classes. Access to a social media platform with peers and instructors. No extra practice materials or personalized instruction. However, keep in mind that we have only very preliminary informationright now. A lot of details could change before the program's official release this fall. Online Prep Live: Free Streaming Events To get a taste for what the paid Online Prep program will be like, I watched the program's firstfree streaming class: Understanding Your ACT Scores and What to Do Next. It aired on Saturday, April 30. Course Overview This live, online course(presumably similar to what the actual Online Prep Live classes will be like) was easily accessible via this announcement page. This course addressed: What the info on your ACT score report means and how you can use it ACT College and Career Readiness Standards (both what they are and why they matter) ACT next steps, including deciding whether or not to retake the test and improving your scores Exploring future college and career options Pros I was impressed with howeasy it was to access this course, as well as how clearly the information was communicated. The instructor (Boris) was engaging and knowledgeable, which is a big plus. Although students weren't able to chat directly with the instructor, he noted at the beginning of the course that a "team of ACT experts" were online to answer student questions throughout the live session. Borisnoted particular student comments or questions throughout the live event, so he seemed generally plugged in to student concerns. In addressing student questions, the instructor referredto real-life data which helped back up his claims.He wanted to answer, for example, whether retaking the ACT would make students look bad to admissions officers. In responding, he pointed out that many students retake the test, and the majority of them (57%) end up with a higher score the second time around. Finally, I appreciated that anyone who's interested caneither watch the recorded event on-demand and access a full transcript of the course at any time. Cons First, this hour-long prep course was nowhere near an hour long. If you reference the event recording, you'll notice that the first and last sections are ads for the paid ACT Online Prep Live program, NOT course instruction footage. This meant that Boris was actually teaching for about 36 minutes in total. Second, the coursedidn't always providehelpful, concrete instructions or resources when addressing student concerns. In discussing some free tools that are available to help students raise scores, for example, Boris notes that you should take a list of your weak test skills to a guidance counselor for more help. Although it's greatto know where you should work to improve, students may have benefitedfrom references to helpful test prep materials. Next, the instructor spent some time encouraging viewers to participate in the chat platformwith prompts like "tell me if you empathize with these struggles!" Some viewers may really appreciate how this approach fosters a sense of community among viewers, but I felt it wasted time that could have been spent reviewing other material. These free streaming courses won't be helpful for everyone (especially students who already know the ins and outs of the test), but I encourage you to check out the transcript or recordingbefore deciding whether they're right for you. How the ACT/Kaplan Partnership Will Affect Student Test Prep Since this is the first time the ACT has officially partnered with any test prep company, the new online prepprogram is bound to make waves. It hasn’t officially launched, so no one can be completely sure of the program’s strengths and weaknesses. Based on what the program offers (and what it doesn’t), however, I can speculate as to the program’s benefits and drawbacks. The important stuff:what does this program have to do with how you study for the ACT? Here’s how I think students may benefit (or not) from this new partnership: Potential Advantages The ACT Kaplan Online Prep Live program is a step in the right direction when it comes to providing reasonably-priced and flexible prep to busy students. Here are the program's biggest perks: Official ACT Material Whenever you're studying for any sort of standardized test, it's best to get your hands on official test prep material. ACT questions are written in a very specific style and format (something that's difficult for unofficial test prep sources to emulate).In order to do well on the test, it's important to familiarize yourself with itsunique style. Test-makers are usually pretty careful with how much official material they release for practice. Since this Live Prep Program is endorsed by the ACT, you can be sure that instructors will only refer to official sample questions as they teach. Ease of Access Whenyou sign up for your standard ACT course, it means committing to attending classes at certain times and dates.If you're dealing with a packed schedule and/or limited transportation options, an in-person ACT course may not work for you. The ACT Live Prep program makes it easy to watch classes at times that are convenient for you - all you need is internet access. You can choose to watch classes live or on-demand, which is helpful if you're working around other commitments. Even the best ACT course won't help you if you can't find the time to attend - an online program should make things a lot easier for the average student. Price Point One of the major barriers to accessing quality ACT prep is the cost. Kaplan is one of the biggest names in test prep - before this partnership announcement, the company's least expensive ACT course was priced at $299, whereas its more intensive courses start at $749. This is simply out of reach for many students and their families. This Live Prep program is reasonably priced when compared to many other test prep programs (especially if students qualify for ACT fee waivers, in which case they can sign up for free). A lower price point means greater access to ACT prep, which is always a good thing. Social Media Support When they sign up for the Live Prep course, students also gain accessto a social media platform with other peers and instructors. Some students may study just fine independently, but others may find it helpful to interact with peers in an effort to maintain good study practices. Potential Drawbacks Like I mentioned earlier, it's difficult to say for certain what we can expect from theACT Kaplan Online Prep Live program. Based on the itsdescription, however, there are some important weaknesses in the prep program's approach. No Extra Practice Material Like I noted earlier, there's no mention of extra material provided to students for independent study. If you want to practice any content or strategy that was discussed in a particular class, you'll likely have to find your own practice questions or tests. No Customization This is a weakness that you'll find with any test prep course. Instructors are there to teach an entire class, not individual students - as such, you may find certain lessons less helpful than others (for example, a lesson that goes over content you're already very familiar with).Conversely, there won't be opportunities for you to get extra help with concepts youstruggle with. To study most effectively and most efficiently, you'll want to spend the most time on things that are difficult for you. Because every student is different, every student's ideal study plan will be different. This is something that the ACT Kaplan Online Prep Live program can't accommodate. Most group classes take a "one size fits all" approach out of necessity. Limited Interaction With Instructors The program description states that students will be able to ask questions of instructors during live classes. Although this is an interesting idea, I don't see how it would work in practice -each live course will likely have hundreds of students (or even more) watching at one time. There's no way that an instructor could personally respond to questions from so many students. I expect that select questions (e.g. questions that would apply to the greatest number of students) will be answered during live questions. Hearing teachers respond to others' inquiries may be helpful, but I wouldn't go into a class expecting to have my own personal questions answered. Reliance on Social Media Support You may be wondering why I have this in the "potential drawbacks" section. A big problem that I have with the social media support platform is that the prep program is preemptivelydirecting students therefor answers to test-related questions. This is problematic because most of the people on this platform aren't going to be ACT instructors - they're going to be other students. Although it's possible to get reliable help from savvy students, it's also possible to get very misguided (and simply incorrect) advice. The social media platform is likely to be an awesome resources for thosewho are looking for a test prep community,but students who turn to it for test prep help should take advice with a grain of salt. Overview Versus In-Depth Course Material The Live Prep course has yet to release the full rangeof topics that they'll cover with their classes. They may very well introduce classes that address higher-level content and strategy concerns, but based on their list of free streaming classes, I doubt that will be the case.Students who are already familiar with ACT logistics, strategy, and content won't benefit from classes that primarily address the basics. Should You Use the New Prep Plan? Now that you have all the available information on theACT Kaplan Online Prep Live program, you might be wondering if you should sign up. I can't tell you whether you should definitely buy the program, but I think some students would benefit from it more than others. Consider Signing Up If ... You qualify for an ACT fee waiver.If you qualify for a waiver, the program is free. There's no harm in signing up, even if you don't end up finding it that helpful. You don't know much about the ACT and you would benefit from an overview course.Based on the free streaming events the program is offering in advance of its actual launch, it looks like the courses will address important introductory concepts (e.g. "Understanding Your ACT Scores and What to Do Next"). If the ACT basics are new to you, this program may be a good fit. It's difficult for you to committo any in-person ACT prep programs. This ACT/Kaplan program makes it easy for students to watch courses anywhere, anytime. If you require more flexibility from an ACT prep program, you might want to check this one out. Consider Passing on the Course If ... You're a relatively high-scorer and need in-depth ACT review. If this is the case, I doubt the course will teach you anything you don't already know. Spend your time more effectively by perfecting your scores. You're planning on taking the ACT this summer, fall, or early winter. The program doesn't launch until Fall 2016, so if you're taking the ACT before then (or soon thereafter), you won't have enough time to benefit from the online courses. You have the resources (and motivation) to participate in a program that provides customized feedback. You'll be able to prep more effectively if you can get real feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. Courses like this one are a good place to start, but if you want more guidance and support, I'd encourage you to look into other options. What's Next? Want more information on other ACT prep options? Read about whether online prep (and online tutoring) is right for you, and learn more about the differences between in-person and online ACT courses. Maybe you've considered getting an ACT tutor, but you also want the flexibility of online prep. Learn more about the difference between online and in-person tutoring. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Construction Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Construction Practice - Essay Example In different types of procurements, the level of risk that the owner has to bear also differs. The control of the owner over the entire project also differs with the change in the method of procurement. Considering the nature of the project and the specific requirements of the owner with, I would suggest the traditional method of procurement for the purpose of constructing the specified things in the old building as well as for the parking lot on the nearby plot. The traditional form of procurement involves the appointment of a separate design team direct by the client. The team will develop the design in accordance with the client's design brief, arrange for a tender and subsequently administer the contract on site. The design and all the specifications should be completed in all aspects before the tenders from contractors are invited so that the owner can exactly understand the design and could make the desired changes as per the needs. The designer, who is specialised in the designs of architectural conservation and adaptive reuse of buildings, shall be able to comprehend the design exercise in a better manner and would there fore be able to provide appropriate design solutions that suit the structural requirements as well as the taste of the existing building. Adaptive reuse of a building requires specialised knowledge and there fore proper solution could only be achieved by appropriate designer. Since the owner has specific design requirements for the parking lot in terms of its architectural character with reference to the old building, I also suggest that the building to be designed by a specified designer so that the owner can exercise greater control over the process of design in order to achieve the desired result. For the construction purpose, a separate contractor can employed by the owner by being in consultation with the architect, to execute the design work which is normally under a standard joint contracts tribunal form of contract. Therefore in this case, the contractor and the design team shall be two separate bodies that are hired by the owner, both of them responsible to the owner. Here it is expected that the contractor exactly follows the instructions of the architect and in other words it can also be said that the architect is acting on the client's behalf to get the job completed effectively. The contractor quotes a lump sum amount for which he agrees to carry out the entire job. This also gives the client a control over the total budget of the project because once the quote is finalised, the contractor assumes the total risk of financial expenditures that are incurred during the construction part. In case of other methods of procurement like 'design and build', he would have lesser control over the design part of the building because both the duties of designing and building are been performed by a single team. Also there are fewer chances that the design team, responsible for carrying out the design for newer developments, have good knowledge of redevelopment in terms of the structure and the architectural styles of the old buildings. Since there is no division of responsibilities for designing and construction on the site, it shall be comparatively challenging for the client to achieve the de
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Professional Management Skills Assesment. cASE ANALYSIS Essay
Professional Management Skills Assesment. cASE ANALYSIS - Essay Example With David Neeleman started out his career in the airline industry, he had learned and had become accustomed to the ins and outs of operating an airline. While spending time with airlines such as Southwest after his first entrepreneurial venture, Neeleman saw the immense opportunity in the industry in the form of the growing dissatisfaction in the market due to poor service and high fares. Coupled with the information that was publicly available regarding the operations related to the industry, he came to justify the dissatisfaction as an opportunity by looking at its market potential. Neeleman then saw that there was sufficient demand to back up this opportunity. The vision of an airline with high quality service and low fares was not entirely what Jet Blue was about when Neeleman conceived the idea in his mind. It was built on the Southwest model, only that with the use of technology it would aim to differentiate itself, as well as its way of doing things as a player in the airline industry. According to the founder, this new airline would â€Å"leverage technology for safety and efficiency and with a commitment to people. (Gittell & O’Reilly, 2001, p.3)†The overall market for the airlines most especially in New York City as stated in the case, experienced dissatisfaction given the current level of services at the price level in which they are offered. Due to this, an enormous opportunity for an airline that could offer lower costs for air travel with high quality service awaited as a promise and reward. This one Neeleman had observed and taken advantage of using of information technology as one of the differentiating factors. Jet Blue’s marketing was strategic in a way that it aimed to support the goal of the company to become a different sort of player in the airline industry. For one, in line with Neeleman’s vision which was to provide high quality service at affordable fares while improving the experience of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How far does family law allow individuals to engage in private Essay
How far does family law allow individuals to engage in private ordering, and how far should it Discuss with relation to at leas - Essay Example However, this list is not exhaustive and may vary from one jurisdiction to another since family law covers a wide range of social and economic cases in existing and broken households2. The main contentious issue in most domestic cases heard in domestic courts is often of financial nature since, as families and marriages break, there is always the need to settle financial arrangements made while the family was still intact3. In fact, until recently in many countries, there was little, if any enforcement of the private arrangements and rules that surrounded and sought to change the personal or family status of people4. Nonetheless, there existed some kind of private ordering in which people could decide whether to marry or not and whom to marry. What is more, once an individual got married, he or she had to adhere to the enforceable rules of marriage and exit routes such as annulment, separation or divorce. Importantly, there were rules to guide couples in meeting their financial oblig ations on annulment or divorce5. It is also worth noting that even in historical times, the state had the power and mandate to set and enforce family laws6. Thus, by these laws, the state had the power to limit an individuals’ free will and powers to distribute their property upon divorce or a spouse’s death. For instance, in most countries, family law states a spouse’s statutory share of family property upon marriage divorce or annulment7. Similar to the case of marriage, once an individual had a child, the state would have a say in the child’s rights as far as the financial obligations of the parents were concerned. That is, the state set the terms and determined the limited circumstances under which one’s parental rights to a child could be surrendered. However, recent times have reported quite drastic changes with different countries permitting various types of private ordering in different family law situations and cases8. Examples of the area s in which private ordering is allowed in many a country in modern times include marital agreements, separation agreements, open adoption agreements, co-parenting agreements, premarital agreements, agreements9. In other words, currently, a lot of agreements are entered to help arbitrate in disputes if the above events occur. In modern society, people cohabiting or legally married often wish and decide to venture into financial agreements before or during their domestic lives. In general, such agreements are referred to as cohabitation agreements or domestic relationship agreements10. Similarly, upon terminating their domestic relationships for whatever reasons, people may resort to negotiate financial agreements, often called separation or termination agreements11. Private ordering thus refers to the attempts and activities by which parties to a domestic relationship who had entered a financial agreement order their financial affairs without seeking court interventions or solutions. This paper explores the changes and the limits to private ordering in family law, in the process discussing the nature and extent of the changes and their positive developments in a financial perspective. In this regard, the paper explores the role of private ordering in family law in an economic perspective. Historical Background The
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Story of Mary Magdalene
Story of Mary Magdalene A continued interest and associations with Mary Magdalene provided for further examination. The relevance of her time as a example of inspiration to all who still find their paths of sincerity and goodwill marked by scandal and controversy. The following personal journal entry may serve to clarify this interest. One of the most interesting and inspirational women of the bible, is Mary Magdalene. Her apparent dedication to Jesus despite ridicule, jealously and un-acceptance amongst his friends can be related to by many women throughout history. The importance of whether she was a prostitute, Jesus wife or both becomes less relevant than the conflicts she faced in her times and her steadfast dedication to Him, regardless of definition of relationship between and degree of intimacy expressed. Many women throughout history and today find themselves judged in societal situations in which they have to determine their dedication and faith within their relationship and would find Mary Magdalenes decisions and actions inspirational and reassuring to see that they are not alone in their situation. Mary Magdalenes influence and role in the bible seem to be one of the best influences in humanize Jesus. Showing us some the personal and emotional challenges that Jesus faced as a person and therefore having his life experience expressed in a way everyone, at some point in their lives can relate to. While the recount says that all of the disciples fled, out of fear, when Jesus was crucified, it is only Mary Magdalene that is recounted in all 4 versions of the Gospel to be near or by Jesus side during this horrific experience. Guess you know who your friends are when the chips are down. This brief recap of a previous journal entry was used to outline what is recognized as the most personally relevant stories of the bible and the observations regarding them. The following stories of Mary Magdalene from the bible are as powerful and relevant to the lives of many and in addition work to help me appreciate, understand and complete my initial observations. The following is taken from http://www.womeninthebible.net/2.2.Mary_Magdalene.htm Mary Magdalenes story is contained in four different events: Mary Magdalene as a disciple of Jesus (Luke 8:1-3) Mary is mentioned as the woman whom Jesus cured of an unspecified illness. She was expelled of seven different demons. The number seven may have been used to emphasize the severity of the illness. She led a group of women who provided for Jesus and his followers from their own financial resources. The following is quoted from http://www.biblebb.com/files/kss/kss-mmag.htm She was committed. MAR 8:34, 35 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. she had followed Him from Galilee, her home (Mat 27:55; MAR 15:41; LUK 23:49). LUK 23:49 But all those who knew him, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things. MAT 27:55, 56 Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedees sons. she cared for Jesus needs (MAT 27:55; MAR 15:41). MAT 27:55 Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedees sons. MAR 15:41 In Galilee these women had followed him and cared for his needs. Many other women who had come up with him to Jerusalem were also there. *she gave whatever she could to further Gods cause- This is a demonstration of Jesus acceptance of the independent woman. This was revolutionary in and of itself given the perceptions of woman of the times. Mary at the crucifixion (Mark 15:40-41, Luke 23:49, Matthew 27:55-56, John 19:25) In each of the four gospels of the crucifixion Mary was present, either standing at a distance with other women, or standing near the cross. Mary prepared Jesus body for burial (Luke 23:55-56, Matthew 27:61) Mary watched as Jesus body was sealed inside the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. She could confirm that he was really dead. She and the other women prepared the spices needed for proper burial of a body. Jewish tombs: Jews followed the custom of burial in natural and artificial caves. Generally only the rich used tombs, with the poor using pits, cisterns, caves, and earthen graves outside their cities. Tombs were located in gardens attached to homes, within city walls, on elevated sites, on hillsides, and in caves (natural and hand hewn). this information is from The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, vol. 5, pg.772. Prophets and kings were buried within the city limits; everyone else was buried outside the city limits. Wealthy tombs were often cut into rock, some containing several chambers. The entrance was closed by rolling around rolling-stone down an inclined plane in front of the mouth of the sepulcher. this information is from Manners and Customs of Bible Lands, by Fred H. Wright, Moody Press, co. 1953, pgs. 144,145. 4 Mary witnesses the resurrection (Mark 16:1-11, Luke 24:1-11, Matthew 28:1-10, John 20:1-18). Mary found that Jesus body was no longer in the tomb. She received a message from an angel and was the first person to see the risen Jesus. She was thus the first witness of the resurrection. The ethical cultural and political environment surrounding the people of this time played a strong influence on the interpretation of Mary Magdalenes life. Even with the stark contrast of todays environment of Middle America the relevance of interpretation of the power and influence of this women offers as an example for todays woman. The people of Jesus time lived in a state occupied by Roman rule, law and allegiance to Cesar, King of the Roman Empire. The Jewish state in this region was allowed certain amount of religious tolerance provided that legal and economic sanctions were upheld by the Jews with regard to Roman rule. The following quote is taken from http://www.womeninthebible.net/2.2.Mary_Magdalene.htm Greek philosophy was greatly admired at the time of Jesus, and it had a profound impact on the way that people saw their world. One of the greatest philosophers, Plato, proposed the theory of dualism, suggesting that everything in the cosmos had an equal and opposite other. This theory had a profound impact on the way that women were viewed, and it was not to womens advantage. Woman was placed in a category containing elements that were viewed as negative: Civilization was the ideal; Nature was mistrusted and potentially dangerous. Logic and reason were admired, and emotion was to be subordinated. Goodness was always preferable to evil. Light, especially in the pre-industrial world, was preferred to darkness These are examples only, but they show that Platonic dualism placed women in a negative category. They were seen as closer to the natural/animal world than men. By nature they were irrational and untrustworthy, and therefore unfit to make their own decisions and govern their own lives. They had to be looked after and controlled, never treated as equals. This differed from the traditional Jewish way of looking at the world, which saw all things in creation as integrated and complementary, rather than as opposites of each other. An example of this is the creation story of Eve, which relates that the first woman was created from a rib taken by God from Adams side, thereby suggesting that a man could never be fully complete unless he was in partnership with a woman. Jewish and Jewish/Christian women resisted the ideas of Platonic dualism, which patronized them and diminished their status. While Christianity remained a Jewish sect, the status ofwomen within the Christian communities was high. But as the ideas of Christianity moved out into the Gentile, Hellenised world, the first Christians found they had to use the Greek philosophical framework to explain their beliefs and be accepted.So Jesus original ideal of mutual respect between the sexes was watered down and changed. Women found they were given roles that were acceptable in the outside, Hellenistic culture. In doing so, the Christian church stepped back from the radical ideals of the first Jewish/Christians. The following excerpt was taken from http://www.watton.org/wftk/teaching/mary_magdalene.htm Jesus sees women as they were created equal reflectors of Gods image. God created us in his image we mirror a family resemblance of Him. 2 Cor.3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lords glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. This doesnt mean our physical nature but our spiritual and moral nature. We are able to communicate. We are creative, and that gives us joy and satisfaction. We experience emotions and feelings. We know the difference between right and wrong. We are responsible for our actions. Even though the original relationship between God and man was cut by the fall, God has pursued his children through the ages, sending his son Jesus so that we might be reconciled to God and become his sons and daughters. His image is reflected in us. Because of Jesus the image is brought back into focus so that his glory shines from the reflection. Jesus is in each one of us, you and me, and His glory shines out. This examination of Mary Magdalenes life and times has offered clarity in relating to those hardships and challenges and has served as an inspiration to women of all times. WORK CITED Biblical References have been noted as used throughout this document. http://www.womeninthebible.net/2.2.Mary_Magdalene.htm http://www.biblebb.com/files/kss/kss-mmag.htm http://www.biblebb.com/files/kss/kss-mmag.htm Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, vol. 5, pg.772. Manners and Customs of Bible Lands, by Fred H. Wright, Moody Press, co. 1953, pgs. 144,145. http://www.womeninthebible.net/2.2.Mary_Magdalene.htm http://www.watton.org/wftk/teaching/mary_magdalene.htm
Friday, October 25, 2019
Tempting Fate: Essay on The Monkeys Paw -- essays research papers
-Ildar- Tempting Fate The â€Å"Monkey’s Paw†reveals an intriguing story of destiny and death. The Theme challenges the classical ideas of destiny and fate. From the beginning of the story Mr. White denies the seriousness of the paw. When he says, â€Å"Well, why don’t you have three sir†, he is in a way mocking Morris and the criticalness of the paw. The effects of disturbing fate do not even occur to him at this point and his intrigue and human greed override his judgment. â€Å"If you don’t want it, Morris, give it to me†, Mr. White had said after Morris threw the paw in the fire. This is where Mr. White made his first mistake. Mrs. White on the other hand manages to keep a cool head in the beginning and is apprehensive of the paw. She originally senses the danger that the paw poses but doesn’t make much of it and actually encourages Mr. White to use the paw. Mr. White’s first wish was a simple one as he thought. â€Å"I wish for two hundred pounds,†he had uttered so easily thinking that this was as straightforward of a wish as there could be. Little did he know that tempting fate in such a way had serious consequences. At this point in the story the writer foreshadows the grim events that follow when Herbert says, â€Å"Well, I don’t see the money, and I bet I never shall†. Ironically Herbert is correct. The twist of the story revealed itself when Mrs. White opened the door to receive her money. The visitor from Maw and Meggins delivered the bad new of their sons untimely death, â€Å"He was ca...
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